The next day, before dawn, Xiao Yang and the others set off for the guild. On the way, Mira covered her arms tightly, fearing that she would be discovered by others.

When she arrived at the door of the guild, she heard a voice from inside before she pushed the door open.

“Natsu, you are a fool with droopy eyes and fire.”

“Ha, what did you say, you droopy-eyed, naked asshole, you wanna fight?”

“I really want to see you kneel on the ground and say,”Master Gray, I’m sorry, I was wrong.”

Mira and the other two looked curious when they heard the voice coming from the guild.

They entered the guild and walked straight towards Makarov. Xiao Yang shouted:

“”President, a newcomer has arrived, a very strong wizard.”

Makarov looked up at Mira and squinted his eyes and said,”This is receiving magic.”

Mira’s arm accidentally exposed was seen by Makarov.

“Another powerful person has joined the guild, let’s fight it out!” Natsu heard the word powerful and ran over to join in the fun.

Erza also came over after hearing the noise, holding a cake in her hand, and lectured Natsu:”Idiot, he just joined the guild, he doesn’t know anything, why are you fighting, be more friendly to the newcomer”.

After that, Erza came to Xiaoyang and handed him the cake in her hand,”Xiaoyang, this is the cake you asked me to buy”.

Xiaoyang put the cake in the space and took out three banknotes,”Thank you Erza, here’s the money”.

Erza didn’t take the money, she shook her head and said:”No need, Xiaoyang, you helped me a lot when I first came here, this is my gift to you”. Xiaoyang thought that with Erza’s character, this should not be a polite remark, so he didn’t insist on giving money.

“Thank you, Elsa. I will also give you a gift on your birthday in two days.”

Elsa nodded and then looked at the newlyweds and greeted them:”Hello, my name is Elsa Shukaret, what are your names?”

“My name is Mirajane Strauss”.

Lisanna followed Mira and began to introduce herself,”Hello, my name is Lisanna Strauss, and that’s my brother Elfman Strauss over there”.

After the few people got to know each other, Erza took them to familiarize themselves with the guild as a senior.

After a while, Mira completely mastered her magic and could receive it at will.

In order to comfort Mira, Lisanna and Elfman also learned to receive magic, and the three of them signed a contract with Xiaoyang.

Erza and Mira suddenly started fighting for some reason. Although they didn’t fight as frequently as Gray and the others, they also had a small fight every three days and a big fight every five days.

“”Look, look, I found a dragon egg.” Natsu ran into the guild excitedly holding an egg as tall as him.

Everyone turned their attention to Natsu after hearing this.

“Is this a dragon egg?” Gray asked doubtfully.

Hearing his mortal enemy questioning him, Natsu shouted:

“This is of course a dragon egg, look at the pattern on the egg, does it look like a dragon’s claw?”

Makao, who heard the familiar conversation, approached Natsu.

Makao took a look at the egg, touched his chin and said,”This egg, why is it so similar to the one Laxus picked up before, except the color is different.”

Natsu shouted excitedly,”Laxus, he also picked up such an egg! Did a dragon come out?”

Wakaba touched his head and broke Natsu’s unrealistic fantasy,”Of course not, if there was a dragon you would have seen it by now, what came out of that egg was Xiaoyang”

“”Xiao Yang!!!”

All the children in the guild shouted in surprise.

Kana:”Cats actually came out of eggs. I always thought Xiao Yang was born alive.”

Elsa:”Is there a cat in this egg? Is he as powerful as Xiao Yang?”

Xiao Yang, who had just returned to the guild, heard someone calling him and asked in confusion:”What’s wrong? What do you call me for?”

Natsu raised the egg in his hand,”Xiao Yang, are you born from an egg? They said that this egg of mine will also give birth to a cat like you.”

Xiao Yang glanced at the egg in Natsu’s hand,”Well, the egg in your hand is most likely a cat egg, and it will give birth to a cat like me.”

Natsu’s cheeks flushed with excitement after hearing this,”Then he can also take out a lot of delicious food, fun things, and he can also do divination magic!”

When Mira and the others heard what Natsu said, their eyes began to light up. Xiao Yang saw that they suspected that they would secretly take the egg back to raise it themselves, so he quickly explained:

“I’m not sure. Every cat has different talents. I’m just one in a million. I don’t know what kind of cat will come out.”

After hearing this, Natsu looked at the egg expectantly,”What kind of magic can my cat do? I’m so excited!”

Then Natsu began to hatch the eggs. At first, he didn’t know how to take care of the eggs and was always in a hurry. After Lisanna joined, this situation was alleviated.

One morning, Natsu woke up and suddenly found that the egg was gone. He ran to the guild with tears in his eyes to ask for help. Everyone in the guild searched for the egg with him.

Xiaoyang was about to use divination magic when Gray came to everyone with the egg.

Gray said that he found it in Natsu’s house.

Natsu didn’t believe it and insisted that Gray was a thief.

Finally, Xiaoyang used divination magic to restore the process of the incident.

It turned out that Natsu didn’t sleep well in the middle of the night and kicked the egg behind the sofa.

When he woke up, he didn’t see the egg.

His first reaction was that it was stolen.

He didn’t look for it at home at all, but ran directly to the guild.

Since then, Gray has often He often mocks Natsu for being blind, and every time Gray mocks him, Natsu’s eyes turn red and he gets anxious, after all, who made him wrongly accuse Gray of stealing eggs.

Another month passed in the guild.

Erza grabbed Natsu and Gray and yelled angrily:”You two, which bastard stole my strawberry cake? That’s a delicacy I saved for later.”

Gray argued,”I didn’t eat it, it must have been Natsu who ate it.”

