It's about ten kilometers to the north of the valley. Along the way, there are ruins of former buildings. Later, after the decomposition of vegetation, they eventually turned into piles of uneven sand and gravel.

The little monkey held Huawei's two-meter-long machete in one hand and swung it all the way, cutting through weeds and shrubs.

Zhao Yin led Song Xiaodao and two contract beasts behind him, his speed was not slow at all, as if he was walking on flat ground.

Ten minutes later, we arrived at the cliff directly north of the valley.

Zhao Yin raised his head and looked at the cliff about seventy meters high. There was an irregular circular hole there, about five or six meters in diameter.

Everything is no different from the previous life.

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"With the ability of that flying white tiger, as long as it doesn't take the initiative to die and come to the ground, the previous Zombie King can't do anything to it!"

Zhao Yingying said: "It lives in this cave, and the zombie king below has become the best bodyguard. It can also leave from the top of the mountain to hunt at any time, and its freedom will not be restricted!"

In the previous life, when Zhao Yin came, the Zombie King was no longer here and left here for unknown reasons. At that time, Zhao Yin did not understand why the Flying White Tiger chose to live here.

At this moment, he finally understood that in the beginning, Feitian White Tiger was using the Zombie King as a bodyguard.

"Song Xiaodao, take this animal trap. Lao Hei, you take Song Xiaodao to escape to the top of the mountain. Once the flying white tiger appears, you two will try your best to capture it."

Zhao Yin took out the animal trap and handed it to Song Xiaodao.

The little girl raised her hand to take it, and climbed onto Lao Hei's back with excitement: "Old Hei, take me to Earth Escape quickly and let me see what it's like underground!"

The soil under Lao Hei's feet immediately rippled, and then a large dark hole was revealed. It slowly sank with Song Xiaodao.

Zhao Yin then said to Lao Niu: "You are here, the flying white tiger has a low chance of escaping from the ground, but you can't take it lightly. Once it appears, you will be knocked unconscious by me!"

"I understand, Master." Now Lao Niu can be regarded as a cow who has seen the world, and he immediately understood that the Master wanted to block all the Feitian White Tiger's escape routes.

"Monkey, come up with me and outflank it on the left and right. If you encounter resistance, don't be polite. Give it a good beating first."

After Zhao Yin finished speaking, he took out two rat claws and used them as climbing hooks to climb up quickly.

The little monkey's sharp nails easily inserted into the cracks in the stone, and he slowly kept at the same level as the owner. Soon, one person and one animal arrived in front of the cave.


"Strange, why are there no zombies?"

At this time, a group of people appeared at the entrance of the valley, including men and women, all young and strong, about fifty or sixty people!

Everyone was holding equipment in their hands, including several large nets made of nylon ropes, 'big knives' with shovel heads welded to steel pipes, and some, like Zhao Yin back then, were holding pig-killing knives made of steel bars with handles welded... …

The leader was a tall young man with a samurai sword in his hand. There was no scabbard. The blade was faintly glowing with silver. He was holding an E-class extraordinary weapon!

Standing next to him were two young men, both with broad shoulders and thick backs. At first glance, they looked like they had been training for a long time before the apocalypse and had not suffered much hunger after the apocalypse.

Both of them also had extraordinary weapons in their hands. One was holding a butterfly knife, and the other was carrying an F-level baseball bat.

"Brother Bao, what should we do? There are no zombies here at the entrance of the valley. Do we need to go deep into the valley to lure them away?" The young man holding the butterfly knife had a harelip, and his words were leaky.

The leader, Brother Bao, frowned and said nothing. He was still observing the valley and seemed to be very hesitant.

At this moment, the pockmarked young man holding a baseball bat suddenly trembled and pointed somewhere behind him: "Brother Bao... look... then, there...!"

"What did you see?"

Brother Bao couldn't help but turn around, and then his eyes widened.

Everyone looked over, and in an instant, they all turned into wooden sculptures.

At this moment, the whole world was quiet and could hear the needle drop.

I saw a mountain of dead zombies piled there, too many to count, at least tens of thousands!

"How did so many zombies die?"

"They were killed. Look, they are piled up neatly!"

"Impossible. Who can kill so many zombies? Not even Datou's group can do it."

"We came here a week ago to lure out zombies and kill them. In just one week, unless it was an army or... those mutated rats!"

When someone mentioned the group of mutated beasts, everyone fell silent and turned pale.

In fact, like Zhao Yin, Brother Bao and others used to lure out the zombies in the valley and kill them, but they only lured a few of them and killed dozens of them in one day.

A week ago, the zombies suddenly became stronger. As a result, several people died in the camp, and they never came back.

Two days ago, they got a batch of nylon ropes and weaved a few large nets. Then they remembered the zombies in this valley, so they came fully armed today.

I didn’t expect to see this scene!

Brother Bao shook his head: "It shouldn't be mutant rats. I heard that after the king team disappeared in the cave, the group of mutant rats also disappeared. Even if they appeared, they should attack nearby humans. Why would they come here to kill zombies?"

"Come on, come with me and have a look!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Brother Bao was the first to walk in front, and everyone immediately followed him.

Soon, when they arrived in front of the mountain of corpses, Brother Bao looked solemn: "They are humans. Although many zombies' bodies are broken, most of their heads have marks of knife cuts!"

"It's a pity that there are so many corpse crystals and among so many zombies, there should be some that can produce star crystals, but they have all been taken away!" said the pockmarked young man.

"In this apocalyptic world, can anyone really kill tens of thousands of zombies in just a few days?" Brother Bao murmured solemnly: "If so, how powerful are they?"

"Brother Bao, how about we leave quickly? If we bump into each other, we are no match!" said the young man with a hare lip.

Brother Bao nodded: "Rabbit, take everyone back to the camp and tell Sister Li what happened here!"

"Brother Bao, what about you?" the hare-lip young man asked.

"Mazi and I will go in and take a look." Brother Bao then said to Mazi: "The two of us will go in and see what's in the valley. There are no zombies guarding us now. Maybe we can still find supplies!"

"Okay, Brother Bao!" Although Mazi was frightened, he did not dare to disobey the order because Sister Li had announced in public that Brother Bao is now also an evolver!

The power of the Evolver scared Mazi even thinking about it. Even though he hated Brother Bao in his heart, he still tried his best to flatter him on weekdays.


Zhao Yin made complete preparations and even took out a bottle of iced black tea in his hand.

He will never allow any mistakes!

Isn't it just for the Flying White Tiger that you have gone through so much trouble?

He and the little monkey hid all their auras, slowly approached the cave entrance, and then suddenly pounced in.

A dark and damp smell hit my face. What I saw was a narrow cave less than twenty meters deep. There were only bare rocks. Where was the shadow of the flying white tiger?

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