Congratulations to the host, you have obtained the golden item plane mobile phone

“You can even win a cell phone in the system!” Xiao Yang was so excited that he almost cried out when he heard this thing that he couldn’t hear in another world.

Of course, you can win everything in the universe through the lottery. The universe is not just the novels and animations that the host has read, but also many planes that the host doesn’t know.

After listening to the system’s explanation, Xiao Yang suppressed his curiosity and waited until Laxus reached the destination before he spread his wings and flew onto a stone. As soon as

Xiao Yang landed on the ground, he couldn’t wait to take out the cell phone from the space. The appearance of the cell phone almost crushed him to the ground.

“How can this be a mobile phone? This is clearly an iPad!”

Xiao Yang took the”iPad” away from himself with difficulty, and after a while he began to observe the phone.

“This phone seems to be of normal size, but now I have become a kitten, so the phone appears to be as big as an iPad.”

Xiao Yang unlocked the screen and asked:”System, can this phone be connected to the Internet?”

Yes, this phone is bound to the host and has infinite durability. If the cat and the phone are separated by 50 meters, it will automatically return to the host space.

In addition, the phone can also connect to other planes, and the host can see new novels and animations anytime and anywhere.

After hearing the system’s explanation, Xiao Yang’s eyes lit up, and he looked at the phone with the eyes of a rare treasure. His tail swayed back and forth unconsciously because of excitement.

“Great, there is no entertainment in the world of Fairy Tail, I am still worried about what to do in the future, I can’t keep exercising even if I die, the mobile phone is comparable to the color lottery for me, and the mobile phone has a map, phone……”

Xiaoyang was flipping through the pages when he suddenly felt something was wrong?

“Wait! Why are most of them gray, and only a few are colorful?”

Because the host is too young now, the magic power is not enough.

The system’s words were like a basin of cold water to extinguish his excitement. The tail that was shaking with excitement fell to the ground like an eggplant hit by frost.

“What is the difference between this and not being connected to the Internet? My magic power is only 100 now. Is there any way to quickly increase my magic power?”

Yes, the host can accept side quests. Accepting commissions from the guild counts as side quests. The rewards obtained from side quests increase with the level of the commission.

Another way is for the host and the contractor to defeat the enemy. No matter which contractor defeats the enemy, the host will gain magic power. This is the most efficient method.

“That’s right! I forgot about the contract function after I fell asleep. Now I will go to Makao and the others to sign a contract, so that the magic power will come quickly.”

Xiao Yang became more and more excited as he thought about it. He has now imagined a scene where he can sit at home and the magic power will come from the sky.

Note: The contract depends on talent and ability. Not everyone can sign a contract with the host. Makao and others have too low talent and cannot sign a contract with the host. In addition, people who sign a contract with the host have a certain chance of awakening special abilities.

Hearing the system’s prompt, Xiao Yang could only come out of his beautiful fantasy. He then asked:

“Then can I sign with Laxus?”

Yes, it is recommended to sign the contract after obtaining the Thunder Dragon Slayer Crystal. This will not only cure Laxus’s disease, but also fully develop his potential.

【By transplanting the Dragon Slayer Magic Crystal, one can learn Dragon Slayer Magic, which can enhance physical strength and cause fatal damage to dragons.】

“OK, I got it.”

Laxus wiped the sweat off his head with a towel and slowly walked towards Xiaoyang, asking breathlessly:”Xiaoyang, why are you so excited and lost here alone?”

“”Laxus, I found a way to treat you”.

Xiao Yang looked up at Laxus. He suddenly found that the boy had abdominal muscles. It might be because of the exercise that the loose clothes were tightly attached to his body. Xiao Yang was stunned when he saw this scene. o_O Really? How old is he and he has abdominal muscles! It seems that you can vaguely see 4 packs. Isn’t he only 8 years old? Why didn’t I see it before?

“Really? Then my body won’t hurt anymore, right?” Laxus’s face turned red with excitement.

Before Xiaoyang had time to think about it, Laxus’ voice brought him back to the topic. He nodded,”Yes, but it may take some time.””

“It doesn’t matter, as long as there is hope, it’s enough.”

After Laxus calmed down, he suddenly found that Xiaoyang was holding a black brick in his paw,”Xiaoyang, are you holding a brick to exercise your arm strength?”

“What bricks?”

Xiao Yang looked down at his hands,”I only have a cell phone in my hand.”

“Cell phone?”The first time he heard this word, Laxus subconsciously thought about what it was used for.

“This is it, it’s a prop from another world, it has so many uses”, Xiaoyang handed the phone to Laxus before he could figure it out.

Laxus took the phone,”Xiaoyang, how did you get the prop from another world?”

“This is another of my talents. I will get random items or magic every day. This phone can show the pictures of another world. Click on the middle screen to try it out.”

Laxus fiddled with the phone excitedly after hearing about the other world, but after fiddling for a long time, no pictures appeared.

“Where is the screen? I pressed for a long time but nothing happened”, Laxus said and handed the phone to Xiaoyang.

Xiaoyang took the phone with a puzzled look,”Can’t you see it? Wait, let me study it.”

Xiaoyang called out the system:”System, what’s going on, why can’t Laxus see the content in the phone?”

Only those who have signed a contract with the host can see the screen, and others can only listen to music at most.


Xiao Yang opened the music software and clicked on a song.——《Memories of the Carousel”.

As the music started, Laxus’ eyes began to grow bigger and bigger,”This stone actually has a sound! It’s a song, so nice!””

“This is just one of the functions. There will be more good things in the future. Let’s go back to the president now. I have something to tell him.” Xiaoyang said as he opened his wings and flew to Laxus’ shoulder.

“Okay, I’ll go put away the exercise props.” Laxus walked to the exercise equipment and put them into his backpack one by one.

After putting away the equipment, Laxus put on his backpack and walked towards the guild.

When he arrived at the door of the guild, Laxus pushed open the door and shouted to Makarov who was sitting at the table drinking:”Grandpa, we are here to find you.”

Makarov put down the half-drunk wine in his hand and said with a red face:”What’s wrong, Laxus, what do you want from me??”

“I have something to do, President.” Xiao Yang flew to the table in front of Makarov.

“Xiaoyang, you can still fly. What do you want from me?” Makarov said with a smile.

“”President, I have a way to cure the magic backlash caused by the excessive magic in Laxus’ body.”

Xiao Yang’s words were undoubtedly a ray of light that dispelled Makarov’s long-standing problems.

“Really? What’s the solution? Makarov’s pupils shrank when he heard Xiaoyang’s words, and his voice unconsciously became louder.

“I need a Dragon Slayer Crystal. I can fuse it into Laxus’ body to improve his physique, so that Laxus can withstand the excessive magic power in his body.”

Hearing this, Makarov sighed, and his originally excited heart calmed down.”Xiaoyang, we have thought of this method, but transplanting the Dragon Slayer Crystal has huge risks. Once the person who is implanted with the Dragon Slayer Crystal cannot withstand the transformation of the magic power of the Dragon Slayer Crystal, he will die due to the magic riot.”

“I can sign a contract with Laxus. This is my innate talent. I can directly implant the Dragon Slayer Crystal without any danger. After signing the contract, Laxus’ talent will also be developed.”

Makarov’s eyes lit up, and hope ignited in his heart again,”Really?!”

Makarov was happy for less than three seconds, and suddenly remembered that some magic requires the caster to pay a certain price before it can be used. Xiaoyang is so young, don’t use this kind of magic without knowing it.

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