When Rosa and Galo rushed over, they just saw such a scene.

Under the moonlight, the handsome short-haired boy was stepping on the head of a king-level ferocious beast, like a god of war.

That king-level ferocious beast was motionless, not knowing whether it was alive or dead.

At this moment, the young man was looking at a weapon in his hand.

"Star Blade!"

Seeing that weapon, Garo was overjoyed, and there was a sense of joy that he had lost and regained.

But when her attention shifted to the teenager, she couldn't help but be surprised.

Sure enough, it's him!

Since Galo landed on this planet, until now, she has only seen Chentian, a strong man.

As for the other so-called general-level numbers, she didn't pay attention to it at all.

Under the God of War, she is invincible!

The condition is that she holds the "Star Blade".

"Your Excellency Chentian!"

Rosa was the first to speak, and in order to identify herself, she directly opened her defensive helmet, revealing a charming face.

Chen Tian squinted a look, but did not speak.

"Your Excellency Chentian, I didn't expect to meet you here, I almost didn't recognize you."

Rosa approached with a smile.

To be honest, don't look at her smiling appearance, in fact, she is very nervous inside.

The boy standing on top of the head of the fierce beast seemed to exude a fierce aura, and when he got a little closer, he had the illusion that he was going to be cut.

However, for the sake of Galo's "Star Blade", she had to come forward again.

"This is my prey!" Chen Tian finally spoke.

The voice is very flat, and there is no sense of familiarity with friends.

In fact, he and Rosa have only cooperated and are not friends.

"This nature!" Rosa continued to smile, "I can't imagine that this king-level ferocious beast was solved by you, not long ago, it just attacked my home.

Chen Tian stopped talking again, and began to continue to look at the soldier in his hand.

This was the second time he studied this weapon, and he thought that at the beginning, he was very envious of the other party for having such a weapon.

But now that I look at it, for some reason, I think that this "soldier" is just that.

At this time, Rosa had already come to Chentian's feet.

She raised her head and looked at Chen Tian on the fierce beast, hesitating how to open her mouth to get back Galo's Star Blade?

"Fifty million, this weapon is returned to you."

Chen Tian looked at Rosa, he thought that the other party would bargain, but he didn't expect the other party to readily agree.


Rosa was really afraid that if she reacted slowly, the other party would change her words.

Fifty million, what is it.

This "Star Blade" is a priceless treasure, and it is fortunate that it can be recovered, and this kind of transaction can be made without owing favors to the other party.

"Master, your account has just received 50 million Union Coins."

Ye Yejia's voice sounded in Chentian's mind.

It was also at this time that Rosa spoke: "Your Excellency Chentian, I have already called the money. "


With a trembling, the Star Blade floated to Rosa's approach.

Rosa hurriedly handed it to Galo, and the stone in her heart landed.

"Your Excellency Chentian, if you don't know how to deal with this king-level ferocious beast, I am willing to spend money to buy it."

Rosa did not leave immediately, but decided to negotiate another deal with Chentian.

"Not for sale!"

Chen Tian rebuffed very crisply.

He will install a locator on the body of the king-level fierce beast according to the proposal of the night armor, and if he is lucky, he should be able to know where this fierce beast came from?

Right now, except for this king-level ferocious beast, all the other ferocious beasts have been taken into the "private domain space" by Chentian.

The king-level ferocious beast of the light rod commander will definitely not stay any longer, and it will return to the place where it came from with injuries and pain.

Rosa sneered.

In the business field, she has seen all kinds of people, but like the teenager in front of her, this is the first time she has seen it.

to say that he has a bad temper and is very principled; It is said that he has a good temper and does not care about the other party's mood when he speaks.

To sum up, this is a teenager who goes straight and does not like to bend!

To add the positioning of "strong as a demon".

"Your Excellency Chentian, then I won't disturb you, if I have time, I will invite you to dinner."

Rosa and Galo are gone.

Chen Tian remembered that he hadn't eaten dinner yet.

I don't want to know, but when I think about it, my stomach starts to growl.

"It seems that it needs to be sharp!"

As soon as Chentian's mind moved, several different types of positioners appeared in front of him.

To be on the safe side, install a few more locators on this king-level ferocious beast to prevent damage on the way.

Where is it good to install it?

This is a question to think about.

"One on the head, one under the wings, and one under the neck..."

Chen Tian thought while acting.

Compared to the huge body of the king-level ferocious beast, the locator is as small as the fine dust on the hair.

Not to mention that the king-level ferocious beast can't feel it, even if it knows, it will be difficult to get it down.

The locator was directly embedded into the blood and flesh of the fierce beast, and in order to prevent it from being washed out by the blood, Chen Tian used flames to scald the wound.

It may be stimulated by pain, and the king-level ferocious beast in the coma woke up slowly.


The king-level ferocious beast just cried out, and was once again stunned by Chentian.

"What's the ghost called, now is not the time for you to get up."

Immediately afterwards, Chen Tian began to comb the wings of the king-level ferocious beast, pulling off some of its feathers.

This is another technical job.

Under the premise of not affecting the flying ability of the king-level ferocious beast, try to reduce its flight speed, which is also for better positioning and data analysis.

"Okay, that should be pretty much it."

Looking at his masterpiece, Chen Tian smiled with satisfaction.

At this moment, the king-level ferocious beast, where is the domineering and mighty before, is like a hairless vulture.

"You can wake up!"

Chen Tian shone on the head of the king-level ferocious beast, and there was another chaotic fan.

Dizzy, the king-level ferocious beast opened its eyes again.

When it saw Chentian, its body involuntarily trembled, not caring about revenge, and just wanted to leave here quickly.


The king-level ferocious beast habitually danced its wings, and as a result, it felt wrong.

Turn your head and look!

Damn, what about my feathers?

The king-level ferocious beast was once again provoked, and it stretched out its claws and slapped towards the Chen Tian who was close at hand.

Chen Tian stood there without moving, but a light flashed in his eyes as he looked at the king-level ferocious beast.

In an instant, the giant claws taken by the king-level ferocious beast froze in midair.


The next moment, the king-level ferocious beast screamed in pain, as if something had drilled into its head.

"Go back to your lair!"

Chen Tian transmitted this idea to the king-level ferocious beast.

The king-level ferocious beast that stopped struggling began to flap its wings violently.

It's going to get out of here!

It will tell their king what has happened here.

"Too much hair?"

Looking at the king-level ferocious beast that did not fly for half a day, Chen Tian showed a strange expression.

Finally, with his help, the king-level ferocious beast staggered into the air.

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