“What the hell is this game? System, explain it to me. It clearly says that you can withdraw cash for free when you reach level 20. Why do I need to spend J coins to buy it now? Are you learning PDD here?”

Host, don’t get excited. Although it says that you can withdraw cash for free, these foods must come to this world through some medium, and J coins are the best medium.

“What’s the difference between this and buying it with my own money? If I have the time to play games, I might as well just go to the street and buy a cake.”

But there is no honeycomb toffee in this world, nor mint chocolate ice cream. Think about the white peach ice cream you have eaten before. Aren’t these worth your time and money?

Xiaoyang thought about what the system said and found that it was true.

The food in the game is not available in this world. I can only get it from the game. Damn it, I have the illusion that I have to step into it even though I know it is a trap.

“Okay, then why is this the only game that is lit up, and the others are all gray and can’t be opened, I want to eat pies and burritos”.

The host can click on the game description, where it says: You must complete the previous game before you can open the next game

“ー_ー||Who would read the game description when playing this kind of game? This is just a 4399 game! Don’t even mention now. When I was in primary school, I didn’t even read the game description when I played this kind of game.”

After Xiao Yang finished complaining, he clicked on the game description. After reading it, his desire to complain became stronger.

“Level 50!! I remember playing this game when I was a kid, the highest level was only level 10 or level 15. I’ve only reached level 20 after playing for three days, and it’s getting slower and slower. I’m tired of it now.”

Host, although the level has increased, the types of food have also increased, and your mobile phone now has a clone function, so the people who have contracted with you can also play this game. If you play together, the upgrade speed will be much faster.

“Really? That’s fine. It’s a good opportunity to give it to Erza and the others. They haven’t played games before, so it will definitely be something new for them.”

The mini-game Xiaoyang was playing at this time was the reward from the Hargeon Port. Because he didn’t destroy the port, he was rewarded with a whole series of Papa games.

This set of games includes Papa’s Dessert Shop, Papa’s Pie Shop, Papa’s Milk Tea Shop and more than 20 kinds of shops, but currently only Papa’s Cookie Shop is playable.

The door of the guild opened, and Lucy and Natsu walked in.

Xiaoyang greeted Lucy,”Hey, Lucy, long time no see. I heard that you accepted a commission of 500,000 that only required destroying a book. How did it go? Was it easy?”

Lucy’s face drooped instantly after hearing what Xiaoyang said,”Don’t mention it, Xiaoyang. That task was not completed at all. We found that the book had another secret, so we didn’t destroy it.”

“We took the book to the client, and the client was about to pay us, but Naz refused, saying that we didn’t destroy the book so it didn’t count as completing the commission.”

“ah!(`Δ’)/ My 500,000 J, my rent flew away(T_T)”

Lucy was reminded of the 500,000 yuan she had lost because of Xiaoyang’s words and started to cry.

“That’s really bad. By the way, there have been a lot of rumors about Lucy recently. It is said that you first killed 19 gorillas with your bare hands, and then destroyed the entire Duke’s Mansion by yourself. Now you are very famous. Everyone is saying that you are the strongest newcomer in this period of time.”

Lucy was shocked after hearing what Xiaoyang said,”What? I didn’t do those things, why are they spread so outrageously!!”

“By the way, Xiaoyang, why did my magic power increase after defeating enemies these days, and I also gained basic earth magic. Although it is very weak, I am sure I have it. I have never learned this kind of magic before?”

“=_=?, didn’t Natsu and Happy tell you? This is the ability you get after making a contract with me. After defeating the enemy, your magic power will be increased by a certain amount.”

“In addition, there is a chance to get magic used by the enemy. Didn’t you complete two missions as a team? How come you don’t know this yet?”

After hearing this, Happy said frankly,”Love, because the two of us forgot to tell Lucy.”

Lucy was shocked,”How could I forget such an important thing! I should have said it at the beginning.”

The door of the guild suddenly opened, and Loki ran in and shouted in panic,”Ersa is back.”

The guild was quiet for a while, and then there was a huge voice,”Ersa!!”

Natsu and Gray on the side were even more panicked than Loki, and the sweat on their heads was dripping down.

After a while, Erza walked into the guild, holding a huge horn in her hand. As soon as

Erza entered the guild, she looked around and scolded most of the people around her, then looked at Mira and asked,”Mira, where is the president?”

Mira smiled and answered gently,”The president went to attend the routine meeting, Erza, what do you want?”

Erza didn’t continue, she looked at the people around her and asked,”Are Natsu and Gray there?”

Hearing Erza’s words, Natsu and Gray on the side quickly hugged each other’s shoulders, sweat dripping from their bodies.

“Hello…, Elsa, we are also getting along well today.”

Lucy looked shocked.Σ(Д;”Natsu has become a harpy!!!”

Erza nodded in satisfaction at their performance,”Well, even good friends will quarrel occasionally, but I like to see you get along well, and you are doing well now.”

Gray turned his head to the side and whispered,”It’s not that good actually.”

Erza’s expression suddenly became serious,”Gray, Natsu, I have something to ask you. I heard some bad remarks when I was on a mission today, and I was going to ask the president something.”

“But since the president is not here, I can only solve it by myself for the time being, and I need you two to help me.”

The people around were shocked when they heard it,”Hey, did I hear it right? That Elsa actually wants to ask for help���people to help”.

Natsu shouted with fire in his mouth,”There is no need for Gray, I can do it alone”.

Erza shook her head,”This time it’s not that simple, I don’t know the specific situation of the enemy, I must be cautious”.

Then Erza turned to look at Xiaoyang,”Xiaoyang, please help me this time too”.

Xiaoyang was stunned for a moment and said,”Okay, by the way, Mira and Lucy will go too this time”.

Lucy pointed at herself, her tone full of disbelief,”I?”

“That’s right, Lucy will take this as an experience, and as for Mira, I have something for you tomorrow.”

That afternoon, at the place where the presidents held their regular meetings, Makarov stood on the table, twisting his hips to show off the beauties of his guild to the people around him.

A bird flew in, saying,”There is a letter from President Makarov, there is a letter from President Makarov.”

After Makarov took it, he opened the envelope, and a virtual projection of Mira appeared on the envelope.

Makarov proudly showed off to the people around him,”Look, this is our guild’s signature beauty, beautiful, beautiful!”

Mira on the envelope made a voice,”President, did this regular meeting go smoothly? Something big happened in the guild recently.”

“You will never believe that I, Erza, Gray, Natsu and Lucy have formed a temporary team. This is probably the strongest team in Fairy Tail.”

After saying this, Mira disappeared.

Makarov’s expression changed immediately when he heard this. He frowned and shouted in despair,”What??!”

Makarov just finished shouting, Mira suddenly appeared again,”Oh, by the way, President, Xiaoyang is also in this team.”

Hearing this, Makarov breathed a sigh of relief and patted his chest,”Oh, Xiaoyang is here, that’s ok, at least it won’t be too destructive.”

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