Natsu:”I didn’t eat it either, it must have been Gray who ate it, but it’s just right, let’s have a fight, Erza, I will definitely win this time.”

The three parties started a melee, and of course the result was obvious, Natsu and Gray were game over.

Xiaoyang sighed while eating cake on the table,”Young people are still more interesting to fight, old people can’t do it at all.”


Suddenly, there was a bustle at the entrance of the guild. Makarov led a bunny girl into the guild, smiling obscenely as he walked.

Xiao Yang heard the noise and took a look, and suddenly realized that the bunny girl was Lucy.

“”Shouldn’t Lucy be a child now? Why is she so big suddenly and still wearing a bunny girl’s clothes?”

At this time, Erza walked up to Xiaoyang with a look of surprise on her face,”Xiaoyang, I saw a very strange person outside, she was wearing a cat girl’s clothes, but her hair color is the same as mine.”

After listening to Erza’s words, Xiaoyang suddenly remembered that there seemed to be such a plot in the extra chapter of the original work.

What was the reason for the time travel?

Xiaoyang suddenly had an evil idea in his mind. Xiaoyang spread his wings and flew out of the guild. He flew to the place where Natsu and Gray often fought, and in the future Gray and the others were indeed there.

The two of them were disguised quite well, better than Erza, and next to them stood a Happy in a bear costume.

Xiaoyang landed next to the two of them and suddenly shouted:”Happy”

“Love”, Happy responded to Xiaoyang subconsciously. As soon as he finished speaking, he remembered what Elsa had arranged before,”Remember, no one can expose themselves and cannot contact people from the past, otherwise they will tamper with history. If they are exposed, you know the consequences.”

At the same time, Elsa’s horrible face appeared in Happy’s mind.

Thinking of this, Happy panicked, and the sweat on his head flowed down. He said in panic:”You, what are you talking about, I, I’m not called Happy, I’m called Xia Lulu, that’s right, my name is Xia Lulu.”

After Happy finished speaking, his eyes looked up at the sky, and his hand quietly pulled Natsu.

Natsu was comparing with Gray who was more powerful when they were young. He felt someone pulling him from below, and said impatiently:”Happy, what are you doing, don’t you see that I’m with……”

Before Natsu finished speaking, he saw Xiaoyang. Before his brain could react, his mouth spoke:”Hey, Xiaoyang, what are you doing here?”

Gray heard it and secretly cried out that something was wrong. He came to Natsu and covered his mouth. Natsu was about to struggle and curse, but Gray whispered in Natsu’s ear:”You idiot, Erza said that you can’t have any intersection with people of this era, have you forgotten?”

Natsu then realized what he had just done, and he was panicked.

“Hey, you two are Natsu and Gray, right”.

After hearing this, the two men broke out in sweat and shook their heads quickly,”No, no, you got the wrong people”.

Happy was also there to explain for them,”Yes, they are not Natsu and Gray, and we don’t know any Erza”.

As soon as he finished speaking, Happy realized that he was wrong and quickly covered his mouth.

Xiaoyang laughed so hard that his stomach hurt after hearing these people’s explanations,”Hahaha, okay, you are not Natsu Gray and Happy, I probably got the wrong people”.

After saying this, Xiaoyang flew away, covering his stomach.

Natsu breathed a sigh of relief and wiped the sweat from his head,”Huh, luckily I’m smart, otherwise I would have been found out”.

Gray punched Natsu and said angrily,”You idiot, you have been found out, Xiaoyang just pretended not to know”.

Natsu looked puzzled,”Is that so? I think what I said was perfect.”

Natsu pointed at Happy and said,”That’s Happy’s fault. We were exposed because of him. That’s what Erza said when she asked later.”

Happy panicked and retorted quickly,”It’s not us. We were exposed because Natsu greeted us first.”

The three of them were blaming each other, thinking that the other was exposed first, so a fight started between the two of them, and Happy was fanning the flames. On the other side, Xiaoyang flew to the warehouse opposite the guild, looked at the cat-eared girl who was sitting on the ground flipping through a book and asked,”Erza, what are you doing??”

“It’s Xiaoyang. I’m……”Before she could finish her words, Elsa realized something was wrong and stammered:

“You, what are you talking about, who, who is Elsa, I don’t know this person, you are so weird, huh huh”

“Okay, stop pretending, I ran into Natsu and the others before.”

-_-#Elsa clenched her fists,”These bastards, didn’t I tell them not to act on their own? They actually recognized me. Damn it!””

“Well, it’s not all their fault. You forgot that I can see the source of magic. No matter how people disguise themselves, the source of magic cannot change. You should be from the future, why are you here?”

Elsa stopped pretending after realizing her identity was exposed, and put the book on the ground in front of Xiaoyang,”It’s because of this book. We were organizing the data room before, and this book suddenly fell down. It emitted a burst of light, and we came to the past.” After

Xiaoyang heard what Elsa said, the forgotten memories reappeared. He flipped through the book and said to Elsa,”If someone who is recalling the past touches this book, the book will take the person who touches it back to the time period he is recalling. Logically, there should be only one person, you should have touched each other at that time.”

“The time limit of this book is six hours. After six hours, the recaller will return to the original time. You must confirm who the recaller is as soon as possible, otherwise you will have to stay at this time point.”

Erza took out a rectangular object and took a look. She found that there were only 30 minutes left before six hours. She said anxiously:”Thanks, Xiaoyang, I will treat you to cake later. I’m leaving first.”

Erza ran away before Xiaoyang replied.

When Erza found Lucy and Gray to explain the reason, the three of them ran to Natsu anxiously. When they were about to be teleported away, Happy reacted.

“Logically speaking, I was not born at this time, so why would Xiaoyang know me?”

Before Habib could think carefully, a flash of light passed by and the few people disappeared.

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