
The king-level ferocious beast's reaction speed was extremely fast, and before Galo could get close, it flapped its wings.

In an instant, flying sand and rocks were flying, as if a storm had swept through the place.


Garo threw the Star Blade over.

Like a fish going against the current, this "star blade" faced the fierce wind and slashed towards the king-level fierce beast.

At the same time, with the help of the surrounding buildings, Rosa accelerated with a bounce and jumped towards the back of the king-level ferocious beast.

"Can't let it fly into the air!"

Galo's voice suddenly sounded.

With the cooperation between her and Rosa, it is entirely possible to kill this king-level ferocious beast here.

But if the other party flew into the air, then the two of them could only look at the sky and sigh.

"Its body is so hard!"

The combat knife in Rosa's hand had already slashed on the back of the king-level ferocious beast, and only a shallow trace was cut.

"You must use 'exclusive energy', otherwise, it will be difficult for the cold weapon to break through its defenses!"

While Galo responded, he kept controlling the "Star Blade" with his mental energy.

The king-level ferocious beast was a little afraid of the "Star Blade", because just now, a cut was cut in its abdomen, and blood was constantly gushing out.


With a piercing scream, the king-level ferocious beast flapped its wings again, and its huge figure suddenly took off.

"It's not good, it's going to lift!"

Galo rushed forward, trying to stop it.

On the other end, Rosa was not idle, and the combat knife in her hand kept dancing.

However, king-level ferocious beasts are not so easy to control.


The huge body does not affect the speed of its liftoff at all.

"Give me down!"

Galo stepped on the "Star Blade" and chased after him directly.

Unfortunately, as soon as she arrived in the air, her strength was greatly reduced, and although she barely caught up with the king-level ferocious beast, the next moment, she was directly slapped down by a claw.


Galo slammed into a rockery and his entire body sank into masonry.


Rosa hurried over.

"I'm okay!"

As he spoke, Garo stood up with a gray face.


At this moment, the king-level ferocious beast above his head once again chirped.

It is like an enraged eagle, constantly circling overhead.

"At this height, we can't help it!"

Rosa stood with her hands down, her silver-white armor shining in the moonlight.

"The height of the ferocious beast is about three hundred meters, and my 'Star Blade' can give it a try." Galo had a serious expression.

King-level ferocious beasts are rare, and if they can kill them at this moment and eat their flesh and blood, they will definitely increase the strength of the warrior.

"Don't be too reluctant!" Rosa said from the side.

High altitude station, she can only be a bystander.

Although she also has Nian energy, at best, she can only control a few throwing knives, which is far from the standard of battle.


The "Star Blade" in front of Galo began to rotate at high speed, emitting a pleasant metallic sound.


As Garo's mind moved, the "Star Blade" that had been gathered turned into a meteor and rushed towards the king-level ferocious beast hovering in the air.

The speed of the "Star Blade" was very fast, and in the blink of an eye, it arrived in front of the king-level ferocious beast.


With a soft sound, the star blade directly submerged into the body of a king-level ferocious beast.

"It worked!"

Rosa, who looked down, had a happy look on her face.

However, at this moment, Galo's eyebrows were furrowed.

She originally wanted to recycle the "Star Blade", but found that the Star Blade was stuck by the muscles of the fierce beast.

At this time, the pain-eating king-level ferocious beast vibrated its wings and flew towards the distance.

Garo did not hesitate and immediately caught up.

She can now give up the king-level ferocious beast, but she must not lose the "Star Blade".

That is her biggest reliance, and if she loses it, her strength will be greatly reduced.

Now there is a very difficult problem, in terms of speed, she is simply no better than a king-level ferocious beast flying in a straight line in the air.

And her "star blade", once it exceeds a certain distance, will be interrupted from her perception.



Seeing that the distance was getting farther and farther, Garo suddenly stopped his figure.

"Galo, what should I do, your 'Star Blade' is still in the body of that ferocious beast?

Rosa's appearance seemed to be even more anxious than Galo.

"It's just futile to chase after it like this, I need to use fighters!" Garo said with a serious look.

Even if that king-level ferocious beast escaped to the ends of the earth, she would chase after it.


Rosa nodded.

Through the positioning system of the fighter, combined with satellite monitoring, it should be possible to find the fierce beast.

Just as the two were about to return, an electric light streaked overhead.

On this night, that electric light was so obvious, yet so fast.

"What's that?" Rosa was taken aback.

She felt that the attack of the ferocious beast involved many things.

"Someone rushed over! So strong!

Galo's face changed, her gaze could not catch the figure of the other party, but she couldn't help but think of a person.

"Go, let's go too!"

Garo changed his mind again, chased the electric light, and continued to run forward.

In fact, the person that came to Garo's mind was none other than Chentian, and she didn't guess wrong.

Chen Tian cast a "flash" and soon caught up with the king-level ferocious beast.

"It's actually injured!"

Chen Tian accelerated and landed directly on the back of the king-level ferocious beast.

The king-level ferocious beast sensed Chentian's presence and immediately rotated its body, trying to throw Chentian out.

"You're very energetic!"

Chentian's feet seemed to have taken root, no matter how the king-level ferocious beast rotated, it still did not move.

Finally, the king-level ferocious beast swooped and rushed towards the building below.

At the moment when it was about to hit the floor, it turned its body sideways and used the friction with the building to try to drive the humans off its back.

However, instead of going down, Chen Tian stepped towards the braincase of a king-level ferocious beast.

The king-level ferocious beast felt threatened!

When it was attacked by the Star Blade, it was not so uneasy.

No way!

It is necessary to get the parasites off the head!

With this thought, the king-level ferocious beast turned on the self-masochistic mode, and when it saw some hard object, it directly hit it.

It has confidence in its body's defenses!

However, it didn't know that the human above its head had a defense power that was many times stronger than it.

Even if the head of the king-level ferocious beast was broken, Chen Tian would not suffer a single injury.

"You're very good at tossing!"

Chen Tian leaned down and slapped a palm according to the Heavenly Spirit Cover of the king-level ferocious beast.

Obviously, he didn't use much force, but when he hit the head of the king-level ferocious beast, the effect was immediate.


The king-level ferocious beast fell headlong.

Unexpectedly, he was stunned by Chentian's seemingly fluttering slap.

"It's good that I didn't shoot to death!"

After the examination found that this king-level ferocious beast had only temporarily lost consciousness, Chen Tian relaxed his heart.

Right now, except for this king-level ferocious beast, all the other ferocious beasts have been solved by him using the "Nian Power Scale".

If you don't leave a living mouth, how to find the "silver horned beast" behind the scenes.

"Isn't this that alien girl's soldier?"

With one thought, Chen Tian directly took out the star blade stuck in the body of the fierce beast.

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