The next morning, Magnolia Train Station

“Hey, Lucy, Natsu, when did you come here?” Xiaoyang fell from mid-air and greeted Lucy and the others.

“”It’s Xiaoyang, we just arrived too. Can I really do it? Isn’t it enough to have Natsu and the others here? They are so powerful, I can’t help much if I go.”

Lucy felt a little disappointed when she said this.

“Natsu and the others have also been through your stage, don’t worry, believe in yourself, you have signed a contract with me, as long as you don’t be lazy, even if you are a pig, you can become a holy ten.”

“Σ(Д;Holy, holy ten!!! Me? Really?”

“Of course, don’t you want to step forward and save some people when they are in danger? When you become powerful, you will be a hero!”

“Hero! Hero!” Lucy’s eyes were full of longing when she heard these two words. After all, she was a novelist, and a teenage novelist.

“”Okay, I will definitely try my best!” Lucy’s voice was full of enthusiasm.

Happy on the side pulled Natsu who was arguing with Gray and whispered,”Hey, Natsu, why do I feel like Xiaoyang is flattering Lucy?”

After hearing this, Natsu thought about the conversation between Lucy and Xiaoyang just now,”Ah? Really, I didn’t hear it.”

Happy was speechless after hearing what Natsu said, and waved his hand,”Forget it, Natsu, I’m such an idiot to tell you this.”

Natsu was about to refute, when he suddenly saw Erza and Mira also walked into the station. Behind Erza was a mountain of luggage.

Lucy asked Xiaoyang curiously,”Why does Erza have to carry so much luggage?”

“Don’t mind it, it’s just Erza’s habit. It’s better to take more than less. Okay, everyone is here, let’s get on the train.”

The group walked to the train and sat down next to each other.

As soon as Natsu got on the train, he immediately became vomiting. Natsu looked down at Xiaoyang, stretched out his hand to him, and said intermittently,”Xiaoyang, help, help, I’m about to, ugh, I’m about to die”

“=_=, why does the Dragon Slayer get dizzy in transportation, and every time he gets dizzy, each time he casts the purification spell it’s only effective for one day, the next day it’s still the same, this is absolute cause and effect!”

Xiaoyang thought while casting the purification spell on Natsu.

After casting it, Natsu immediately became lively and energetic, completely different from just now.

Lucy looked at Natsu like this and suddenly asked,”Natsu’s magic is fire, what are Erza, Gray and Mira’s magic?”

Before Erza could speak, Happy said,”Hey, Erza’s magic is beautiful, after casting the magic a lot of red blood will appear, but it’s from the enemy”.

Lucy:(ー_ー)!!, is it beautiful? This should be scary.

After hearing what Happy said, Elsa looked at Gray on the side,”Is it beautiful? I think Gray’s magic is beautiful.”

After hearing this, Gray placed his right hand with his palm facing up, and clenched his left hand into a fist and placed it on top of his right palm. Then a trace of cold air appeared around his hand.

After he took his fist away, an ice sculpture of the Fairy Tail logo appeared on his palm. Gray raised the ice sculpture and said to Lucy,”Really? I think it’s okay.”

Mira touched her face and said with a smile,”My magic is receiving magic, and I can receive demons.”

Lucy was shocked,”Evil, demons!! I can’t imagine it at all. Miss Mira looks so gentle, and she is also a photo girl who often appears in the magic weekly Solercer.”

Happy raised his hand,”Lucy, don’t you know? Mira also has a code name known to everyone, Demon Mirajane.”

Lucy’s worldview was shattered when she heard what Happy said,”What, isn’t that the same name?”

Lucy carefully recalled the appearance of the demon Mirajane,”I remember the appearance of the demon Mirajane seemed to have huge golden claws and white hair floating in the air.”

Mirajane smiled and raised her hand,”Hey, that’s me.”

Lucy compared the appearance of the two people in her mind

“-_-||This, now that I think about it, it seems to be similar. I have always thought that these are two people, so I didn’t think about it carefully. The contrast before and after is too big.”

