Zhao Yin breathed a sigh of relief and looked down at the biscuit packaging and the empty Nongfu Spring bottle on the ground, which were turning into light spots and slowly disappearing into the air.

Zhao Yin's mind also cleared up, and then he was slightly stunned.

"I know that she will be fine without wasting extraordinary food, why should I do this?"

Am I feeling sorry for her?

Zhao Yin rubbed his face, how could this be possible? ,

He, Zhao Yin, had already cut off his seven emotions and six desires with the claw of the flying white tiger in his previous life, and his heart was as hard as stone!

In the end times, only people with a heart of stone, vicious and cruel can live longer!

This is what he has been sticking to since his rebirth.

Zhao Yin secretly warned himself in his heart that this was a stupid mistake and he must never make it again!

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He lit a cigarette, sat aside and waited slowly, looking at Song Xiaodao's little face with indifferent eyes.

As the little girl evolved, her skin was still as delicate as a baby's, but after being exposed to the sun and rain for some time, she looked a little dark.

Her long eyelashes trembled gently, like a beautiful butterfly flapping its wings.

"Brother... don't go, don't leave me...!"

In her sleep, she cried and murmured the deepest obsession in her heart.

After so long, Song Xiaodao acted heartless, and Zhao Yin always thought that she had forgotten that past.

This was the time when her willpower was the most unclear, but she still spoke out her heart.

But Zhao Yin did not regret it. If he had rescued Song Xiaojian at the beginning, he and the little monkey might have lost their lives.

He simply stopped thinking about it and transferred all the items in the space ring, except for food and chestnut leaves, to the life space one by one.

Then he made a fire and cooked.

Three hours later, Song Xiaodao woke up.

Zhao Yin opened the Eye of True Vision.

[Human female: Awakened power user, E-level evolver, evolution degree 100/0, strength 29, agility 36, physical strength 23, spirit 19, life countdown: 60102 days]

It's just the information of an awakened power user, the True Vision Eye cannot detect what specific power it is!

Prove that her power awakening is successful.

"Zhao Yin, have I awakened my power?" After a brief moment of confusion, Song Xiaodao climbed up from the bed sheet.

Zhao Yin nodded: "Go and try your ability, and then come back for dinner."

At this time, the broth and chestnut porridge were already cooked, steaming hot.

He knew that if this girl didn't try her power, she might not be able to eat.

Song Xiaodao immediately rushed out, subconsciously using the wind power, and then... Bang!


Song Xiaodao hit his head on the invisible tent, lying there with his legs spread out, covering his head and rubbing it desperately.

"Don't break my tent!" Zhao Yin warned hurriedly.

"Shouldn't you feel sorry for your fiancée?" Song Xiaodao patted his butt and stood up, staring at Zhao Yin angrily.

"A head injury will heal, but a broken tent is gone!" Zhao Yin said.

Song Xiaodao shouted: "The tent is an A-level extraordinary treasure, how can I break it?"

"If you don't try your superpowers, I will call the monkeys to come in for dinner." Zhao Yin said.

Song Xiaodao chuckled and turned to leave the tent.

Zhao Yin touched the stubble on his chin. This girl dared to argue with him when she was just a little bit strong. This is not a good thing.

He secretly made up his mind to find an opportunity to give her a good beating.

Before leaving, Song Xiaodao did not close the door of the tent, intending to let Zhao Yin see her figure while sitting in the tent.

"Little monkey, little monkey, can you accompany me to try superpowers... Why do you activate the giant superpower for nothing?"

Song Xiaodao looked at the giant monkey in confusion.

The little monkey was taking a nap, and he was instantly unhappy when he heard this. Whoever has activated the superpower, your whole family will have activated the superpower!

It rolled its eyes at Song Xiaodao, raised its hand to grab her collar and threw it at Lao Niu, then looked at the embarrassed Song Xiaodao with contempt, and closed its eyes and took a nap again.

Song Xiaodao felt that the little monkey just made a casual move, and it was definitely not something he could compete with. After being afraid, he did not dare to go to the little monkey to try the superpower again, and then looked at Lao Niu.

"Niu Niu, can you accompany me to try the superpower?"

Lao Niu slowly stood up, looking at Song Xiaodao with contempt, and nodded to signal her to come over.

Song Xiaodao suddenly felt a little uncomfortable, remembering that it was the first time he saw Lao Niu, it showed this look.

