Soon it was time for the beauty pageant. As soon as Xiao Yang walked out of the house, he heard Lucy’s voice not far away:

“The Fairy Lady Selection is about to begin. My rent is coming.”

Xiao Yang turned his head to the left and found Lucy running towards the guild at a very fast speed. Her hair was messy, as if she had just woken up. When she arrived at the guild, Xiao Yang found that the door was open. There were a lot of people inside. The host on the stage spoke:

“Hello everyone, sorry to have kept you waiting. The beautiful fairies are competing for beauty. The Fairy Miss Selection is about to begin. I, the Sand Wizard Max, will be the host.”

Max pointed his finger towards the stage.

“Contestant No. 1, an exotic beauty with an extra-dimensional stomach, Kana Alberona.

Kana on the stage put her right hand on her waist and her left hand on her head, posing a very sexy pose.

Max said,”Next is the time for magic promotion.”

As the host finished speaking, a stack of cards appeared in Kana’s hand. These cards flew up and began to rotate around her body. A green light flashed, and Kana’s clothes turned into a swimsuit. She smiled in a sexy voice,”I’ll take the money for the wine.” The second contestant was Juvia, who conjured a beach and a swimsuit on the stage.

“Contestant No. 3, the guild’s proud signature girl, whose beauty makes the whole continent fall at her feet, Miraje Strauss.

Mira smiled and greeted everyone on the stage:”Because I am good at receiving magic, so I perform receiving.”

After Mira finished speaking, a black light flashed, and the gentle Mira disappeared. In her place was Mira who received the soul of Satan, holding a whip in her hand.

She hit the whip hard on the ground, and the whip made a”crackling” sound when it touched the wooden floor.

“Call me Queen”.

Mira raised her head and showed an evil smile. Her pink tongue licked her lips. Her lips were moist and red, like a delicious jelly, making people salivate.

Lucy, who was neatly dressed at the back of the stage, saw this scene and smiled evilly.

“Hehe, Miss Mira has definitely changed from her previous image. I’m here for 500,000.”

The audience below was stunned for a moment, and then burst into a huge voice.

“Her Majesty”

“Ah, whip me, I am Queen Mira’s servant”

“Miss Mira, I love you forever!”

“o O You must be kidding me!” Lucy couldn’t believe what she heard.

Contestant number four was Elsa. Elsa used dress-up magic and wore a Gothic Lolita style outfit, which was completely different from her previous style and caused everyone to cheer.

“Contestant No. 5, the creator of stone statues and beauty, Alba Green.

Alba Green walked slowly from the back of the stage, holding a fan in her hand, covering half of her face, and shouted loudly:

“Fairy refers to me, beauty refers to me, yes, I am the woman who represents all of these, and the title of Fairy Queen also belongs to me, tremble Elsa.”

Alba Green spread the”wings” behind her and flew in the air

【[Goblin Bomb Little Goblin]

Many dense golden light spots appeared in the sky, floating in the air like starlight. With a”bang”, all the light spots exploded, like a grand fireworks show.

These exploding light spots illuminated Alba Green like a real goblin. She landed on the ground and said proudly:

“I am the incarnation of the fairy, and the title of the Fairy Queen is mine. (Oh, hoo, hoo, hoo)

At first, the people below were still cheering, until Alba Green’s laughter appeared. This proud laughter instantly broke the image of beauty she had created before.

Contestant No. 6, Rebby, and contestant No. 7, Bisca, also won cheers from the audience below.

“Contestant No. 8, our super rookie, her brilliance is guided by the stars, Lucy Ha……”(To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

When Max said this, Lucy ran out and interrupted him.

“Don’t tell me my last name.”

[If the audience knew about my father’s affairs, I would not be able to get my 500,000 yuan.

Lucy smiled awkwardly and waved to the audience below.

Max was stunned for a moment, but with his professional host’s qualities, he quickly returned to his previous state.[]

“Okay, now let’s get into the promotion time.”

“Next, I will bring you some impromptu dances, I hope you like them.”

After Lucy finished speaking, she took out the key and began to summon the Celestial Spirit.

【Open the door of Lyra, Lila]

A flash of light passed, and a girl with wings on her back and a harp in her hand appeared on the stage.

Lucy glanced at the girl,”Lila, follow the plan we agreed on before.”

Lila nodded and played the harp in her hand.

A joyful tune sounded, and Lucy also began her dance performance. She tied a high ponytail and wore a youthful cheerleading outfit.

Since the previous few people were all sexy performances, Lucy’s performance was like a light porridge and a small dish among the big fish and meat, which made people’s eyes bright.

When the song was about to end, a huge light burst out from Lucy, and her original cheerleading clothes disappeared, replaced by a black sexy leather jacket.

Lucy’s hair also changed from the original high ponytail to long hair. After her image changed, the song also changed its attributes. Now it was playing a pure music that sounded very exciting.

Lucy stepped heavily on the ground with her left foot, and two black shadow ninjas slowly emerged from her shadow. They took a chair and put it in front of Lucy.

A hoarse and sexy song came out of Lucy’s mouth. She sang and walked slowly towards the chair. Lucy’s footsteps were very loud. Although it was just a few short steps, it instantly attracted everyone’s attention. Everyone’s attention was focused on her two slender thighs.

She raised her left leg and straddled the chair. The snow-white long legs were illuminated by the light and looked even whiter, like the finest jade, making people want to touch them.

Then she jumped up and sat on the chair. At the moment she sat down, Lucy tilted her head back and looked at the men below with a dazed look.

Seeing this rabbit-like look, the men below subconsciously swallowed their saliva.

“The sound of”Gurgle Gurgle” kept echoing in the guild.

Hearing these sounds, Lucy showed a satisfied look in her eyes, and stood up to continue dancing.

It was obviously a two-minute dance, but the people below felt that it was particularly fast. When it reached the climax, a black shadow army suddenly appeared in front of Lucy.

She stretched out a finger and placed it on the ninja’s forehead, sliding it slowly from the forehead to the abdomen as if caressing her lover. After reaching the abdomen, Lucy turned her head and looked at the audience below with a fox-like charming smile, and at the same time, a thousand charming moans came out of her mouth.

Hearing this moan, the people below had red eyes and screamed hard:

“Lucy, my goddess”

“Lucy, I love you, please marry me.”

Their voices were so loud that they almost blew off the roof of the guild.

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