“What is the price you need to pay to sign a contract with Laxus?” Makarov looked at Xiaoyang worriedly.

“No, on the contrary, after signing the contract, my ability will be enhanced. By the way, it is best to use the Thunder Dragon Slayer Crystal, which is the most suitable for Laxus.”

“”Okay, I got it. I will collect them as quickly as possible.” After getting a definite answer, Makarov jumped off the table and walked out of the guild. After

Makarov left, Laxus looked at Xiaoyang excitedly,”Xiaoyang, will I be able to use magic at will soon?”

“That’s right, you will be able to use magic soon, now let’s go home”, Xiaoyang spread his wings and flew to Laxus’ shoulder

“Good.” Laxus walked towards home with a brisk pace with anticipation on his face.

“Asshole, did you just play tricks?”

“No, you can’t afford to play, do you want to fight??”

“Come on, that’s just what I want.”

“Come on, Wakaba”

“Don’t lose, Makao, we’ll win soon”.

Looking at the mess in front of him, Xiao Yang sighed, picked up the juice and milk and took a big gulp. After burping, he complained in his heart:

Although I know that there are constant fights in the guild, it’s not every day, and most of them are uncles with bad beards, which is not very entertaining. After watching it for a while, the phone prompts that the magic power is insufficient and cannot be watched. There is no way to meditate and watch the fun for the rest of the time. My magic power has increased by about 300 through meditation, and I can almost do quests.

I have to say that the meditation efficiency circulated in this world is too low. I can’t keep meditating all the time. I’d better do commissions to increase my magic power.

Xiao Yang finished the last sip of milk, spread his wings and flew to Makarov.

“What’s wrong, Xiaoyang? What do you want to talk to me about?” Makarov put down the wine glass in his hand and moved his eyes from the dancing girl in the guild to Xiaoyang.

“”President, I want to accept the mission,” Xiao Yang took out the letter of authorization from the space and handed it to Makarov.

Makarov was surprised to see the letter of authorization appearing out of thin air and took it. While reading the letter of authorization, he asked,”Xiao Yang, is this also your talent??”

“That’s right, I may awaken other abilities in the future, so don’t be too surprised, President.” Xiao Yang patched up Makarov in advance.

Makarov nodded and praised him. As soon as he finished praising him, he stroked his beard and said regretfully:”E-level commission to deliver letters and food, but unfortunately, Xiao Yang, you can’t do it.”

Xiao Yang was stunned when he heard this,”Why! ? President, this is an E-level commission, I can accept it, right?”

【The regular wizard guilds recognized by the Magic Council mainly operate by accepting normal commissions from clients, and in addition, they also have a public welfare role.

The most common example is the”Fairy Tail” guild, which will help some homeless children and give them simple jobs to support their lives. E-level commissions are commissions that most children can do.

Makarov took out a crest and shook it,”Xiaoyang, you were born in Fairy Tail, and everyone in the guild thinks you are our family.”

“But before the guild emblem is stamped, you are not considered an official guild member, so Xiaoyang, you cannot accept missions. Only after joining the guild can you accept missions as a guild member.”

As soon as Makarov finished speaking, Xiaoyang replied firmly:”Then I will join the guild.”

“Xiaoyang, are you sure you want to join Fairy Tail?” Makarov sat up straight and asked seriously.

“Of course, I have always been a wizard of Fairy Tail,” Xiao Yang said without any hesitation.

After hearing Xiao Yang’s words, Makarov raised the corner of his mouth,”Okay, then what color do you want and where do you want it??”

“On the back of my hand, it’s blue.”

My WeChat avatar before I traveled through time was a blue Fairy Tail emblem. Now that I’ve traveled through time, of course I have to use the same one. Moreover, the emblem printed on my hand looks like a Command Seal, so cool!

[There are no requirements for the color and location of the guild emblem. It doesn’t matter if you want to engrave it on your tongue, just like Bigusro.

As the magic seal fell, a blue pattern appeared on Xiaoyang’s hand. It was a flying blue fairy.

Ding, congratulations to the host for joining Fairy Tail. Because the host officially joined the guild, a novice gift pack will be awarded

“It seems that the system also thinks that I haven’t joined the guild before.”

After Makarov stamped Xiaoyang, he told him many things to pay attention to when doing the task, and then gave him many magic props for self-defense. After seeing that Xiaoyang was ready, Makarov let him go with peace of mind.

Xiaoyang took out his mobile phone in the air and clicked on the map.

After clicking on the app, a huge world map appeared on the screen. Xiaoyang entered the location of this commission in the search bar. After clicking on the search, a line of light appeared in front of Xiaoyang, extending all the way to the location of the task.

“I was lucky to get the phone, otherwise I would be in the dark. I am a road idiot and would have lost myself. By the way, would anyone in the guild not know the way when accepting a commission?”

Xiao Yang flew northwest along the light.

During the flight, Xiao Yang opened the gift package given by the system.

Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the Abyss Yao Ji, congratulations to the host for obtaining Purification (Rule Level).

Listening to the system’s prompt, Xiao Yang used his ability to read skills in the game for the first time – guessing the meaning by words.

“Abyss Yao Ji? What kind of ability is this? It sounds like the code name of a female villain.”

Abyss is a shield of an abyss monster. It can only be broken by a specific mechanism (thunder uses ice, ice uses fire, fire uses water, and water uses wood). Any other attack cannot break the shield.

Yao is in the state of a cat spirit hanging on the teammate. During this period, the host is in an unattackable state. Only by breaking the shield of the abyss can the host and teammates be attacked.

In addition, the effects of any auxiliary skills and control skills in the cat spirit state are doubled. Teammates possessed by cat spirits can increase their attack power, magic power, defense power and speed by 20% (the increase increases with the increase of magic power).

Ji is Cai Wenji’s skill, a large amount of single-player blood recovery and a small amount of multi-player blood recovery (even if the hands and feet are broken, they can grow back after full blood).

Hearing this, Xiaoyang shouted in shock:”God skill! Blood addition, amplification, and immunity trinity”.

Then Xiaoyang turned his attention to the second magic,”I understand purification, but what does the rule level in brackets mean?”

The rule level is the god level, as long as it is a negative state, all can be removed

“Is it something like a curse, poisoning, or something like that?”

Not only that, any negative state that the host considers can be purified.

“This is already at the conceptual level!”

When Xiao Yang heard this, he suddenly remembered a river god in an anime, who also said something similar:”The Milky Way is also a river.”

After reading the novice gift pack, he just arrived at the mission location. Xiao Yang fell from the sky to the front door of a house.

“Boom boom boom”

“Hello, is anyone there? I am a wizard from Fairy Tail, and I am here to complete the commission issued by Ms. Irene.”

“”Coming, coming.” As soon as the voice fell, the door opened and an old woman came out. She looked around and found nothing.

“I’m down there.”

Hearing Xiaoyang’s voice, the old woman looked down at the ground.

“Oh! It’s a talking cat. Are you lost? Come in and eat some delicious fish.”

Didn’t you hear what I just said?

Xiaoyang showed the guild emblem on the back of his hand,”I am a wizard from Fairy Tail, and I came here to complete Ms. Irene’s commission.”

“You are from Fairy Tail. I am Irene. Wait a minute. I will pack some things. Please come in and sit down first.”

The old woman led Xiaoyang to the sofa and went to pack her things.

Fairy Tail has been established in the city of Magnolia for nearly a hundred years. It is precisely because of this that Fairy Tail is deeply trusted by the city residents.

After a while, the old woman came out with a letter and a lot of food in her hand.

“My son is working in the east and it’s not easy for him to come back. This is the letter to him and my best food.”

She put these things on the table and took out some food from the kitchen and put it in front of Xiaoyang.

“This is for you, it’s delicious, I’m very proud of my cooking skills.”

Xiao Yang waved her hand and refused,”No, grandma, we Fairy Tail wizards are not allowed to accept extra things from clients.” Hearing what Xiao Yang said, the old woman pretended to be very angry,”What client? I’m just an old woman who wants to show off my cooking skills, or do you think the food I cook is terrible?”

“No, no,” Xiao Yang shook his head and quickly denied it.

Seeing the old woman’s expression that she would not leave unless she accepted the food, Xiao Yang had no choice but to accept the food.

“Thank you, grandma.”

Xiaoyang put the food and letters on the table in the space and flew out of the door.

“Be careful on your way,” the old lady waved goodbye at the door of the house.

Xiaoyang turned around and waved at the old lady in mid-air,”Grandma, I will come to see you again later.”

Twenty minutes later, Xiaoyang delivered the things to the grandma’s son.

After receiving the things, the grandma’s son made a temporary commission, handed Xiaoyang a large bag of things and a letter, and asked Xiaoyang to give them to his mother.

Xiaoyang gave the things to the grandma and told her son’s current situation. Before leaving, the grandma gave Xiaoyang a bunch of food.

Xiaoyang returned to the guild with a full backpack. As soon as he opened the door, he heard a”bang”, followed by the voices of many people.

“Congratulations to Xiaoyang for completing his first mission”

“This is the youngest person in our guild to complete the mission.”

Makarov shouted:”Let’s get together to celebrate Xiaoyang’s first completion of the mission and joining our guild!”


Xiao Yang looked at the people who were celebrating for him, and suddenly felt warm in his heart, with a happy smile on his face.

Holding banquets at any time has been deeply engraved in the blood of all the members of the Fairy Tail guild. This is why every member of Fairy Tail, one of the largest guilds in the Kingdom of Fiore, is a poor ghost.

After all, no matter how much wealth they have, they can’t stop spending it like this.

But this kind of atmosphere is super great

“I want a glass of juice”.

Xiaoyang smiled and flew to the bar.

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