Along the asphalt road, several people walked forward.

I have to say that the entire "Dawning City" is very large, if they are at this speed, I am afraid that they may not be able to walk around the academy in the afternoon.

Xu Da and Fang Shuping are not the first time to enter here, but it is the first time to walk.

The first few times, it was the mentor named "Xie Lan" who drove the pick-up.

"Chentian, let's find someone to ask, I only know that the three of them are 'special freshmen', and I don't know where they take classes."

Xu Da suddenly spoke.

"I know where they are, just follow me!" Chen Tian still looked light and breezy.

Before entering the academy, his spiritual exploration covered the entire academy.

Xu Da smiled and said no more.

It's just that he looked at Chen Tian's eyes, and there was a little more unclear meaning.

It was clear that Ming Chentian was here for the first time, why was he more familiar than him.

What puzzled him even more was how the security guards felt strange when passing through the gate of the academy, as if they had turned into wood carvings.

These questions, he only thought about in his heart, did not ask.

Many times, knowing more is not necessarily a good thing.

Several people were walking forward, and suddenly there was a group of well-equipped warriors in front of them.

"Hey, how did you get in?"

One of them stopped, looking a little surprised.

Xu Da saw that Chen Tian didn't mean to answer, and he didn't dare to say more, so he had to pretend not to hear it.

"Hey, that's just a few of you, how did you get in?"

The man actually walked over.

"Stay out of the way!"

Chen Tian also said in the other party's unpolite tone.

The man looked Chen Tian up and down and immediately concluded that this was a student in the rebellious period.

He looked at Xu Da and his wife again, judging from the dress, he didn't look like the kind of person who could pass with a green light, not to mention that there were no bodyguards around him, but he still walked over.

"I don't know how you got in, now please go back the same way!"

The man said in a non-negotiable tone.

Before Chen Tian could react, the other warriors ran directly over and surrounded Chen Tian's several people.

"Just received the news, three people broke in, judging from the description, it should be them." Another man spoke up.

"Mighty, I was able to break in!" Another warrior said with a smile.

"I'm in a good mood today, don't force me to slap you, get out of the way!" Chen Tian said coldly.

"Drink, I can't see it, the person is not big, and the temper is not small. Come on, let me see, how you slap us. The

emaciated warrior had a look of disdain on his face.

They are not ordinary warriors, their strength has reached the intermediate level of fighters.

In the "Dawning Academy", the strength of some students may have reached the level of junior warriors, but in front of intermediate warriors, junior warriors are little rookies, and they can put down a piece with a casual shot.

Obviously, these people made a serious mistake: they mistook Chen Tian for a student here.

"Chentian, or let's go back first!"

Seeing that the atmosphere was so tense, Xu Da said a little uneasily.

"It's okay, they can't stop me!" Chen Tian said unimpressedly.

"'Dawning Academy' seems to be inconvenient today, or should I call Instructor Xie Lan?" Xu Da said again.

He really didn't want a conflict.

It's not that Chen Tian can't beat him, but I'm worried that he will break these people.

"There is nothing inconvenient, just a few fierce beasts running." Chen Tian said lightly.

However, these words fell in the ears of these warriors, and they were all shocked.

In order to improve the quality of teaching and get close to reality, the "Dawning Academy" is kept in captivity.

However, because of the destruction of the flying ferocious beast last night, the defense facilities failed, and several ferocious beasts locked in underground cages escaped.

Until now, a murderous 'red-backed horned wolf' has not been found.

It is precisely because of this that the college is closed to the outside world, in addition to not wanting to cause casualties, but also not wanting this matter to leak out.

"You... How do you know?

A warrior asked loudly, and this time, the atmosphere became even more tense.

"Give you ten seconds to leave, or I'll send you away!" Chentian lost patience.

"Chentian, don't... Don't fight! "

At this moment, the most nervous person is Xu Da.

The three children will continue to go to school here, in case they offend people, they will inevitably be put on small shoes in the future.

Chen Tian glanced at Xu Da and said, "Call 'Xie Lan' and ask her to come over." In

order not to embarrass Xu Da, Chen Tian did not make a move.

At the end of this month, he left, and there was no need to make enemies for Xu Da's family.

Xu Da knew that Chen Tian was relieved, and after returning a look gratefully, he hurriedly called Xie Lan.

These warriors around, after hearing the name of "Xie Lan", looked at Xu Da suspiciously.

"Mentor Xie Lan", that is the figure of "Dawning Academy", it is no exaggeration to say that the principal of "Dawning Academy" does not have the right to speak as much as her.

Of course, Sheeran was somewhat stained with her father's light.

Xu Da dialed the phone, but he kept busy, and he didn't know who Xie Lan was calling at this moment.

Feeling the gaze around him, Xu Da was anxious, but the phone was busy.

Chen Tian couldn't stand it anymore, and directly video called Xie Guangkun.

When the image was projected, the surrounding warriors all looked at the contact bracelet on Chentian's hand with astonished eyes.

In addition to being surprised that Yu Chentian had such an advanced tool, they were even more surprised that the object of Yu Chentian's contact was actually "Inspector Xie"!

"Your Excellency Chentian, I really didn't expect that you would take the initiative to contact me!"

Xie Guangkun's flattered tone and demeanor made the warriors almost drop their jaws.

Is this the steady, wise Inspector Xie?

This image can't be composite, right?

Chen Tian didn't have time to pay attention to the change in the thoughts of these warriors, and he said to Xie Guangkun: "I was in the 'Dawning Academy', and I was stopped by some people, inform your girl, come over."

"Good, good, good! I contacted Sheeran immediately. At the end of the video, Xie Guangkun attached great importance to this matter, and asked busily, "Your Excellency Chentian, you are specifically in the place now, I will ask Xie Lan to go to you directly."

Where did Chen Tian know where this place belonged to the academy, and I was afraid that Xu Da and his wife did not know, so he looked at a warrior and asked, "What is the specific location here called?"

The warrior who was asked had already put away his contemptuous demeanor and said busily: "This is the 'main road of Dongguang No. 13 Park'.

"You hear you!" Chen Tian said to Xie Guangkun again.

"Okay, I see." Xie Guangkun paused, and then said to the warrior who had just spoken, "You can't be rude to Your Excellency Chentian, I'll come over in person later."

After that, Xie Guangkun hung up the phone.

It should be to contact his girlfriend.

Chen Tian looked at the group of warriors who were stupid: "You heard it too!" "

Warriors: .

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