Xiao Yang suddenly thought that he could ask them to help with the game level. He took out his mobile phone and clicked the clone button, while thinking about splitting it into 5. After clicking the clone, the mobile phone suddenly became 5. Xiao Yang gave a mobile phone to each person and said,”Everyone must be bored on the train. It’s a good time to play a game.”

“Games?” x5Elsa

:”What is the game?”

“The game is…, um…? Forget it, I can’t explain it clearly. You can open your phones and see for yourself. There should be some icons in the phone. Click on the icon that says Papa’s Cookie Shop.”

Everyone turned on their phones.

Lucy tapped the phone display, and the screen suddenly lit up. Lucy said in surprise,”That’s amazing. There is a specific time display on the phone! It can even glow.”

Habib originally wanted to complain about Lucy’s naivety, but when he thought about the fact that he couldn’t see the phone, he held back.

Mira clicked it and looked at Xiaoyang puzzledly,”Xiaoyang, what does WeChat mean here?”

“It allows us to talk over long distances, no matter how far we are, we can chat with each other”.

Lucy was shocked,”Great! Is this real?”

Lucy opened WeChat and found the names and avatars of five people on WeChat. She sent a smiley face to Natsu.

After receiving the smiley face, Natsu turned to look at Lucy and shouted angrily,”Lucy, are you dissatisfied with me? ?”

LucyΣ(Д;”Hey! I clearly sent a smiling emoji.”

Xiaoyang quickly explained,”The original meaning of this is actually a smile, but when I see its pupils facing downwards, I feel a sense of sarcasm, so I often use it to taunt others.”

When Xiaoyang feels speechless and laughs at others, he often uses illusion to send emojis in mid-air, and this smile is one of the ones he often uses.

“Don’t worry about that, just click on the cookie shop icon and follow the steps in the game to play.”

“After upgrading this game, different foods will be gradually unlocked. You can use J coins to exchange for the foods.”

“It can be exchanged for food!!!”

Lucy looked at the phone in disbelief,”It’s just a magic item, why can it be exchanged for food?”

Lucy flipped the phone left and right, and shook it vigorously,”It can’t pour out any food? Could it be that food appeared out of thin air?”

Happy finally couldn’t help it,”Lucy, don’t worry about it, just try it and you’ll know.”

Lucy thought about what Happy said and felt that it was true, and then she immersed herself in the game.

Time passed very quickly when playing games, and everyone became more and more excited, especially Natsu and Erza.

One was very excited after knowing that they could exchange food, and the other was very involved because the game was about making desserts.

Seeing everyone so involved with their mobile phones, Xiaoyang nodded with satisfaction. He took out his mobile phone and opened the game. He saw that the game level was slowly improving as everyone played.

Well, not bad, there is strength in numbers. After we go back, we will give one to everyone. No one in this world has played this kind of game and they will definitely be addicted. It won’t take long for me to upgrade.

After a while, Xiaoyang suddenly remembered that Erza had not explained the purpose of this trip until now, so he quickly called Erza,”Elsa, stop playing, explain the reason for this trip first.”

After Xiaoyang finished speaking, Erza didn’t react at all, as if she didn’t hear him speak.

=_=Although I know that I will be very devoted when playing for the first time, this is too much.

Xiaoyang flew to Elsa and took her phone away. Elsa looked at the phone with reluctance,”Ah, my cookie! It’s ready. I only need one last one to upgrade it.”

“”Elsa, did you hear what I said just now?”

Elsa realized after hearing Xiaoyang’s words that she was too absorbed in the game and ignored the surrounding environment, which is simply a taboo for swordsmen.

Elsa’s right hand”slapped” Gray’s left leg,”I’m sorry, I shouldn’t be so obsessed with the game that I ignored your words, hit me.”

Gray put down his mobile phone, covered his left leg with both hands, his face full of pain,”Why did you hit my leg when you apologized.”

