Happy narrowed his eyes and waved his hand,”Natsu’s name is Crow, not Duck.”

Lucy held her head speechlessly,”His name should be Eagle, right?”

“”Okay, let’s go upstairs,” Xiao Yang said to everyone.

Everyone continued to go up and came to a room with many cages hanging on the roof. At this time, a person suddenly flew down from the sky. Is it a person?

The mysterious creature had a naked and muscular upper body and wore green shorts on the lower body. He had a huge jet on his back, and his head was… the head of an owl!

At this time, the owl spoke:

“Do not break the rules of the game. In the name of justice, the winner will be decided naturally. Justice warrior Xiao, here I am.”

He said while posing.


Before Habibi could finish his words, Lucy took over.

“The bird actually said something about justice again.”

Habby got angry, he puffed up his cheeks and yelled at Lucy:”Lucy, this sentence should obviously be said by me, you have interrupted me several times since you came to this tower.”

Lucy touched her head embarrassedly,”Sorry, sorry, I said it subconsciously, I will never say it next time.”

Gray:”- -You two are competing.”

Juvia bit her handkerchief in her heart when she saw Gray complaining about Lucy:

[Damn Lucy, she actually attracted the attention of Gray-sama again, so cunning.

Xiaoyang looked at the owl flying in the sky and reached out to Lucy.

“Lucy, let me use the key. By the way, everyone can be summoned today, right?”

Lucy was stunned for a moment,”Well, except for Loki who is recuperating, everyone else can be summoned. Xiaoyang, what are you going to do?” Lucy said as she handed the key to Xiaoyang.

630 Xiaoyang took the key and turned into a human,”Let me show you how to use the key”

“Σ(OДoHey! You want to teach the Star Spirit Wizard how to use the Star Spirit! ?”Lucy couldn’t believe what she heard.

Xiaoyang held two keys in his hand.

【Open, the Gate of Virgo, Baroque

【Sagittarius Gate Sachidarius】

“”Double doors” Lucy shouted in shock.

A man in a horse costume and a woman in a maid costume appeared in front of everyone.

After Baluge came out, she looked at Lucy and said,”Princess, are you going to teach me a lesson?”

“No, it was Xiaoyang who asked you to come out.”

Xiaoyang looked at Baluge and asked,”Did you say what Baluge asked you to say before?”

She nodded,”All the star spirits who signed a contract with the princess know about it.”

“Okay, Sachidareus, you shoot arrows to cover me, and Baruge, when the owl falls, you use the Virgo Lock to block his movement, okay?”

Sachidareus looked at Lucy, and Lucy nodded. The two stars said at the same time:”No problem.”

Xiaoyang took out the Cancer Key and turned it around (dbdg)

【[Star Spirit Clothes Cancer Form]

A golden light flashed, and Xiao Yang’s clothes turned into a red and white cloak. Two knives that looked like crab claws appeared in his hands.

Xiao Yang spread his wings and flew towards the owl.

【[Two-sword style, two cuts ascending the building]

Xiaoyang held the knife in reverse, facing Xiao and slashing from bottom to top. Xiao was trying to dodge, but Sachidarius below used a bow and arrow to block Xiao’s movement, and Xiao was beaten back.

【Two-Sword Style Bull Needle]

Xiao Yang rushed forward and used countless stabs. The jet behind Xiao Xiao increased the firepower and flew out. Xiao Yang’s second move missed.

【[Sagittarius Mode of Star Clothes]

Xiaoyang’s clothes turned green, like the clothes a ranger would wear. He raised the bow and arrow in his hand. There was a faint red on the arrow head, and the arrow body flashed with gold and green.

Xiao looked at the arrow in Xiaoyang’s hand and shouted,”It’s impossible for a bow and arrow to attack me, hahahaha”.

Xiaoyang shot the arrow in his hand, and a green-gold light flashed. Before Xiao could react, the arrow hit him.

The arrow that hit Xiao exploded with a”bang”, and Xiao fell to the ground in the smoke.

Lucy was stunned by Xiaoyang’s actions. She stood there with her mouth wide open and asked a soul-searching question:(O△O)Hey, Sachidareus, can you shoot an arrow that is explosive and so fast?” (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Sachidareus was also shocked,”It seems that I can’t, Moshimoshi.”

