After a while, we came to Magnolia during the cherry blossom season. On the way to the guild, Xiao Yang met Natsu and others who were ready to go. Xiao Yang asked curiously,”What mission have you accepted?”

Gray:”We accepted a commission to find a kind of herb in the snowy mountains. I heard that the herb can be used to make tea, and it can also be put in cakes to make the cakes more delicious. The most important thing is that after eating the herb, the magic power of the wizard can be temporarily increased.”

“So many functions! You can pick some for me as well.”

Gray nodded. Habby asked doubtfully:”Xiaoyang, don’t you think this herb is suspicious? It has so many functions. As the saying goes, delicious fish is usually poisonous.”

Elsa pointed out Habby’s mistake behind his back,”The correct way to say it should be that there must be fraud behind nice words.”

“Σ(oДoWow! Elsa actually complained about it”.

Xiao Yang smiled and said:”The world is so big that there may be such a perfect herb. As for the poison, there is Cobra, the poisonous dragon slayer wizard in the guild, so what are you afraid of”043″”.

Xiao Yang suddenly remembered the characteristics of the plants he had brushed yesterday and added:”By the way, Gray, since the herbs are picked from the snowy mountains, remember to store them in the ice box after picking, otherwise the herbs may die due to sudden exposure to low temperatures”.

Gray:”Ah? Okay, I get it”.

Xiao Yang was about to leave, but suddenly found that Lucy and Wendy were wearing summer clothes when they went to the snowy mountains. He asked puzzledly:

“You two are wearing suspenders and short skirts to go to the snowy mountains. Aren’t you afraid of catching a cold?”

Lucy finally realized:”Σ(O△O )Oh, yeah, last time I went into the snowy mountains with Natsu, I almost froze to death. This time, Gray and the others didn’t even change clothes, and I completely forgot about it. I’m screwed (holding my head), I didn’t have time to get some clothes (painful face))”

“Why do you want to compare yourself with the wizard of ice and fire? I have some down jackets and cotton pants to keep you warm. You two can wear them first. Do you want any, Elsa?”

Xiao Yang took out three beige down jackets and cotton pants.

Lucy and Wendy thanked him and took the clothes. Elsa shook her head and said,”Don’t worry, this little snow will not affect me. We are leaving. See you later.”

After that, everyone waved to Xiao Yang and left.

Xiao Yang came to the guild soon. He saw Makarov standing on the counter with his arms folded and shouted:

“Listen to me, everyone. As a wizard, you must not be lazy in your daily training and tempering. There are unexpected changes in the weather. There will be rainy days after sunny days. Sometimes you can complete the work without any effort, but sometimes you need to do your best to complete the work.”

“But no matter what the result is, tomorrow will still come, and as wizards we still have to move forward bravely. Only in this way can we be the wizards of Fairy Tail.”

“” Everyone, thank you for your hard work this year. To reward everyone for your hard work, the guild will hold a highly anticipated cherry blossom viewing event tomorrow.”

Makarov showed an intoxicated look on his face when he said this.

The people below also cheered.

Mira looked at the excited people and said,”Everyone, the cherry blossom viewing event will be held tomorrow, so don’t get drunk in advance.”

Kana was holding a wine barrel with a red face. She said vaguely,”What? It’s just a cherry blossom viewing event. Why do we have to drink so much (burp), aren’t you too excited (burp)?)”

After saying that, Kana picked up the wine barrel that was as tall as a person and poured it into her mouth.

Makao crossed his arms and complained:”You are the least qualified person to say this, your burp is so loud that people outside the guild can hear it.”

Wakaba lay on the table, supported his head with one hand and smiled:”Who told us to be like watching cherry blossoms all year round?”

Uru looked at everyone’s performance and asked curiously:”Xiaoyang, why are all the people in the guild so excited? It’s just a party to watch cherry blossoms.”

Cobra covered his ears and frowned:”Yes, fortunately I learned the magic that can adjust the volume of sound two days ago, otherwise my head would explode immediately with the current noise level of the guild.”

