After everyone returned to the guild, Elsa introduced the new members to the guild members. Xiaoyang flew to the counter and asked for some food and juice. Lisa first gave him a glass of juice, and then took out some snacks from behind and placed them in front of him.

“Xiaoyang, this is a new snack that was released some time ago. I think it suits your taste, so I bought some for you.” Lisa looked at Xiaoyang with a smile.

“Thank you, Lisa.”

Xiao Yang picked up one of them and put it in his mouth. After swallowing the food, he gave a thumbs up and said,”It’s delicious. Lisa has a great taste.””

“Hehe, as long as it tastes good, Xiaoyang, the dish you asked for will be ready soon, I’ll go and take a look”.

Lisa was obviously much happier when she heard this answer, and she trotted briskly to the kitchen.

At this time, Makarov came to Xiaoyang quietly, and asked for a beer in a pretentious manner. While waiting for the beer, he leaned close to Xiaoyang’s ear and whispered:”Xiaoyang, why do two of the new members you brought back look so much like the Six Demon Generals?”

Xiaoyang took a sip of juice and said calmly:”Not two, there are actually three members of the Six Demon Generals there”

“What, what?” Makarov was frightened by this sentence, his eyes almost popped out.

Everyone looked over when they heard the president’s exclamation. Makarov waved his hand to show that it was okay. Then he lowered his voice and said:”Although, although I am very happy that three powerful people have joined, what about the Council? You know, the three of them are wanted criminals.”

Makarov did not refuse the joining of Cobra and others, because he believed that the children already had the ability to distinguish between good and evil.

“It’s okay, as long as they are stamped with the guild emblem, no one will think they are wanted criminals.”

Makarov scratched his bald head and asked uncertainly:”Is it? Is it? The guild emblem has this function, how come I never knew about it? By the way, I don’t think I have stamped the emblem on a wanted criminal, Xiaoyang, how did you know??”

“Because I added this function,” Xiao Yang said while taking the food from Lisa.

“o O What? You added it? Where did you get it?……(“; 一一) Forget it, I’m so stupid. This is not the first time you have a new ability. In this case, let’s get them to stamp it, otherwise I will have to write a self-criticism again if the Council investigates.”

Makarov quickly called the five people to stamp it. After stamping, Makarov’s expression was visibly relaxed. Then he carefully observed the new members. After a while, he came to Xiaoyang again

“Xiaoyang, are you sure it will work? How come I still remember that these people are wanted criminals?”

Xiaoyang chewed the food in his mouth calmly, and slowly swallowed the food in his mouth under Makarov’s expression of”hurry up and tell me”.

“Of course you know what I told you about this, don’t worry, you will be fine, and besides, we have three of our own people in the Council now, what are you afraid of”.

Makarov touched his head and smiled embarrassedly:”This, this is not a habit, by the way, I haven’t written a self-criticism for a long time since Gerald and others came to the Council, this feeling is really great”.

Makarov became happier and happier as he spoke, and at the end he showed a rampant smile on his face and ran to the side to drink.

At this moment, the door of the guild was opened, and Millianna and the other two walked into the guild. Xiaoyang said to Richard:”Richard, Wally is back, the one wearing sunglasses over there”.

When Richard heard that his brother was back, he ran to the door in a few steps and hugged Wally tightly. He felt the body temperature of the person in his arms and tears of excitement flowed from his eyes.

“Ah! My dear brother, we finally meet”.

After a few seconds of silence in the guild, a huge voice broke out:”What, brother”.

Kana stopped drinking and curiously joined the crowd to watch the fun:”Wally actually has a brother, why haven’t I heard him say that before”.

Macao:”Their faces are indeed similar”.

Wakaba looked at the two of them carefully:”What you said is true, they both have polygonal square faces”.

Lucy:”Generally, we should judge relatives by their appearance”.

Wally was a little distracted when he heard the word brother. After he came to his senses, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes:”Are you really my brother?”

Richard told his brother the previous story of Potato with tears in his eyes. Wally was very excited after listening to it. He hugged his relatives tightly:”Brother brother, haha, I finally have a brother again”.

The expressions on Millianna and Xio’s faces changed from surprise at the beginning to blessings, and then the two of them silently stepped aside, leaving the space for the two brothers.

Xiaoyang:”Cobra, let Qiuberios out and let her stamp a coat of arms too.”

Cobra was stunned:”Can Qiuberios also be stamped?”