After Xiao fell to the ground, Baluge took the opportunity to use the Virgo Chain. The soil on the ground turned into chains that spread over Xiao’s body and tied him to the spot.

Xiaoyang took out another key in mid-air.

【[Star Spirit Clothes Taurus Mode]

Xiaoyang’s clothes turned into black and white combat uniforms. He raised his fist, and golden light shone from his fist.[]

【Bajiquan Collapse].

Xiaoyang fell from the sky and punched Xiao, who was about to break free from the chains. After Xiaoyang finished punching, he flew to the side. Now, although no one was attacking, Xiao’s body was still hitting the ground continuously. Every time his body moved, his eyes bulged out a little. At the eighth time, his body stopped shaking, and he fell into a state of suspended animation due to the fierce attack.

Xiaoyang took off the Star Spirit Cloth and returned to the crowd. Lucy hurried over

“Xiaoyang, you are awesome! Is that the ability of Sagittarius? Sachidarius said he didn’t know how to do it. What about your swordsmanship and the last punch? They are so powerful.”

Xiaoyang smiled and explained,”I added Natsu’s dragon-slaying magic to the arrowhead so that it exploded. I also added wind magic and lightning magic to the arrow so that it was so fast. The lightning magic was activated the moment the arrow hit him, and he was paralyzed and could only fall down.”

“The sword technique comes from a swordsman with a green seaweed head, and the fist technique is a traditional martial art from a mysterious place, which can attack the enemy’s inside eight times in a row. I taught one of these two to Erza and the other to Mira. You can let them teach you when you go back this time.”

Lucy was so excited when she heard Xiaoyang’s explanation that her eyes were shining. She had already imagined the scene of herself in the future with a dark guild on her left foot and Natsu on her right foot, but she froze after hearing Xiaoyang’s next words.

Although Lucy wanted to learn, the conversation between Natsu and the others kept ringing in her ears like mosquitoes on a summer night.

“rice���Miss Mira and Elsa……”

She forced herself to cheer up,”Xiaoyang, the result is still undecided, and we don’t know who will win or lose. You should prepare 2.5 million.”

Lucy hurriedly ran away.

Xiaoyang and others continued to walk up and came to a place similar to a square. In the square, countless cherry blossoms were flying in the air, and vermilion torii were neatly arranged on both sides of the road.

Not far away came a woman with long pink hair and a red sword in her hand.

“Hello, my name is Turtle Dove, please teach me.” Her voice sounded a bit like the Kansai accent.

Elsa looked at this scene and sighed:”I feel like these people are small bosses who are giving us experience packs.”

Lucy looked puzzled,”What is an experience pack?”

Happy finally got back on track when he heard Lucy’s question. He held his head high and explained to Lucy:

“The so-called experience pack is a supporting role that constantly gives the protagonist combat experience and magic. After killing these small bosses and increasing the magic power, you can go to fight the big boss.”

“The three people we met today were typical examples. They could have attacked together, but they insisted on killing each other one by one.”

A light bulb popped up above Lucy’s head.”I see. Aren’t all the people we met before like this?”

Lucy counted the enemies one by one on her fingers.

“From Eligore, Leo, Joseph at the beginning, to Jellal now, have you noticed that the strength of the enemies we encounter is gradually increasing, and when we kill one wave, a new wave will come.”

Everyone was silent after hearing Lucy’s words.

Gray was shocked,”It seems to be true when you put it that way.”

Happy:”Then Lucy means that we will encounter more powerful enemies in the future to give us experience”

“Do you think it’s inappropriate for us to talk about this here?”Xiao Yang looked at the angry turtledove not far away because he was ignored and reminded everyone.

Elsa walked forward slowly and greeted turtledove. As she walked, her clothes emitted white light and turned into the clothes of Yuanyou.

“In that case, let me take over this time! Please let me enjoy the experience alone, thank you.”

Xiaoyang wiped the sweat off his head.

【- -It’s over. I’ve led everyone astray. I shouldn’t play games and watch videos in the guild. Everyone’s game lines are one after another. It’s hard to imagine what will happen in Fairy Tail?

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