A week later, Xiao Yang was sitting at the counter of the guild eating fairy ramen. Not far away, Happy was showing off his newly learned magic to Xia Lulu.

Xiao Yang looked at the egg yolk-sized flame in Happy’s hand and asked curiously,”Natsu, Happy actually learned fire magic! How did he learn it?”

Natsu was originally chatting happily with Elfman, but his face drooped instantly when he heard this question.

“Don’t mention Xiaoyang. Habby worked hard from morning till night for a week to make such a small fire. The energy consumed was totally inconsistent with the result. It was a waste of so much time.”

“I should have taught Harpy how to make a fire. I don’t know who gave me such a stupid idea. It seems that there is no hope for Harpy to help me defeat Gray.”

Not far away, Lucy and Harpy sneezed together.

“A little fire is better than no fire, which means that Happy’s talent is not here. You should work hard to improve yourself.”

Natsu nodded helplessly, and then a puzzled expression appeared on his face:”Wait, I haven’t seen Gray for a long time, Xiaoyang, have you seen him during this period?”

Hearing this, Xiaoyang glanced up subconsciously, recalling what happened a few days ago in his mind.

“I haven’t seen him in a long time. He hasn’t come to the guild.”

As soon as the two finished talking, Gray walked into the guild gate and came in front of them. He looked serious:

“Natsu, I heard that someone who has seen a dragon has come to this city.”

Natsu’s face was solemn when he heard the news about the dragon:”Is the dragon you are talking about Igneel?”

Gray shook his head:”I don’t know about this.”

“Have you seen the man who claimed to have seen a dragon?”

Gray spread his hands,”No, I heard from others in the city that a guy named Daphne boasted to others that she had seen a dragon. It is said that she not only saw it, but also encountered it recently.”

Hearing that someone had encountered a dragon, Natsu hurriedly asked,”Where is that person??”

“I heard that she is in a hotel called Les in the wasteland in the west.

After getting the clear address, Natsu hurried out. Wendy thought for a few seconds and followed him.

Gray was thinking about the consequences of this matter. Finally, he turned his head and looked at Xiaoyang.

“Xiaoyang, can you come over here for a moment?.?”

“What’s the matter?” Xiaoyang followed Gray to the corner, and Gray told him about the Silent Town.

After hearing the cause of the incident, Xiaoyang concluded:”That is to say, when Natsu was a child, he promised to save other people’s towns, but he forgot about it after he promised. You want Natsu and the culprit Daphne to learn a lesson.”

Gray nodded:”Originally, I planned to do it myself, but I didn’t know Daphne’s methods, so I came to ask for your opinion.”

A blue water divination plate appeared in Xiaoyang’s hand. Three minutes later, words appeared in the center of the water divination plate. He looked at the words on the water divination plate, and his originally vague memory gradually became clear.

Xiaoyang put away the water divination plate:”If Daphne catches Natsu, it will be very troublesome. I will deal with this matter. I am quite interested in this Daphne.”

Gray heard this and a relieved smile appeared on his face:”Okay, then this matter will be left to you.”

Xiaoyang spread his wings and followed the navigation to catch up with Natsu and others.

After a group of people arrived at the hotel, they went directly to the top floor according to Xiaoyang’s instructions. After reaching the top floor, everyone found that there was only one room that looked very strange.

Xiaoyang looked at the room and complained:”If this was a horror movie, I would definitely not go in. Instead, I would burn it down.”

Natsu:”I also think this room is very suspicious no matter how you look at it. What on earth are the people in it thinking?”

After that, he put his hand to his mouth in a trumpet shape and shouted:”Hey, is anyone in there?”

Just after he shouted, a woman’s voice came from inside:”I’m coming.”

Natsu was delighted to hear this voice:”Open the door quickly, you must be Daphne.”

The door opened a crack, and a bespectacled girl with a white cat hat on her head appeared:”Yes, I am indeed Daphne.”

After she finished speaking, she took a bite of the food in her hand that looked like a sausage. (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Natsu looked at Daphne with a surprised expression on her face:”You are Daphne, I have something to ask you.”

Hearing that this person had something to ask her, Daphne showed a professional smile on her face, and she pushed open the door

“Come on, come on, you have something to ask me, right? Please come in, please come in quickly.”

As the door opened, a red magic circle suddenly appeared under the feet of Natsu and others. This magic circle was like an automatic elevator, sending everyone into the door.

Happy shouted in surprise:”Wow! My body automatically walked away!””[]

Xia Lulu:”No, it should be this magic circle that is holding us inside.”

The room was dark, and many fireworks suddenly appeared in the sky. Daphne stood high up and introduced herself to everyone:

“”Come, come, I’m a traveling beauty preacher, my name is Daphne, but the beauty I’m talking about is not the moldy mold, but the beauty of beauty, the beauty of beauty.”

Daphne said as she struck various poses on the booth. As soon as she introduced herself, two cat dolls holding bouquets appeared at the side, and they handed the bouquets to Daphne as if they had seen an idol.

Natsu and the others who experienced this scene for the first time were completely stunned, their mouths opened so wide that a fist could fit in.

Daphne threw the bouquet away and took out a box from behind her:”Come, come, what I have What they are selling is this dreamy slimming food you see, and its name is Easy Metabolism.

When Habby heard the name, he showed a panic expression on his face:”Poor metabolism?”

At the same time, he saw himself getting fat from eating too much fish in his mind.

Daphne heard that the product she was proud of was mispronounced, and she pointed at the stupid cat angrily and shouted:”You over there, don’t mispronounce this name.”

A beam of light suddenly appeared in the air and shone on Habby, and Habby’s body trembled with fear.

Daphne took out a food similar to ham sausage and introduced it to everyone:

“It’s not a poor metabolism, it’s an easy metabolism. This is a miracle food that I invented after years of continuous research. It is made by soaking a detoxifying marine product in a secret potion for three days and three nights, and then drying it in the sun for a week.……”, Daphne stopped talking and pointed at Habby.

Another beam of light shone on Habby, and Habby said hurriedly:”Dream weight loss food, easy metabolism~ (loud voice)”.

Daphne squatted down with a box of food and looked at Habby with a smile.

“You are right this time, little kitty, I am very happy, this is a sample for you”.

Habby held the sample in his hand and was a little speechless:”But, but I (Li Wang Zhao) don’t have poor metabolism”.

Daphne gave one to everyone,”Come on, this is delicious, you can try it, just one bite will have a whitening effect, two bites will make your stomach shrink”.

Xiaoyang took a bite of the grilled sausage in his hand and found that it tasted like ham. In addition, there was a faint smell of seafood. Is it because of the products from the sea?

“Daphne, your product is delicious. Does it have other flavors?”

Daphne’s eyes lit up when she heard someone praising her product:”Come on, come on, how did you know this cat has other flavors? You have good taste.”

“”Yes, if your product is really effective, I, Wang Duoyu, will invest in this project.” Xiaoyang waved his hand, looking like a nouveau riche.

Habib was puzzled:”Xiaoyang, when did you change your name?”

Daphne looked at Xiaoyang as if she were a big customer. She was about to continue talking when she was interrupted loudly by Natsu who was trying hard to interrupt but couldn’t.

“Wait, stop talking to me about your food, I want to ask about dragons”

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