Xiaoyang and Laxus just finished their mission and are now on their way back to the guild.

“Laxus, you see what I said before, we were clearly doing an A-level mission this time, but an S-level wizard showed up halfway.”

“Fortunately, that wizard is not good at fighting, and fortunately, your strength is very high. If it were another A-level wizard, he would be dead.”

“This time the client is the Council again, they actually got the commission level wrong, they really are not reliable at all.”

Laxus said indifferently

“”It’s okay. Even if that wizard is an S-class wizard who is good at fighting, he can’t beat me. You know Xiaoyang.”

Xiaoyang looked at Laxus with a look of disappointment on his face.

“I know you can beat them, after all, you have reached the middle to late S-level now, but this is not what I am talking about now!”

“Do you know what information asymmetry is? If you have an enemy in front of you and you know nothing about him, but he knows everything about you, that’s really terrible.”

Laxus listened to Xiao Yang patiently, then pulled Xiao Yang, who was flying in the air, into his arms and stroked his head vigorously.

“Oh, I know, Xiaoyang, you have said these words many times. Besides, I only used lightning magic this time, and did not use other magic.”

After hearing this, Xiaoyang patted Laxus’s arm and showed a relieved smile on his face.

“”Not bad, I am still very satisfied with this.”

Laxus was not very happy after hearing Xiaoyang’s praise. He lowered his head and said to Xiaoyang in a somewhat aggrieved tone,”They all said that I have such strong power because I am Makarov’s grandson. Obviously, these are all cultivated by myself, and they can’t see them.”

Xiaoyang thought about it after listening to Laxus’ words, then raised his head and looked into Laxus’ eyes.

“Do you really think so? Didn’t the magic you learned come from the president? Didn’t your magic have any genetic elements from the president?”

“If you were a child of Wakaba, you might reach S-level if you worked hard, but it would definitely not be as fast as it is now. Besides, being looked down upon by others is not a bad thing. Others look down on you and think you are not good enough, which will cause information asymmetry.”

“If you attack the enemy with all your strength before he can react, you may injure or even knock out someone who is much stronger than you. The always victorious Makarov grandson is always better than the defeated Laxus.”

“You don’t need to care about what others say all the time. It will only waste your energy and energy. You just need to keep improving yourself.”

“Come on, when you surpass the president, no one will think of you as just Makarov’s grandson anymore.”

Laxus fell into deep thought after hearing these words. After a while, Laxus rekindled his fighting spirit, his eyes full of hope,”Okay, I will definitely work hard to become stronger.”

Xiaoyang nodded with satisfaction after listening to Laxus’ words. As time passed, the surroundings became darker and darker. Xiaoyang looked at the surrounding environment and said to Laxus

“Laxus, it’s too late. Let’s rest here today. If it weren’t for the fact that they misjudged our strength, we would have gone back long ago.”

“Sooner or later I will get rid of them all.”

“There is a cake in town today that is only sold that day. Fortunately, I notified Elsa in advance and asked her to buy one for me, otherwise I would not be able to eat it.”

Laxus nodded after listening to Xiaoyang’s words, walked around, collected some firewood, and found a relatively flat place.

Xiaoyang took out a tent from the space and placed it on the open space. After Laxus arranged the firewood and lit it, Xiaoyang took out some food, and the two of them ate around the fire.

After a while, when the two of them were full, Xiaoyang took out some snacks, put them on skewers one by one, and roasted them by the fire.

After seeing it, Laxus asked curiously,”Xiaoyang, what is this purple long strip, and this square, white one.”

Laxus’s nose moved,”This white thing also exudes a sweet fragrance”

“”The purple one is a violet melon, and the other white one is a marshmallow. They are both delicious when roasted,” Xiao Yang explained to Laxus while roasting a marshmallow in his hand.

Just when the food was ready to be taken down, Laxus looked at the bushes next to him and shouted,”Who are you? Come out, or I’ll be rude to you.”

Laxus’ body flashed with golden lightning as he spoke.

Xiao Yang was a little confused after hearing these words, and the bushes next to him made a sound, and two children came out of the bushes, a girl and a boy.

Both of them had mushroom-shaped hair, and the color was white. This scene was like two white mushrooms coming out of the bushes.

After the two came out, they raised their hands and surrendered,”We have no ill intentions, we just came out to find something to eat and happened to pass by here.”

