Chapter 400: There are many doubts, set up an investigation team to go to Sanjiang District! (2/3)

: Shocked! The audience was shocked! There was no sound! In the small conference room, a dozen senior officials of the Ministry of Military Affairs and Culture were sitting. At this moment, they were all shocked by the situation of the black forces, and they were speechless. What kind of scene is this? There are corpses everywhere, zombies everywhere, and not a single part of the ground is intact, even if the nearby buildings are collapsed, tattered and tattered. It’s like a hell scene after nuclear baptism! The only difference is that after nuclear baptism, there will be large pits on the ground, and all the corpses will be evaporated. Even if they are high-level officials of Changhe City, they have seen many big scenes and know things that many people don’t know, but they have never seen such a hell scene! If you calculate it, there are at least three or four million! Let’s look at the human corpses? There are actually 50,000 or 60,000! This is almost more than the other two forces combined! “How could this be? Are all the members of the force dead?” Seeing someone here finally reacted. “Huh.. 50,000 or 60,000 survivors! There has never been such a large-scale casualty in the previous natural disaster!” If so many people died in the early days of the outbreak, when the chaos 953 died, it would be understandable, but now it has basically been After stabilizing, they have also exchanged a lot of firearms and ammunition, why are there still such large-scale casualties. “That’s a corpse tide of three or four million, do you think it’s a joke?” “Yes, there are so many zombies, say fifty or sixty thousand, even if there are 100,000, they may not be spared!” “No ! That’s when there are not too many firearms and ammunition! But who is the Zhuanghu faction? But they are all black people before the end of the day! Can their supplies be low? The light records show that the firearms and ammunition they exchanged All kinds of weapons are comparable to the military department of a third-tier city!” “Having so many weapons and weapons, looking at the traces of the battle, it is also prepared in advance. Three or four million zombies come from two sides, they have no reason. Can’t resist it?” “And even if it can’t be resisted, with their military strength, it is easy to escape, but it seems that one has not escaped? “Wait! Two parties? Which two parties ring?” At this time, Li Shan noticed a detail and immediately asked (ajac). The higher-ups around him did not know why, and after looking at the screen again and identifying the direction, he replied, “What’s wrong with the south and west?” “Where are the security forces and the health club sub-police? Li Shan seems to be caught What details are there? “South and west…” He replied to his high-level officials, and seemed to realize something. At this time, one person pointed to the port of Qimen River, which was the closest to the black forces in the picture. The command said, “Enlarge this piece. “”Okay, General. The staff agreed, and immediately pressed pause to zoom in on the screen. And when the picture was zoomed in, the outlines of several freighters instantly became clear, attracting all the attention. “The freighter of Kangchao’s forces! After seeing it clearly, one person recognized him directly. “I read that right? How could the freighter of Kangchao’s forces appear here?” Before, “When delivering supplies to them, I I even watched it on their freighter. How could I admit I was wrong? 93 “That’s weird. Could it be that their base was breached and they came to Zhuanghu’s forces to take refuge?” “Impossible, the guns and ammunition exchanged by Kang Chao’s forces There is also a lot of medicine, and it is easy to rebuild a base, it is impossible to rely on Zhuang Hu’s forces.” “Yes, although they are both survivors, but they can make their own decisions and become the local emperor, who wants to go to the policeman’s place. To be a eunuch? “Isn’t it even more strange to say that?” Perhaps, you can think about it in reverse…” Li Shan seemed to have a flash of light in his mind, guessing, “Is it possible that the tiger’s power wants to monopolize it? Sanjiang District resources, so they sent people to mobilize the corpse tide to attack the other two forces, but the two forces not only resisted, but also fought back?” Speaking of which, Li Shan – referring to the staff, ordered, “The The Fengsha River is close to the port of the Zhuanghu force!” “Yes! The staff did not dare to neglect, swiped the flat computer screen, fast-forwarded the video to the place where there was a picture of the Fengsha River, clicked pause and zoomed in.” really!”

Seeing the freighter of the fitness club in the picture, Li Shan was even more certain about his guess.

But some people still found doubts, “With the means of Zhuang Hu’s forces, attacking them should not be blatant, it must be a sneak attack, so how did the other two forces find out in advance?

“And how can it be so easy to trigger the corpse tide? And to trigger so many at once, let’s not talk about the time required, just talk about the attack of flying zombies, is it enough for them to drink a pot?

“The key point is that the number of corpses is too exaggerated. It actually triggered a corpse tide of 2 million? It adds up to 6 million. Are there so many zombies in Sanjiang District?”

“In the end, it’s time. The collapse of these three forces obviously happened in one day. General Li thinks, can they do this in one day?

These doubts were raised, and Li Shan’s guess was immediately broken, but for now, in their opinion, it was most likely still Li Shan’s guess.

At this moment, Wei Jun, who had been sitting in the chief and listened to their discussion, had not spoken, and pressed his hand to calm them down.

“Okay, there is no result if we continue to discuss, let’s set up an investigation team and go to the scene tomorrow to investigate.”

After speaking, Wei Jun picked up the teacup, blew on the tea leaves and took a sip, and said, “Since Zhuang Hu’s power has no gap, Sanjiang District has become like this now, and wolf-level zombies are appearing in a large number of rhymes. As for the incorporation of the other four major forces, you have to find a solution as soon as possible.19

Otherwise, “If such a situation occurs again, we will not be able to bear the blame.

“Understood.” When Li Shan heard this, he was the first to nod in agreement.

“Since the three forces in the Sanjiang District are not known, do we have to support a new hook as soon as possible to maintain the situation in the Sanjiang District? Otherwise, the Sanjiang District may not be guaranteed.”

Wu Yang, who was also sitting in chief, looked at Wei Jun beside him and discussed.

“This is indeed a problem. Sanjiang District is an important waterway hub. We can’t just let it fall!”

Hearing this, Wei Jun nodded, but he didn’t rush to make a decision. Instead, he said, “Let’s investigate first, let’s see, and I don’t know if there are any suitable candidates in Sanjiang District.”

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