The hatred value of the Golden Horned Beast has long been full, and without Chen Tian's provocation, it directly rushed up.

That speed is so fast that even spiritual exploration is difficult to capture.

It is worthy of the power of the bloodline, and this speed alone, as well as the physical defense, is enough to crush ordinary "masters".


Just when the giant claws of the Golden Horned Beast were about to grab Chentian, an incredible scene appeared.

Chentian's body seemed to turn into a blue electric arc, and in an instant, it disappeared in place.

As soon as the Golden Horned Beast caught it, it roared again in anger.


The sound spread in all directions with some kind of concussive power.

Those strange ferocious beasts, in this roar, actually appeared a brief stagnation, as if they turned into a stone statue.

Even the three "Emperor-level Fierce Beasts" who were displaying their divine might stopped attacking at this moment.

Ye Yejia took advantage of this opportunity to get in touch with Chen Tian again.

"Master, you are injured."

"No problem!"

While Chen Tian responded, he glanced at this right hand with his afterlight.

Not only was his arm broken, but even the magic knife that he couldn't put down was shattered in the previous confrontation.

To put it simply, he got rid of the previous death at the cost of one arm, plus a magic knife.

Not only that, but he also completed his realization in a desperate situation.

The body technique that he just unfolded is the embodiment of his perception.

Instantaneous Second Edition!

A skill that perfectly incorporates "lightning power".

It was also thanks to this skill that he was able to rush out of the ground at once.

In terms of the characteristics of the source energy, the addition of the speed of the lightning power supply is far from the fire attribute source energy can be compared.

"Master, the Golden Horned Beast is too strong, maybe we can evacuate first!" Night Beetle proposed.

"Nope!" Chentian directly refused.

He must kill this golden horned beast here.

Since he woke up this alien creature, it was up to him to solve it.

If this golden horned beast is left alone, the "Dawning City" will definitely be over.

Under the leadership of the Golden Horned Beast, the army of ferocious beasts was able to turn the "Dawning City" into ruins in just half an hour.

By then, countless people will have lost their lives.

And this is just the beginning, more cities will suffer in the future.

Of course, the most important point is that the golden horned beast is still in its infancy, and there are still dark injuries.

If you don't kill it at this time, do you have to wait for it to heal its wounds and complete its evolution!

Tatsumi knew that this was a risky operation, however, he had an intuition that he could succeed.

Perhaps, his desire to kill this golden horned beast was far less than his desire for his own power.

The epiphany just now gave him the feeling of crossing the steps and reaching new heights.

Is that true, there will be a similar harvest later.

He's looking forward to it!

In this battle, he is bound to do his best!


After the Golden Horned Beast roared, it suddenly accelerated again, still attacking with its claws.

Only this time, when Chen Tian dodged, the Golden Horned Beast opened its mouth and directly ejected a pillar of fire.


Chen Tian dodged while using the heavy shield defense.

He is now optimizing his body.

If you look closely, you will find that the speed and smoothness of his movement at this moment have been greatly improved compared to just now.


Thousands of meters above, Chentian's figure suddenly appeared.

"Let's name this upgraded version of the movement method 'Flash'!"

Chen Tian very casually named him, which is also a kind of memorial, reminding him not to forget the transformation of this day in the future.


The golden horned beast's body was wrapped in roaring flames, and it was like going crazy, and it bombarded indiscriminately in the sky.

A huge fireball, erupting from its mouth, flew high in the air and exploded and split into countless small fireballs.

These little fireballs explode again!

In an instant, high in the sky, the flames filled the sky.

"Your large-scale attack method is no longer useful in such an open place!"

In an instant, Chen Tian had already arrived behind the Golden Horned Beast.

He wants to avenge the "broken arm".

"I turn myself into Thunder!"

Chen Tian's expression was lingering, and he was not angry and proud of himself suspended there.

In an instant, the thunder and lightning particles between heaven and earth converged towards him at a terrifying speed.

A "Thunder Spear" compressed by the power of lightning suddenly appeared in the palm of his left hand.


There was a thunder on the ground, and this "Spear of Thunder and Lightning" rushed straight towards the Golden Horned Beast.

The light that bloomed at that moment actually overshadowed the raging fire in the sky.


With a loud bang, the great earthquake trembled.

The golden horned beast with a huge body was actually directly bombarded to the ground.

The power of this move is really terrifying.

"Master, your 'Source Energy Power' has evolved!"

In his head, there was the joyful voice of Nightbeetle.

If we talk about Chen Tian before, the comprehension of the "power of source energy" can only be regarded as just getting started.

Now, he has a unique understanding and use of the "power of source energy".

Condensing source energy is not something that can be achieved by diligence and hard work alone.

More importantly, it is still understanding!

The understanding of source energy, the perception of the energy of heaven and earth.

"I don't know what that feels like. I am the thunderbolt, I am the master! While

communicating with the Night Armor Soul, the Spear of Thunder and Lightning once again condensed in front of Chentian.

This time, three "Thunder Spears" suddenly appeared.


At this moment, the golden horned beast that was driven into the deep pit just flew up.

"It seems that you are not indestructible either!"

Looking at the wound that the Golden Horned Beast had just been blasted open by the "Thunder Spear", Chen Tian smiled coldly.

Just that moment, it was just a small test.

Next, the big play!

Just aim the "Thunder Spear" at the heart of the Golden Horned Beast to kill it here.


The "Thunder Spear", just like its name, was already in front of the Golden Horned Beast when it was launched.

Previously, the Golden Horned Beast also entrusted the earth to let Chen Tian attack.

But this time, it used the "Defense" move for the first time.


The two huge forelimbs interlaced with each other, protecting the chest position, and the Golden Horned Beast suddenly changed its flight direction.


"Thunder and Lightning Spear" bombarded the golden horned beast's body again.

Although it was a pity that it failed to hit the vital part, the Golden Horned Beast was injured again.

The two forelimbs it used for defense were blasted out of a basin-sized wound, and streams of liquid as thick as magma flowed out.

"Next, let's see how long you can prevent it!"

Chen Tian flashed and came directly above the head of the Golden Horned Beast.

At the same time, his body began to gather the "Spear of Thunder and Lightning" uninterruptedly.

"Be baptized!"

As soon as his mind moved, dozens of thunder and lightning spears once again slammed into the Golden Horned Beast.

With its speed, the Golden Horned Beast dodged the first two, but the "Thunder Spear" behind it all hit its body.


~ boom rumble ~

It is like a series of heavenly calamities chopping down without gaps.

The huge golden horned beast was once again bombarded to the ground.

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