After saying this, the two people’s stomachs made a”gurgling” sound at the same time, and they blushed when they heard the sound of their stomachs.

Xiao Yang looked at the two people in front of him, handed over the violet melon and marshmallow in his hand, and the two of them Laxus, who was looking behind Xiaoyang, was a little scared and didn’t dare to take the food from Xiaoyang.

Xiaoyang saw the fear of the two and said to them,”Don’t be afraid, he won’t hurt you, eat it with confidence.”

After Xiaoyang finished speaking, Laxus nodded to show that he was right.

The brother and sister looked at this scene and felt relieved, and took the food from Xiaoyang.

The boy took a bite of the violet melon and exclaimed,”This purple thing is delicious, it tastes like meat, and it has a hint of fruity fragrance.” The girl took a bite of the marshmallow and showed a happy smile on her face,”This white one is also delicious, crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, so sweet and fragrant.”

Xiaoyang looked at the two people who were eating and asked,”Why are you two in the wild? You know, it’s very dangerous here at night.”

After listening to what Xiaoyang said, the two were silent for a while, and finally decided to tell the reason,”We are from the village in front. For some reasons, the people in the village hate us, so we come out to find food at night.”

“Well, can we take some? Not much, just a little bit.” The girl stretched out her hand and made a small gesture.

“Sure, you can take more. We are leaving tomorrow. Do you want to take some for tomorrow?”

The girl was silent for a while and thought about her future situation. Finally, she made up her mind and said,”No, we have a sister. Can you help us?”

The boy heard the girl’s voice and persuaded,”Lisanna, stop talking, let’s go.”

Lisanna shook her head and looked at Elfman on the side,”Brother Elf, I believe in them. They should not be bad people. They gave us food, and they seem to be very strong. They can definitely help Sister Mira.”

After listening, Elfman thought about the food he had just eaten and said nothing more.

Xiaoyang nodded,”Okay, wait for me.” Xiaoyang put away the tent and extinguished the fire with water magic. The two looked at such a big thing in front of them and suddenly disappeared, with amazement on their faces.

After packing everything up, Xiaoyang and Laxus followed the two to the village where they were. After walking for a while, they came to a church. After entering through the small door, Xiaoyang saw a little girl with white hair. She was wearing a cloak and sitting on the ground with her eyes closed.

“”Sister Mira, we are back with food”, Lisana waved and ran towards the girl with food.

Mira heard the familiar voice and said before she opened her eyes:”Lisana, didn’t I say it was too dangerous at night and not to go out at night? I will find food during the day”.

After saying this, Mira opened her eyes and first saw a smile on Lisana’s face who was running over. Then she looked at Elfman behind her. Mira suddenly found that there was a man following Elfman.

Mira was afraid that the man would hurt Elfman, and she shouted in panic:”Elfman, run, there is someone behind you”.

Mira quickly rushed towards Elfman, trying to pull her brother back behind her.

Lisana saw Mira’s performance and quickly said:”Sister Mira, I called them to help. They gave us food, and they are also very powerful.”

Mira was a little relieved after hearing Lisana’s words. She stopped and looked at the man behind Elfman carefully.

Xiaoyang looked at Mira’s cautious eyes and introduced himself first:”Hello, my name is Yang Ming. Duo Le, what’s your name?”

Mira was too worried about her brother just now, so she didn’t see Xiaoyang. She only noticed him when he made a sound.

Mira was stunned for a moment when she heard Xiaoyang’s voice, then she shifted her gaze to him and slowly said,”Cats can actually talk? My name is Mirajie Strauss.”

Lisanna next to her also smiled and said,”By the way, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Lisanna Strauss, and the one over there is my brother Elfman Strauss.”

Elfman touched his head after Lisanna finished speaking, and smiled shyly at Xiaoyang.

After listening to the introductions of several people, Xiaoyang looked at Mira and asked the question that scared the three siblings,”Mira, you should have received a demon, right?”

Mira was stunned for a moment after hearing what Xiaoyang said, then her eyes became alert again, and she retracted her left hand into her cloak.

“What kind of demon, I don’t know.”

Lisanna and Elfman beside them also looked nervous.

“Don’t be nervous, I can see your magic power. You must have just awakened your magic not long ago, but you can’t control it because you haven’t learned the corresponding knowledge.”

“I didn’t expect that you reached C level right after awakening, and you almost became B level. Maybe the magic power is too strong and it is uncontrollable.”

