Everyone followed Daphne to the basement, which was filled with green-skinned lizardmen. She introduced them excitedly:

“Come on, these are the artificial life forms I created. They have an automatic matching mechanism. When they encounter an enemy, they will automatically use magic similar to that of the enemy.”

“Over the years, I have collected a lot of information about wizards. As long as I collect enough information, I can make more interesting things.”

Daphne showed a proud look on her face. Xiaoyang walked up and touched the body of one of the lizardmen:”Very interesting, can they absorb the enemy’s magic power while fighting with the enemy?”

Daphne immediately took out a notebook and started writing:”Come on, this is a great idea. Our side is getting stronger and the enemy is getting weaker. In the end, the enemy is exhausted and dies. Well! It’s wonderful.”

Because of being too excited, Daphne’s face also had a physiological blush.

Then Daphne led everyone to the second underground floor, and a giant green dragon appeared in front of everyone.

Daphne proudly introduced her work to everyone:

“This is the artificial dragon I made based on the dragon I saw before. Unfortunately, it cannot be activated due to lack of magic power. I was originally planning to extract Natsu Dragneel’s magic power. What a pity!”-

Although she said it was a pity, Daphne still looked at Natsu with enthusiasm, her eyes were like a hunter looking at his prey.

Feeling Daphne’s eyes, Natsu raised his fist and shouted:”Hey, that woman, don’t look at me like that, be careful or I will beat you up.”

Xiaoyang listened to Daphne’s words and thought for a while, then took out a white magic crystal the size of an egg from the space and threw it to Natsu.

“Natsu, input your magic power into the magic crystal.”

Natsu took the magic crystal and input magic power. He looked at the magic crystal which was slowly turning red and asked:”Xiaoyang, what is this?”

“Magical spirit power”.

Harpy: Σ(o△O )What

“Why does this name sound so familiar?” Natsu thought about the origin of this thing in his mind.

Happy said in a trembling voice:”Stupid Natsu, this is the magic that Gerald mentioned in the Tower of Paradise before, which can destroy a town.”

Natsu suddenly realized:”Yes, the magic that can destroy a town with one blow! (Screaming)”

Natsu’s voice became louder, and the expression on his face turned into fear. He subconsciously threw the magic crystal in his hand away.

Happy’s face turned pale with fear after seeing it:”Σ(oДoNatsu!! What are you doing? If this thing explodes, we will all be dead.”

Natsu’s mind was blank. What was happening now was beyond the scope of his brain. He looked at the magic crystal in the air and a puff of white smoke gradually floated out of his head.

Happy’s eyes widened:”o O! Natsu’s head is about to burn!”

Xiaoyang smiled and threw the magic crystal floating in the air to Daphne. Daphne took the magic crystal with trembling hands, her face pale.

Xiaoyang explained:”Don’t worry, this magic crystal is very stable now and will not explode easily. Not only that, it has some other functions. It can absorb and assimilate all magic power. In other words, this magic crystal is now a small Fire Dragon Slayer Magic Crystal.”

“However, although it can absorb magic of all attributes, it will be detonated by magic without attributes and become a bomb that can destroy a town.”

Natsu’s eyes sparkled when he heard this:”Great, so powerful, so strong! This attack will definitely defeat Gray.”

Happy wiped the sweat from his head:”Natsu, do you want to kill Gray?”

Daphne raised the magic crystal in her hand above her head and looked at it as if she were looking at a divine weapon.

“Dragon Slayer Crystal, ah! It’s so wonderful,” Daphne showed an intoxicated look on her face.

“You can also sign a contract with me, after signing the contract I can give you the magic of an ancient document.”

Daphne was a little confused:”Come on, what is an ancient document??”

“Ancient books are large libraries, and they contain a lot of magical knowledge.”

When Daphne heard the introduction of the ancient books, she was like Big Gray Wolf seeing Lazy Sheep, her eyes lit up,”Magic, magic information! How much is it?”

Xiao Yang spread his hands,”I’m not sure, but I know there are a lot of lost magic in it.”

“Lost, lost magic! Doesn’t that mean that all the information is at my disposal, and I will be the greatest magic scientist in the world.”

Daphne’s eyes turned red, and she panted and walked a few steps to Xiaoyang and shouted:

“How can I sign a contract with you? I will agree to any conditions.”

Xiao Yang looked at Daphne’s fanatical eyes and felt that she was like a mad scientist.

“Join my guild, abide by the guild rules and do not hurt others at will. Of course, it doesn’t matter if they are enemies.”

Daphne’s head was like a pile driver, nodding quickly.

“No problem, I’ll join your guild, right? I get it. The second one is also easy to do, here comes the Lost Magic!”

At this time, Happy complained,”Natsu, this Daphne hasn’t used the colloquialism of ‘come come come’ since she heard the ancient text. She’s so snobbish, haha.””

(Daphne took out a sausage from behind and stuffed it into Habby’s mouth at a speed that Habby couldn’t react to.

Habby chewed the food subconsciously. When his tongue touched the taste of the sausage, his face instantly turned from blue to green. Habby quickly took the thing out and vomited on the spot. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

“Ugh! Good, so disgusting.”

Daphne grinned:”Hehe, this is celery flavor which is not difficult to digest. Kitty, sometimes you can’t say anything careless, maybe the food you eat in the future will become like this taste.”

After hearing this, Habby shuddered and apologized quickly:”Oh, I’m sorry, I know I was wrong.”

After Xiaoyang signed a contract with Daphne, she obtained the ancient book magic as she wished. Everyone slowly walked towards the guild. On the way, Daphne was reading the ancient book. Xiaoyang reminded:”Don’t read it on the way, be careful not to fall. There will be plenty of time to read in the future.””[]

Maybe because no one had taught her a lesson for a long time, Daphne was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said,”Come on, it’s okay, but, um~ I should call you Xiaoyang, right? Xiaoyang, what are the math, chemistry and physics here?”

“Oh, these three are…???”

Xiao Yang couldn’t believe what he heard and asked quickly,”How do you know these three things?”

Daphne pointed to the ancient book in front of her and said,”These three books are in here. Any questions?”

“System, system, why are there mathematics, physics and chemistry in the ancient documents? Shouldn’t this magic only have information about the Fairy Tail world?”

【This ancient book is an advanced version. It contains a lot of knowledge that the host has read and learned, including mathematics, physics and chemistry. Moreover, after using the ancient book, you can instantly get the data of other people’s magic just by looking at it.】

“Isn’t this an alternative identification? But according to what you said, these three things don’t seem to be useful. After all, I have learned and seen them. I have never passed physics and chemistry, let alone mathematics.”

Xiaoyang turned to Daphne and said,”Those are knowledge from another world. You can learn them slowly.”

“Another, another world” x5

Daphne looked at the ancient book with a perverted look on her face, and some shiny things slowly flowed out of the corners of her mouth.

Habby saw it with sharp eyes:”Ah, Daphne is drooling.”

Daphne glared at him immediately after hearing it:”Celery.”

Habby heard these two words and immediately thought of the taste in his mouth just now. He quickly covered his mouth and shook his head frantically

“Okay, I’ve given you everything. If you want to fight or do experiments, you can ask the people in the guild who like to fight for help. They will definitely be happy to help.”

Daphne fantasized about the future:”Come on, come on, okay, with this magic I can make things that are many times more powerful than before, it’s exciting to think about it.”

During the conversation, Xiaoyang and the others came to the guild. After Xiaoyang introduced Daphne to everyone, she officially joined the guild. With new people joining the guild, it is natural to hold a party.

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