One by one, they all looked down on him?

She took out the rat king claw directly, and a gust of wind instantly wrapped her body, and then rushed towards Lao Niu quickly.

At this time, Zhao Yin's heart shrank in the tent!

The speed bonus brought to Song Xiaodao by the wind power is almost as fast as that of the White Rat King who had the speed power at the beginning, but Song Xiaodao is only E-level now, and he doesn't look that fast.

At this moment, a layer of scales quickly covered the whole body of the old cow. It tucked its tail and let the rat king's claws hit it, smashing a string of sparks.


The old cow didn't even move, but Song Xiaodao's arm was numb from the shock.

The power gap is too big!

She stepped back a few steps and found that the old cow was looking at her playfully, and the little monkey and Lao Hei beside him showed mockery in their eyes.

"Humph, you are all looking down on me!" The little girl was a little angry: "Niu Niu, I'll let you know how powerful I am!"

She suddenly raised her hand, and three wind blades were released from her palm, cutting through the air rapidly, slashing towards the old cow with a howling like a gust of wind!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The indifferent old cow stared at him instantly, and it was too late to dodge. Three wind blades hit him, and three scratches were cut on his scales, and his huge body shook.

At this time, the little monkey and Lao Hei who were watching the excitement also changed their expressions, and they were all a little surprised.

Zhao Yin in the tent smiled, it was the old cow who was too careless.

The old cow's shortcoming is speed.

The advantage of the wind system is fast speed and many changes. Unlike the rapid ability of the white rat king at the beginning, although it is a little slower, it has various means of attack.

Song Xiaodao immediately became excited: "Stinky cow, I was so good to you before, let you laugh at me, let you laugh at me!"

Wind blades swept away, and the old cow dodged quickly. Although the wind blades could not really hurt it, it hurt when it hit its body!

The key is that it is too embarrassing for the cow, and the master is still watching!

The old cow finally got the chance and rushed towards Song Xiaodao, but a wind blade came towards it.

The target was directly for the eyes, and the old cow could only dodge with force. The next moment, when chasing, Song Xiaodao had already dodged to another direction.

The old cow finally got serious and even used the speed bonus of the helmet. Finally, he was able to surpass Song Xiaodao in speed, and then he swung his tail.


The tail hit a wind wall directly. When the remaining power was used up, the wind wall broke, and Song Xiaodao also dodged and pulled away.

"Stop, Niu Niu, I won't fight anymore!" Song Xiaodao suddenly shouted loudly.

The old cow stopped and looked at her in confusion.

At this time, Song Xiaodao was panting and sat on the ground: "I'm so tired, Niu Niu, you are so awesome!"

Although she couldn't use her S-level superpowers to her full strength, she still exhausted her energy in a short time.

She just mastered the superpowers and didn't know how to save energy at all. She threw out the strongest attack method she could use at one breath.

Song Xiaodao finally understood why Zhao Yin didn't use his thunder powers easily!

The stronger the power, the faster it will be consumed!

"Okay, come in and eat." Zhao Yin shouted in the tent: "There are things to do later."

The three contracted beasts immediately rushed to the tent. The happiest thing for them was the reward from their master, and the other thing was eating!

Song Xiaodao took a few breaths, and finally stood up exhausted and walked into the invisible tent.

"Zhao Yin, I still can't beat Niu Niu."

"When you reach level D, it's still uncertain who will win!"

Zhao Yin said: "Lao Niu is a mutant beast, and its natural attributes are much higher than those of the evolvers. It is rare to have dual combat powers. You have performed very well!"

"Of course, if you are Lao Niu's enemy, you have died many times just now, and you should thank it for showing mercy."

When it comes to encouraging children, Zhao Yin is not stingy with words.

Song Xiaodao became happy again: "Zhao Yin, am I qualified to be your fiancée?"

"Eat! The monkey's appetite has increased again. If you don't eat, there will be nothing left!" Zhao Yin said.

Song Xiaodao immediately forgot about his fiancée and picked up the bowl to join the army of foodies!

After eating and drinking, Zhao Yin put the invisible tent and all daily necessities into the life space. At this time, Wu Xuegui and the two giant beasts had already returned to the cave.

Zhao Yin's eyes fell on the north of the valley.

There was a cliff there.

In his previous life, Zhao Yin found the flying white tiger in a cave on the hillside of the cliff!

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