After listening to what Xiaoyang said, Mira was stunned for a moment, and took her left hand out of the cloak. What appeared in everyone’s eyes was an arm like rotten wood, and countless purple eyeballs were embedded in the arm.

Mira looked at her arm with confusion on her face,”Magic, receive? Didn’t I become a devil?”

Xiaoyang laughed softly as if he heard a funny joke:”Of course not, how can a human become a devil so easily.”

Mira looked at Xiaoyang puzzledly,”Then, can I change back?”

“Of course you can, your magic power is not very stable now, you can change back after you master this magic.”

After listening to what Xiaoyang said, Mira was still thinking, but the brother and sister next to her cheered”Great”.

Mira looked at her arm and thought, as for magic, it is better not to awaken such magic than to be hated by the people in the village and cause her brothers and sisters to have no food to eat.

Xiaoyang looked at Mira’s disgusted expression and said helplessly:”Mira, your thoughts are completely written on your face. Remember to remain calm when encountering things. Don’t you like this magic?”

“Because I awakened this magic, I was hated and expelled by the people in the village, and even implicated my younger brothers and sisters.”

Lisanna shook her head when she heard Mira say this,”No, brother Elf and I are not implicated by you, and we don’t blame you. Sister Mira became like this because she wanted to save us.”

“If it weren’t for Sister Mira defeating that demon, I think we would have died long ago. Sister Mira will always be our best sister.”

After saying that, Lisanna went forward to hug Mira, and Elfman also went forward after seeing this, and the three of them hugged each other tightly.

“Lisanna! Elfman!”

Mira looked like she was about to cry.

At this moment, there was a sudden noisy sound outside. Xiaoyang flew to the window and saw that it was crowded with people outside. Everyone held a torch in their right hand, and some people held farm tools in their left hand.

Hearing the sound, Lisanna remembered what she had heard before,”By the way, Sister Mira, when we went outside to find food, we heard the villagers say they wanted to set fire to us.”

After hearing what Lisanna said, Mira once again felt that awakening magic was not a good thing.

Xiaoyang looked at Laxus,”Laxus, please go and persuade them. Remember not to be too heavy-handed. Just let them retreat.”

“”Okay, I got it.”

Laxus agreed and walked out.

Mira looked at Laxus with a worried face,”Is he okay by himself? Otherwise, I’d better go find the villagers myself.”

Xiaoyang said nothing, but focused his eyes on Laxus, and the three of them followed Xiaoyang’s gaze.

When the villagers outside saw Laxus walk out, they were about to ask something, but before the villagers could open their mouths, a golden lightning appeared on Laxus’ body.

The lightning struck the woods not far away, and there was a”boom” sound, and the trees not far away were broken in half.

The villagers were frightened by this scene and hurriedly retreated. Some timid people even fell to the ground.

Laxus glanced at the villagers and said coldly,”Don’t come over, otherwise those trees will be your fate.”

After hearing this, the villagers didn’t care about burning the church. They threw down the farm tools in their hands and ran away. When the three people in the church saw it, their eyes were full of surprise.

“You see, Mira, the bigger the fist, the more powerful it is. If your magic is strong enough, you can easily defeat anyone you want to defeat and protect anything you want to protect. Do you still think magic is bad now?”

Mira shook her head after hearing Xiao Yang’s words,”No, thank you, Yang Ming, I will definitely work hard to become stronger”, Mira’s tone was full of enthusiasm

“Do you three want to join our guild, Fairy Tail??”


The three of them looked puzzled when they heard Xiao Yang’s words.

In a place like this where the villagers wanted to burn the wizard to death, it was normal for the three of them not to know the word guild.

“The guild is where wizards gather. Everyone in the guild is a wizard. No one will look at you strangely. On the contrary, if you are strong, everyone will admire you.”

“When your strength improves, you can also take on commissions and earn rewards. Laxus and I just completed a commission and were about to return to the guild.”

“But can Lisanna and Elfman join without magic?” Mira showed a worried look on her face.

“It doesn’t matter, they can learn it. After all, you are siblings. If you have the possibility to awaken magic, they should also have it.”

“Okay, let’s join Fairy Tail”

“Let’s go together tomorrow, and rest here tonight.”

Xiaoyang took out a lot of food and tents, and the three of them spent a night in joy and amazement.

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