As the saying goes, take advantage of your illness, it will kill you!

Chen Tian would not give the "Golden Horned Beast" a chance to breathe, let alone arrogantly think that the "Golden Horned Beast" could be solved just in this way.



One after another, the "spear of thunder and lightning" is still constantly bombarding.

Although the place below that was bombarded by lightning was already dusty and impossible to see, under the lock of Chentian's spiritual power, the "Thunder Spear" could accurately hit the Golden Horned Beast's body.

As long as the Golden Horned Beast is not moving at super speed, Chentian's "spiritual exploration" can firmly lock it.

"Master, I sense that the energy fluctuations of the 'Golden Horned Beast' are somewhat abnormal, please be careful!"

A reminder of the night armor suddenly came out in his mind, making Chentian's attack action slightly paused.

Abnormal energy?

Chentian's brows furrowed.

Although he can perform the skill of "Spirit Detection", his energy induction is far inferior to Night Armor.

Since Night Beetle said so, then the "Golden Horned Beast" must be strange.


Chen Tian flashed and opened the distance between the two sides first.

Immediately afterwards, the heavy shield was protected in front of him, and more than ten alloy warhammers hovered, and Chen Tian carefully sensed the Golden Horned Beast.

At this moment, the huge body of the Golden Horned Beast curled up, facing the sky with its hardest back, and the flames around it were long gone.

"Is it subdued?"

This thought flashed through Chentian's mind.

Although the Golden Horned Beast at this moment was very much like kneeling on the ground and being beaten, Chen Tian knew that things were by no means so simple.

This is a bloodline species that has the power of source energy since birth, how could it give in so easily.

It won't be a big move, right?

Chen Tian was shocked in his heart, thinking of the energy brewing in the mouth of the Golden Horned Beast before, and finally was forcibly interrupted by the battleship he released.

No way!

It seems that it is necessary to bombard from a different angle.

With this in mind, Chen Tian cast a flash again and fell directly to the ground.

Launch a lightning strike from the side, avoiding the hardest part of the Golden Horned Beast, and at the same time, figure out why it is willing to be struck by lightning without moving?


Chentian's speed is very fast, one moment it is still thousands of meters in the air, and the next moment, it has appeared on the potholed ground.


The Golden Horned Beast doesn't seem to be making small moves!

Chentian, who noticed this, was even more puzzled in his heart, but he couldn't stop attacking.

Even if he grinds, he will grind this "golden horned beast" to death.

Each lightning spear can only cause it to suffer a little injury, but if it accumulates into a lot and continues to attack, can it drain its life force?

Chentian thought so, and did so at the same time!

The spear of thunder and lightning is still bombarding non-stop.

"Master, stop quickly!"

Ye Yejia's hurried voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

The "Thunder Spear" that Chen Tian was about to launch was abruptly turned by him, and finally slammed into the distant peak.

That mountain peak was instantly cut off its head.

"Night Beetle, what's wrong?" Chen Tian looked puzzled.

"Master, this 'Golden Horned Beast' is awakening the second source energy through your lightning strike." Ye Yejia said busily.

"Awakening the second source energy?" Chen Tian was shocked.

Through the battles before and after, it can be determined that this "Golden Horned Beast" masters the fire attribute source energy.

As if in response to Chentian's surprise, a blue electric arc appeared around the originally motionless Golden Horned Beast.



At first, just a little.

Soon, the flickering arcs converged into a net, covering the huge body of the "Golden Horned Beast" in it.

"This is..."

Chen Tian looked at the golden horned beast standing up blankly.

"Oops! The second source energy of the Golden Horned Beast has awakened, and it is also a thunder and lightning attribute. Night's voice began to become anxious again.

There is no need to elaborate on Ye Yejia, Chen Tian also knows that it is tricky.

The controller is extremely resistant to the source energy of the same attribute, and it is because of this that Chen Tian used lightning to cultivate before.

Presumably for the "Golden Horned Beast", it is no exception.

Since the lightning power energy has been awakened, then, if Chen Tian casts a lightning strike on it, the effect will be greatly reduced.

If you don't get it right, the thunder and lightning released will also help the Golden Horned Beast master this source energy faster.

Suddenly, the situation turned around again.

Chentian, who was still attacking just now, frowned at this moment.

Among the moves he is now controlling, only the "Thunder Power Energy" can hurt the Golden Horned Beast.

And now, this only means is going to be blocked.

Just as Chen Tian was thinking about countermeasures in place, the golden horned beast over there had already stood up from the ground.

After mastering the second source energy, its exoskeleton has undergone some changes, and some dark blue totems have appeared.


The Golden Horned Beast opened its mouth and made a very harsh sound.

This is different from the previous rant.

It's more like a mockery!

Chentian's face became even more ugly, he knew that this golden horned beast must have understood that thunder and lightning could not do much damage to it.

"Master, after the 'Golden Horned Beast' masters the second source energy, it means that it may evolve at any time." The voice of the night armor sounded again.

This is really a house leak, just raining overnight!

If the "Golden Horned Beast" is allowed to complete its evolution, how will this battle be fought?


As if the space was torn apart, the Golden Horned Beast rushed towards Chen Tian at a speed that surpassed before.

Chen Tian could only avoid the edge for the time being.

At this moment, he had not thought of a second plan to deal with the Golden Horned Beast.


Chen Tian cast a flash and came to the sky again.

Almost at the same time, the Golden Horned Beast also chased after him.

"It's faster!"

The bad news is really one piece after another.


With a loud bang, Chen Tian, together with the heavy shield protecting him, was slapped to the ground by the Golden Horned Beast.


The golden horned beast raised its head and roared, as if venting the emotions in its heart.

The so-called feng shui rotates.

This time, Chentian will face the situation of being bombarded indiscriminately.


The golden horned beast opened its mouth, and countless fireballs directly smashed into Chen Tian on the ground.

It was wise, and knew that the second source energy it had just mastered could not hurt Chentian, so it still used the more skilled fire attribute source energy.



Explosion sound is endless, and the fireball in the mouth of the golden horned beast seems to be inexhaustible.

This kind of dense and wide-ranging attack directly suppressed Chen Tian on the ground, unable to cast a flash.

Ye Yejia originally wanted to come to support, but he was tripped up by three "emperor-level fierce beasts", and he couldn't rush over for a while.

The Golden Horned Beast learned what Chen Tian looked like before and output vigorously.

It also realized that it was necessary to get rid of this human being at this moment, and the battle just now had threatened its life.

Suddenly, the

Golden Horned Beast stopped attacking, and a pair of beast eyes suddenly contracted, as if it had discovered something incredible.

On the messy ground, in the smoke and dust, Chentian's voice suddenly came out:

"It turns out that you can really control the second source energy!"

In the thick smoke, Chentian's figure slowly rose.

In his left hand, a lantern-sized fireball was as dazzling.

That turned out to be the fire attribute source energy!

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