“Of course, we are all companions, right?” (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Cobra’s eyes became moist when he heard this, and he called out Qiuberios. After Qiuberios came out, he turned into a human and threw himself into his arms,”Wow, Cobra, I missed you so much. Is there something wrong that you woke me up suddenly?”

Everyone in the guild was shocked when they saw this scene:”Snake, the snake turned into a human.”

It took less than three seconds for everyone to accept this setting.

“Xiaoyang can also turn into a human, so a snake should be able to do so too.”

“Besides, our guild has three talking cats, so it seems possible for snakes to transform into humans.”[]

Lucy looked at the stamped Qiuberios and suddenly realized:”Ah! I said that I seemed to have forgotten something. I didn’t see her on the ship before!”

Xiaoyang explained:”This is a special ability that he awakened after signing the contract with Cobra. He can receive Qiuberios in his body.”

“I also gave them a book on raising beasts. This skill can let Qiuberios switch back and forth between humans and snakes at will. In addition, when Cobra’s magic power is improved, Qiuberios’s magic power will also be improved.”

Hearing this, Natsu asked excitedly:”Then can I learn this skill? After I learn it, Happy can fight with me.”

Xiaoyang thought for a while and replied:”Of course, you can, but Qiuberios already has the ability to fight. In addition, she can spit out toxins to cooperate with Cobra’s poisonous dragon-slaying magic”

“Happy can only fly. Even if you use this skill, it can only enhance his own strength and make his flying time longer.”

Lucy heard this and shouted in her heart:”Opportunity!! I still remember how Happy tricked me last time. This is a good opportunity to make Happy suffer… and learn new magic. If I don’t teach Happy a lesson, I won’t be called Lucy.

With a bright smile on her face, Lucy said casually:”Yes, Natsu, Qiuberios can also spray poison~, so Cobra can eat it whenever he wants, but it’s a pity that Happy can’t spit fire, otherwise you can eat fire anytime.”

At the same time, Happy, who was courting Xia Lulu on the other side, shuddered. He Suddenly, he had a bad feeling.

Natsu said regretfully,”Yeah, what a pity.”

Lucy clapped her hands and shouted,”Oh, right, you can let Happy learn it. Since Xiaoyang can generate electricity, there is no reason why Happy can’t use fire, right? Imagine that you and Gray are fighting, and you are both exhausted at the same time. At this time, Happy suddenly appears and gives you a fire. You are instantly full of strength and easily knock Gray down.”

The scene described by Lucy appeared in Natsu’s mind, and his eyes slowly lit up,”Yes, Xiaoyang can use electricity, there is no reason why Happy can’t use fire. By then, Gray will kneel down and say that Lord Natsu is the strongest, hahaha, where is Hobbit 010? Let’s go train together now.”

(*▽)Success, Lucy tried hard to suppress the joy in her heart, she put on a worried expression on her face

“Natsu, please don’t push Happy too hard. At most, he can’t beat Gray. He can’t beat Gray (emphasized tone))”

When Natsu heard this, he immediately got angry. He stood up, walked to Happy, grabbed him and ran away.

“Let’s go, Happy, let’s go train. I will definitely beat Gray this time.”

Looking at Xia Lulu who was getting farther and farther away, Happy’s face was full of despair. He made the Erkang hand gesture:”Wait a minute, Xia Lulu, why did you drag me away after you defeated Gray, you can just go train by yourself.”

Natsu smiled and said to Happy,”Of course I have to train you. Believe me, Happy, you will definitely become stronger than Xiaoyang, so that Gray can’t beat me.”

When Happy heard this, his heart tightened, and his eyes went dark. He forced a smile:

“Hey, Natsu likes to joke around. Put me down now. How can I compete with Xiaoyang? Xia Lulu is still waiting for me.”

“If Xiaoyang can use electricity, you can definitely learn to use fire. Then we can kill each other.”

“O What, what! Use fire!?”Happy was too frightened. He didn’t expect that Natsu would come up with such a stupid idea.

“”No~No~Ah, Xia Lulu” Happy’s limbs fluttered wildly, he tried to break free from Natsu’s hand and wanted to go back to the person he loved.

Looking at Happy getting farther and farther away, Lucy couldn’t hide the joy in her heart. She clenched her fists, and her face was full of the pleasure of revenge.

“Yes, harpy, you have come to this day, ah! I finally felt the same feeling as last time harpy sat on the branch, it was so cool”

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