Time passed minute by minute, and the warriors who stayed here were embarrassed.

They have a task ahead, what is it to wait here?

However, if they left like this, in case these three made some mistakes, would Inspector Xie blame them?

In the dilemma, the squad leader among the warriors made a decision.

He would take half of his personnel to stay here, and the others would follow him to continue their search for the "red-backed horned wolf."

However, this decision has not yet been put into action, and there is a new situation on the ground.


With a beast roar, the "red-backed horned wolf" appeared in everyone's field of vision.

The red-backed horned wolf, as its name suggests, has a crimson back and a horn on its forehead.

At this time, it was standing on a high wall a hundred meters away, staring murderously at this side.

"It's the 'red-backed horned wolf'!"

The warrior reacted quickly and immediately formed a formation to prepare for the battle.

This task, for them, is a bit tricky, the main reason is that they are required to capture the "red-backed horned wolf" alive, and only if they have a last resort, they can kill it.

In the academy, any ferocious beast is hard to catch after a lot of manpower and financial resources.

"Request support, this is the 'main road of Dongguang No. 13 Park', we found the 'red-backed horned wolf', please send someone to support immediately."

The squad leader did not dare to raise it and immediately reported it to the top.

The "red-backed horned wolf", ferocious by nature and good at speed, since he found it here, he can't let it escape.

Wow~~ The

red-backed horned wolf roared again, and his body suddenly jumped down from the high wall, and his blood-devouring gaze looked straight over.

"Three, please don't act rashly, the 'red-backed horned wolf' is the most sensitive to moving prey. We will keep you safe!

When the squad leader said this, he did not dare to take his eyes off the "red-backed horned wolf".

This distance of 100 meters, for the "red-backed horned wolf", is just a blink of an eye.

"This kind of small character is also worth such a fuss!"

Chentian's voice suddenly sounded, he directly ignored the warrior's warning, and walked towards the "red-backed horned wolf

", "Hey, don't act rashly!" The captain of the squad was shocked.

Almost as soon as his voice fell, the "red-backed horned wolf" on the opposite side rushed over.


With an order, all the warriors moved in unison.

However, an unexpected scene appeared.

The "red-backed horned wolf", which should have pounced, stopped abruptly halfway through, and then rushed in the opposite direction.

Suddenly, all the warriors were originally ready for a bloody battle, who thought that the red-backed horned wolf would come to this hand.

The warriors subconsciously stopped their figures, and no one noticed that the teenager who was supposed to be standing beside them disappeared.


Chentian's speed was so fast, before the "red-backed horned wolf" could run within a hundred meters, he had already picked it up.

The "red-backed horned wolf", weighing more than five hundred pounds, was pinched by the back of the neck by Chen Tian and hung in midair.

This picture was so impactful that all the warriors were stunned on the spot.

They didn't see how Chentian made a move.

They couldn't understand even more, how did the famous "red-backed horned wolf" not resist?

"It... Is it dead?

Fang Shuping muttered, obviously muttering in a low voice, but it was still heard by Chentian.


In order to prove that this ferocious beast was still alive, Chen Tian directly let go of his hand.

The moment his limbs touched the ground, the "red-backed horned wolf" fled in the direction of one side at the fastest speed in his life.

Intuition tells it that it must escape, and this human being is a monster.

Rather than fall into the hands of this human, it would rather be caged again.


With a muffled sound, the mournful "red-backed horned wolf" hit the ground hard.

Chen Tian slapped his hand casually, and directly slapped the "red-backed horned wolf" who was preparing to escape several times.

And this scene deeply stimulated the nerves of the warriors.

They have not yet recovered from their previous shock and have to face an even greater shock.

This teenager can slap the "red-backed horned wolf" into the air, if it is slapped on them... Well, I don't dare to think about that picture.

The "red-backed horned wolf" who fell into the green belt did not dare to escape anymore, shrunk there and shivered.

"Not interesting!"

Chen Tian had already lost interest, and he would make a move, purely because he didn't want Xu Da and his wife to be surprised.

Of course

- if this "red-backed horned wolf" is caught, martial law in the academy will be lifted.

"Quick, fence the 'red-backed horned wolf', you can't let it escape."

The captain of the small team among the warriors suddenly spoke.

The others reacted, hula at once, and surrounded the "red-backed horned wolf".

The "red-backed horned wolf" looked up at them, as if to say: Dear friends, hurry up and take me away!

In the end, the red-backed horned wolf was tied up, and the turmoil finally ended.

Before the "red-backed horned wolf" could be transported, Sheeran drove a white chariot and rushed here.

"Your Excellency Chentian!"

The car door opened, and Xie Lan strode to Chen Tian.

Chen Tian glanced at her and did not speak.

Xie Lan said again: "I'm really sorry, I didn't receive your call, I was busy studying antigens, the communicator was not on me, my father directly asked others to find me." I just knew you were here.

"Can I go in now?"

When Chen Tian said this, he didn't know who he was asking.

Those warriors who eavesdropped on the conversation here collectively silenced their voices, and Quan Dang heard nothing.

"Your Excellency Chentian, take my car, the children are performing martial arts in the North Third District..."

At Xie Lan's warm invitation, Chen Tian and Xu Da got into the car, and soon disappeared from the sight of the warriors.

Until this moment, they dared to talk after a long silence.

"My obedience, what is the identity of that young man, who can easily subdue the 'red-backed horned wolf', not to mention, he was personally entertained by Mentor Xie Lan."

"Even Inspector Xie has great respect for him, and it seems to me that his head must be not small!"

"Could it be the son and son of some inspector?"

The main duties of the inspectors are to supervise and dispatch the inspectors.

The inspector has no fixed jurisdiction city, and often travels to and from major cities, which belongs to the role of the dragon without seeing the end.

Xie Lan, who was driving, asked some questions intentionally or unintentionally while introducing the layout of the academy for Chentian.

"Your Excellency Chentian, I haven't seen you for a while, I don't know what you're busy with?"

After not getting a reply from Chentian, Xie Lan would change the topic without thinking.

"I've already asked, all three children are safe, they should be in outdoor classes at the moment."

Xie Lan glanced in the rearview mirror and saw that Chen Tian, who was in the back seat, was looking out the window.

"How are the three of them doing, will the course not be able to keep up?"

Xu Da opened his mouth and asked about the condition of the three children.

"They all have talent, rest assured, they won't be able to keep up. And lo and behold, we've arrived.

Xie Lan slowly stopped the car, and through an artistic statue, he could see the students who were taking classes on the opposite field.

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