Chapter 399: The three major forces were attacked by the corpse tide, and no one survived? (13)

“What? The three major forces in Sanjiang District were attacked by a corpse tide, and no one survived?”

The staff’s words directly shocked everyone in the conference room, and Li Shan was even more startled, staring at the other party, unable to believe it.

“Have you verified the authenticity of this news? Has the relevant video been retrieved?”

“General Li, all relevant videos have been put on this flat-screen computer.

The staff said, walked into the conference room and connected the flat-screen computer to the only large conference screen.

Then I pressed the play button, which caught everyone’s attention, and all looked.

Because it was filmed by satellites and nearby surveillance probes, the sound could not be recorded, but the visual impact of the scenes in the picture, even if they did not hear the sound, shocked them.

First of all, the screen broadcasts the situation of the security forces.

The original abandoned shipyard, because the security forces left, the zombies they destroyed were not processed, and at night, a large number of zombies were eaten.

The guide wall was directly broken open by the zombies and broke in.

As for the survivors, all the boats that took them on disappeared!

It also shows the situation in the current picture, the empty abandoned shipyard, except for zombies, zombies!

Look at the number of at least four or five million!

And as they gnawed at the corpses of their companions and absorbed enough nutrients, gradually evolved zombies began to evolve twice!

Over time, this number keeps increasing!

“Looking at the traces of the battle, and the corpses of the zombies, they should have experienced a very cruel battle! At least all the weapons have been used!”

“There are potholes everywhere, even five kilometers away. Obviously, the number of corpses they encountered this time will never be small!”

“There are also a lot of traps, which means that they discovered this corpse tide in advance, but they still failed to resist it.

After hearing the conversations of the high-level officials, the staff wiped away their cold sweat and reported, “The reason why we determined that it was the corpse tide was because the backup video of the nearby surveillance probes found that millions of corpse tides passed by.”

“The tide of millions of corpses! No wonder…”

The eyes of the high-level executives were condensed, and they understood.

Such a number of corpse tides can already pose a threat to the upper-level forces, and it is even more alarming for this mere middle-level and upper-level forces.

After watching the video of the security forces, the staff played the second video, the fitness club.


The moment they saw the content of the screen, almost everyone present gasped.

If it is said that the security forces are considered clean, the situation in the fitness club is a bit appalling!

At least on the side of the security forces, there are not too many survivors’ corpses, but on the fitness club side, there are corpses almost everywhere!

Let’s take a closer look at the number, it’s just about 20,000!

“All the survivors they rescued. Are all dead? Really no one survived?”

Everyone was suffocated by this scene!

“How is that possible? Didn’t they have freighters as a back-up? How could none of them escape?”

“Yeah, the cargo ships on the security forces’ side are all gone, and it is very likely that some people, or even most people, were successfully evacuated. 99

“Wait, the freighters from the health club are all gone!”

“Gone too? But why are these survivors still dead? Failed to escape?”

“Could it be those people in the health club who left themselves and escaped? 99

“Dammit, looking at it this way, it’s really possible! Most of these corpses didn’t wear any combat uniforms or weapons!

“Yes, I haven’t even seen a few exoskeleton armors exchanged from us!

“That is, did they really leave civilians and escape?99

After watching this video of the fitness club, it can be said that all the members in the conference room were furious, as if they were going to send troops to live in this group of people in the fitness club at any time!

But obviously, as high-level people, they are very clear that they have not yet figured out the specific situation, so they should not jump to conclusions, let alone issue orders lightly.

Moreover, they have a vague feeling that there are many strange places here!

For example, why were they attacked by the corpse tide at the same time? And they were all in the millions? Why did they know it in advance, but they didn’t stop it?

Although it is said that the tide of millions of corpses is a great threat to them, as far as they know, the number of firearms, ammunition, explosives, and artillery exchanged by these two forces is quite large!

Even if you can’t beat it, you can always escape, right?

Changhe City has many rivers and well-developed waterway transportation. There are many port freighters in almost every urban area. There is no reason why they cannot escape.

But the freighter did disappear, what about the people? Dead or alive?

And on the fitness club side, why are there only mass deaths of civilians, or even all of them, those combat members, exoskeleton armored fighters, etc., but almost none of them have been seen?

These strange places, they must figure out all the detours! Otherwise, they must not jump to conclusions!

“|| Let’s also adjust the situation of the mixed black forces!”

Li Shan, who sat back in his seat again, raised his hand with a dark face and gestured.

It’s just that he signaled so, but the staff lowered their heads, pale and sweaty, and said, “Before playing this last video, I hope you will be mentally prepared.”

“Be mentally prepared? Is the situation of the black forces worse than the first two (Nori)?

“Hmph, what kind of scene I haven’t seen before? How can a mere gangster force scare me?

“Hurry up, the police are dragging their feet, it’s all over, Laozi still wants to go earlier and have more rest. 99

Seeing that all the senior management said this, the staff did not say any more, and directly clicked on the third video on the flat-screen computer, so that the large conference screen that was projected on the screen simultaneously played the situation of the mixed black forces.

Corpses! Corpses! Corpses everywhere!

Pit! Pit! Pits everywhere!

Ruins! The entire commercial block is almost not intact!

It’s like being nuclear baptized!

Let all the high-level executives in the scene change their faces at the moment they see it!

Even after being reminded by the staff, I have already made certain preparations in my heart, but I am still shocked by this shocking picture.

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