This wailing directly woke everyone up from the game, but there was still one person who was still immersed in the game.

Xiaoyang was shocked when he saw Elsa’s face full of regret.(ー_ー)!!Oh no, if Elsa stops playing games because of this, then my leveling up will be much slower. You know, Elsa likes desserts so much, she will definitely not get tired of playing this kind of game for a long time.

Xiaoyang quickly comforted her,”It’s okay, Elsa, playing games in your spare time doesn’t affect anything, just be careful not to be so involved next time. What is the purpose of this trip?”

Elsa then remembered that she had not yet introduced the purpose of this trip to everyone, and said to everyone,”I came out this time because I heard a conversation between members of the dark guild Iron Forest in a tavern.”

“They discussed Lalabai. I originally came back to ask the president, but the president was not there, so we have to find out the purpose of the dark guild this time.”

【The Dark Wizard Guild was also set up by the Magic Council. This type of guild is usually free to do what they want and has no hard and fast rules. As long as the money is in place, even the Council can try it.

Lucy was shocked when she heard this.”Lalabai! I read in a book that it is said that this is a demon created by Zeref. It can take away other people’s souls as long as it makes a sound, but Lalabai should have been sealed by the Council.”

“→_→Can these things be discussed in public? Aren’t they afraid of the news leaking out?”

Happy raised his paw,”Love! It’s leaked now.”

Everyone on the train was discussing the next countermeasures, only Natsu was still immersed in the game and knew nothing.

Soon they arrived at the station and everyone got off the train. After a while, Happy suddenly found that something seemed to be missing.

Happy looked around and shouted,”Natsu is gone!! He is still on that train.”

Erza blamed herself when she heard what Happy said,”I’m sorry, Natsu was right next to me, but I didn’t notice him. I am so negligent.”

“It’s okay, Erza, the most important thing now is to catch up with the train and find Natsu.”

Xiao Yang activated the shared skill, and a message was transmitted to everyone’s mind. Everyone subconsciously activated the magic that had just been transmitted. As the magic was activated, everyone had a pair of wings with the same color as their own magic behind them.

“This, is this wings? They are the same wings as Xiaoyang and Habby!”

Everyone was very surprised, except Habby, who was shocked at first and then sad when he saw the wings behind everyone.

Habby lay on the ground and sobbed,”They all have wings, so we are useless, right? This is a magic collision.”

Lucy comforted Habby after hearing this,”It’s okay, Habby, although we have wings, but you can… you can too……”

Lucy thought for a long time but couldn’t come up with an answer.

“Oh, by the way, you can cheer us up too.”

After hearing what Lucy said, Happy became even sadder.

“Woohoo, Lucy is bullying people”, Habib flew away crying.

“I am just trying to comfort you!” Lucy looked incredulous.

Xiaoyang said to Lucy,”Lucy, you are very good at comforting me, but don’t do it next time.

LucyΣ(Д;”Xiaoyang was complaining about me just now! He praised me before, why didn’t he let me comfort him later?”

Then Xiaoyang looked at everyone and said,”Let’s go, we should be able to catch up with Natsu in a while.”

In this way, everyone chased the previous train, and soon they came to the previous train.

As soon as they arrived at the train, Natsu jumped out of the train window and hit Gray with a”clang”, and the two fell to the ground together.

As the two fell, the rest of the people also flew to the ground. Natsu saw the wings behind everyone and asked in confusion,”Why do you all have wings?”

Erza:”This is Xiaoyang’s magic, Natsu, are you okay?”

“I’m fine, but I just met a weird guy, he seems to be from the Iron Forest Guild, we had a fight, I beat him away”.

Erza slapped him in the face, angrily said,”Stupid, that’s the target we’re looking for this time, didn’t you hear it just now?”

Natsu covered his face with a puzzled look,”Is that true?”

Erza sighed,”Forget it, let’s chase him now”.

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