“”Lucy, how’s your training going these days?” Xiao Yang asked curiously, looking at Lucy slumped on the table.

“”Ah! Stop talking, I’ve been almost dying these past few days. I even had a fight with Natsu two days ago. It’s unbelievable.”

Lucy originally wanted to sit up and complain to Xiaoyang, but the pain in her body was too intense, so she gave up the idea.

Xiaoyang was full of question marks and asked in confusion:”Lucy, why did you fight with Natsu? Are you unhappy with him?”

“No, it was a competition between Mira and Erza to see who taught me the best, and Natsu was the one who practiced.”

Xiao Yang was curious when he heard this,”Did you beat Natsu in the end? Who won between Mira and Erza?”

Lucy’s tired face was filled with despair when she heard this. She rubbed her hair hard and shouted madly:

“(“”Four, seven, seven”! I don’t want to recall it at all. Mira and Erza tied. Not only did they not give up, but they became even more excited. I was about to finish my training, but I didn’t expect to have to add an extra week.”

Lucy stood up and slapped the table hard. The plates on the table were constantly moved back and forth by the force.

“And Natsu! After I fought with him, he thought I was a good sparring partner. He also said something like”both of us can become stronger”. He comes to fight me every day, and I am almost annoyed. Fortunately, the celestial spirits cannot be summoned every day, otherwise I will be exhausted to death.”

After saying this, Lucy seemed to have used up all her strength and collapsed on the seat. As soon as she sat down, Natsu’s voice came from not far away:”Hey, Lucy, how are you feeling today, let’s have a fight.”

She heard Natsu’s voice and stood up hurriedly, her eyes moving back and forth, thinking about how to answer

“Hey, Natsu, um, um, I’m sorry, my celestial spirits all took leave for something today, so I can’t summon them, so I can only fight next time, what a pity, oh huh”.

Natsu was puzzled when he heard Lucy’s words,”Lucy, didn’t you say that two days ago? And you also said at that time that I would have a good fight with you in two days, Lucy, you are not lying to me, are you”.

Lucy’s heartbeat quickened when she heard what Natsu said, and she racked her brains to think of how to deceive Natsu.

“This, that, ah, by the way, isn’t there a harvest festival in two days? Xiaoyang told me that there will be a fairy lady selection on the day of the harvest festival, and the help of the stars will be needed then, so I told them in advance, and they are all on leave now, yes, on leave”.

Lucy gave herself a thumbs up in her heart, [I am so smart, I can think of such a perfect reason, nice, Lucy.

Xiaoyang was about to ask me when I said that with a puzzled look on his face, and Lucy covered his mouth with her hand after seeing it, with a begging expression on her face, Xiaoyang nodded, and Lucy took her hand away after seeing Xiaoyang nod.

Natsu was disappointed,”Ah~ Lucy still can’t summon these two days, what a pity, I just found the feeling two days ago, forget it, I’ll go find Gray”.

After saying that, Natsu hurriedly ran to find Gray.

Lucy wiped the sweat from her head after seeing Natsu leave,”Huh, he finally left, I would go crazy if I keep fighting”

“So Lucy, are you going to participate in that beauty pageant?”

Lucy looked disdainful,”How is that possible? I finally have a break these two days. I don’t want to participate in any competition. I want to have a good look at the Harvest Festival. What should I eat on that day?”

Lucy arranged the plan for the day of the Harvest Festival in her mind.

“Well, I thought you were going to win the 500,000, Lucy,” Xiaoyang said, and was about to leave, but Lucy quickly grabbed him.

“500,000! ? What 500,000??”

“Lucy, didn’t you know? The winner of the beauty pageant can receive a reward of 500,000 J”

“I just took a quick look and didn’t read the details, but I will definitely win 500,000, which is seven months’ rent.”

Lucy clenched her fists tightly as she spoke, her eyes full of desire for victory.

“But Lucy, didn’t you say before that you weren’t going to participate in any competitions and wanted to enjoy this harvest festival?” (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Lucy waved her hand,”Oh, don’t worry about it so much. I didn’t notice there were rewards before. I will definitely become the champion! Come on, Lucy, you are the best, yeah!”

“Xiaoyang, the cake you asked for is ready,” Lisanna, who was not far away, shouted while holding the cheesecake in her hand.

“”Okay,” Xiao Yang said, and then he tapped the table lightly. Suddenly, a black shadow ninja appeared from the ground. The ninja walked towards Lisanna, took the cake from Lisanna’s hand and handed it to Xiao Yang. When the task was completed, he put his hand on his chest and bowed, and then he disappeared in this posture……

Lucy’s eyes turned into stars when she saw this.”Great, great, Xiaoyang, I wanted to say before that these ninjas are so cool. Do they have their own will?”

Xiaoyang took a bite of the cake and said,”Yes, they have learned the butler’s etiquette and tactics from somewhere recently.”[]

When Lucy heard this, her eyes sparkled even more.”Xiaoyang, I want to learn this magic.”

Lucy had already imagined how she would summon countless shadow troops with a wave of her hand after learning this magic.

“Yes, you can, but this magic consumes a lot of magic power. Lucy, are you sure you want to learn it?”

Lucy was very proud when she heard this.”Hehe, Xiaoyang, I am no longer the same person I used to be. I can now easily double open the door 3 times.”

“Well, Lucy, you have improved a lot in the past few days. Otherwise, you can train with Mira and the others for a while, and then you can directly start three games.”

Xiao Yang said while putting his hand on Lucy’s forehead. After a flash of light, Lucy obtained the black shadow army belonging to her.

Lucy hurriedly shook her head when she heard what Xiao Yang said,”Forget it, forget it, this kind of experience is enough to experience once in a lifetime. I really don’t want to experience it again. I will die. Xiao Yang, I’m leaving first. I have to go back and think about what to do in the next competition.”

Lucy waved to Xiao Yang.

Xiao Yang was eating cake and suddenly remembered that he hadn’t watched the plot rewards of the Tower of Paradise two days ago. He quickly opened the system interface.

Congratulations to the host for changing the 3.0 plot of the Tower of Paradise and obtaining the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception and the full set of breathing techniques.

“System, does this complete set of breathing techniques include all breathing techniques?”

【That’s right, it’s all the breathing methods in the Demon Slayer world.

After saying this, the system sent another prompt:

【Congratulations to the host for changing the plot of Laxus, so that the guild no longer has a civil war, and obtains the Keke Emperor】

“? It’s not the harvest festival yet, so logically it shouldn’t be considered a change, right?”

【Ding, I detected that Laxus has completely lost the idea in the original book, so it will definitely change. I’ll just post it in advance.】

“Well, could it be that this Emperor Ke Ke absorbs other people’s time to activate himself just like in the original novel?”

【This reward is also activated by magic, just like the previous Shadow Corps, the host does not need to worry】

“That’s good”

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