When Ikaruga heard what Erza said, he gripped the hilt of his knife tightly.”Experience, what a bunch of arrogant people, Fairy Queen, I will show you how your so-called experience can kill you.”

Ikaruga drew his knife instantly and slashed out sword energy after sword energy at a speed that (Lucy) could not see with the naked eye. Erza raised the sword in her hand and easily blocked all of them.

“Impossible! You actually blocked all my sword energy,” Banjiu shouted in disbelief with shaking hands.

Elsa chuckled after hearing what Banjiu said,”Since you have already used your sword, it should be my turn now according to the rules of the game.”

【[One-Sword Style: Ekanori]

Elsa drew her sword at high speed and used the”Chopping Wave” technique, a sword energy slashed towards Turtledove, who raised her sword to block the sword energy. After retreating 200 meters, she was able to block the sword energy, and a long scratch appeared on the wooden floor.

Elsa looked at Turtledove who was breathing slightly and praised:”Not bad, your reaction speed is very fast, and you can actually block this sword.”

Turtledove raised the sword in his hand and turned around in place.

【Moonless Garuda Flame]

Kakujiu’s sword was instantly covered in flames from bottom to top. She swung the sword and a huge flame attacked Elsa.

Elsa’s armor was replaced with the Flame Emperor’s Armor.

【[Itto-ryu Iai Shishigege]

Elsa slashed forward at an extremely fast speed. The sword in her hand easily split the flames in front of her, and rushed towards Kakajiu in an invincible posture. A flash of white light passed by and the positions of the two people were swapped.

【Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the Moonless Sword Technique】

“Kara Kara, the knife in Turtle Dove’s hand broke, and at the same time Turtle Dove fell to the ground, she couldn’t help but sigh:

“Experience package, I didn’t expect that I would lose, and I lost after being given the shameful name of experience package. This is the first time since I joined the guild. However, you and Mr. Gerald also lost, Fairy Queen”. Xio asked loudly:”What do you mean by this sentence”.

Turtledove stretched her hand into the air, as if to hold something, and a song came out of her mouth,”15 minutes~The light of justice will kill everyone.~”

“What a terrible song, and they actually sing it during a battle, how weird.” After complaining, Happy glanced at Lucy.

Lucy didn’t see Happy looking at her, and she ran around in panic.”The light of justice refers to the magic elf power, what should I do, Xiaoyang?”

“It’s okay, don’t worry, how about we make another bet?”

Lucy calmed down instantly when she heard the word bet,”I’m not stupid, Xiaoyang, you are here by yourself, how could you joke with your life.”

Habby made a regretful sound:”Hey, Lucy has become smart, I thought there would be something fun, huh.”

Lucy gritted her teeth when she heard what Habby said:”What are you talking about, you stupid cat, I have always been smart”

“”Okay, okay, let’s keep going up.” Seeing that Lucy was about to rush up and pinch Happy’s face, Xiaoyang quickly dissuaded her.

Everyone came to the top of the tower and entered the only room on the top of the tower. There was a huge blue crystal in the center of the room. Jellal was wearing a robe and sitting on a seat. After seeing everyone, he regretted:

“Really, the game ended so quickly, so boring, I thought one or two people would die to make me happy.”

Erza walked up and shouted at him,”You play with people’s lives, do you really have so much fun!”

Jellal held his face with his left hand and looked at the man in front of him quietly.

“Of course I am happy, because life and death are the root of all things that gather all emotions. On the contrary, there is nothing more boring and empty than life. Long time no see, Elsa.”

He lifted the hood on his head with his left hand, revealing the face hidden under the hood.

Elsa raised the sword in her hand and pointed the tip of the sword at him.

“Jellal, I came here today to liberate my former companions, so be prepared.”

Jellal supported his chin with his left hand and watched Erza’s movements with interest.

“I don’t care. We don’t need them anyway. The Tower of Paradise has been completed, and they are right behind you. Why do we need to liberate them?”

Xio said angrily.”Jellal, you mean we are just a tool to build the tower? What you said before was a lie.”

Hearing this, Jellal laughed and looked at Xio with pitiful eyes.

“That’s right, if I didn’t need you to build the tower, I wouldn’t have said those words to you. It’s ridiculous. I just said a few words and you were shaken. You completely resented your dear sister. How sad.”

Wally and the others looked at Jellal with angry eyes. Lucy asked the question that had troubled her all the way:

“But won’t your tower be destroyed in ten minutes?”

Jellal chuckled,”Do you mean the magic spirit power?” (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Erza narrowed her eyes,”You don’t care at all, you are just being mysterious.”

“No, the magic spirit power will indeed fall.”

Jellal stretched out his hand, and his hand exuded black air,”Not only that, you will become a living sacrifice for Zeref.”

After saying this, a strange pattern appeared in Jellal’s eyes.

Erza didn’t say anything more, and she emitted a white light.[]

【[Change to the Heavenly Wheel Armor]

Elsa’s clothes turned into armor with wings

“There are 6 minutes left before the magic spirit power drops and you will disappear. Let’s enjoy this time, Erza”.

Jellal stood up, and a ball of dark liquid appeared in his hand. There were red lines on the slime-like liquid.

Lucy took two steps back when she saw the slime,”Wow, what kind of magic is this? It looks so dirty and disgusting.”

The black liquid in Jellal’s hand turned into tentacles, which attacked Erza at the same time.

Magic swords appeared around Erza’s body. A white light flashed, and all the tentacles disappeared instantly. Not only that, these swords also chopped Jellal in the back and seriously injured him.

Jellal covered his chest and gasped. This is the Erza I know. She has become so powerful. Wasn’t she at the top of S-level before? Why is she now a Saint Ten?

Erza walked up and grabbed Jellal’s collar and lifted him up and asked loudly:

“What is your real purpose? The R system is not complete at all. I have carefully investigated everything about the R system in the past eight years. In terms of structure and principle, it is exactly the same as the original design.”

“But to complete the R system, you still lack a huge amount of magic power. Even if you summon all the magicians in the continent, you may not be able to gather all the magic power, let alone you alone. Even if you are squeezed dry, the R system cannot be completed.”

“Besides, this tower has no way of storing such a huge amount of magic power. And you knew that the Council was going to attack here, but you didn’t even try to escape.……”

When Elsa said this, a flash of inspiration suddenly came to her mind.

“Magic power, magic spirit power!”

Jellal saw so many people around him, and Erza was so powerful, he had no choice but to play the victim to everyone.

“My body has been possessed by the ghost of Zeref and has long ceased to obey my orders. This body is just a puppet that exists to awaken Zeref’s flesh.”

“I have no ability to save myself, and no one or any other person has ever been able to save me. Paradise, freedom, never existed in the beginning, and everything ended long before it began.” The light of inspiration in Erza’s mind was interrupted by Jellal’s pity. She was about to ask where the crystal that receives magic power is.

At this time, Xiaoyang spoke up to block Erza’s question.

“”Okay, Erza, don’t listen to him talking nonsense here, come back, the R system will be built soon.”

Jellal still had a sad face when he heard Xiaoyang’s words, but his heart was in turmoil.

[How did he know? Was it a guess or did he really know? Tsk, there is an uncertainty factor that cannot work. If I had known earlier, I would have arranged time to bring Elsa and the others. But even if he guessed it, it doesn’t matter. There is only one minute left before the magic spirit power falls. By then, my wish will come true.

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