Xiaoyang explained to the two:”Because everyone doesn’t go to work at this time, they get together to eat, drink and have fun with friends, and enjoy the beautiful scenery together, so they are so excited.”

Richard nodded when he heard this:”Yes, yes, it’s the best to be with friends and relatives and be lively, nothing can compare to it.”

At this point, Richard hugged Wally beside him, and an inexplicable sense of joy surged in his heart.

Daphne ate the food in her hand:”Come on, come on, there are some things I don’t quite understand, but now everyone in the guild is very excited. It has been several days since anyone helped me test the newly invented machine.”

Xiaoyang:”Daphne, you haven’t had a good time for a long time, and you guys can relax this time. You know that relaxation will be more efficient. Believe me, after this time, you will definitely like the Cherry Blossom Viewing Conference”

“Have fun? It seems like I haven’t had fun since I started doing research.”

Daphne’s expression changed to a nostalgic one, and then she showed a happy look on her face. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

“In this case, I will let everyone see the power of a genius magician like me. I have thought of something fun that will surely shock everyone. I will go make it first.”

After saying that, Daphne could not wait to run to her research room to invent something.

“This is too hasty, and one thing comes to mind at any time.”

Kongno looked at Xiaoyang:”Master Yangming, do we need to prepare anything for this cherry blossom viewing party?”

Xiaoyang shook his head:”Nothing is needed, as long as people are here, the guild will prepare food, drinks and other things.”….

“However, some people will make their own desserts and special dishes and bring them to the Cherry Blossom Viewing Convention to share with everyone. It depends on your own ideas and just do what you like.” A thoughtful look appeared on Sora’s face:”As for desserts! We still have one day today, and I can study during this time. It will definitely be great to share them with Lord Yang Ming then.”

Thinking of this, she hurriedly stood up:”Lord Yang Ming, I also have something to do, so I’ll leave first. See you at the Cherry Blossom Viewing Convention tomorrow!”

Sora also left

“(;一一)? Why did you run away in the middle of the conversation? Where is Gerald? Didn’t he say he had something for me yesterday?”

Uru said casually with a French fry in his hand:”Because the Council had something urgent, so he went to deal with it.”

Xiaoyang looked puzzled:”Since the Council had something to do, why are you still in the guild, Uru.”

Hearing Xiaoyang’s words, Uru was like an employee caught slacking off by her boss. She hurriedly explained:

“()”Ahahaha, well, this matter is not my business, that’s Gerard’s responsibility, it has nothing to do with me.”

She whistled and turned her head to the side.[]

[Oops, I forgot I was also in the Council. Now Xiao Yang will know that I didn’t go either. You know, I finally coaxed Gerard to go to work alone. If Xiao Yang knew, my rest plan would be ruined. If I had known, I would not have gone to the Paradise Tower. What about becoming a rich and beautiful woman and reaching the peak of life? That’s all Xiao Yang’s lies.

“Oh, really? Why do I feel so doubtful?”

Ulu patted his chest and looked at him with”sincere” eyes.

“Of course it’s true, I’m the lazy 2.0 type! Look at my sincere eyes.”

“- -Wulu, when you look at me with that”sincere” (emphasis added) look, can you please stop stuttering? I really want to believe you, really.”

Seeing that Xiaoyang was about to expose her, Wulu quickly took out her cell phone from her pocket and pretended to check the time. After checking it, she slapped her thigh:

“”It’s over, it’s time. Gray asked me to help him train before, but I didn’t expect it to be so late now. I’m leaving first.”

She ran away in a hurry before Xiao Yang could reply.

“(; 一一) Gray and the others have already gone on the mission, why don’t you think of a better excuse”.

After a while, Elsa and the others returned to the guild. Gray handed the ice box in his hand to Xiaoyang. Xiaoyang took it and teased:”Hey, Gray, how is the training of Uru?”

Gray listened to his words with a puzzled look:”What do you mean by how is the training of Uru? Xiaoyang, what are you talking about?”

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