Except for a bottle of Nongfu Spring, the other three items are all good things!

Canned beef can permanently increase the strength attribute. It is a long-term growth item. In theory, as long as you can get more, you can keep increasing the attribute without being restricted by the level.

This kind of item didn't seem to be of much use a few years before the end of the world, but three years later, many evolvers have grown up, and it becomes harder to upgrade the level as time goes by. This kind of item that can permanently increase attributes becomes extremely precious.

In particular, some powerful people who have established forces often spend a huge price to acquire such items.

The D-level therapeutic potion that is most needed right now is the little monkey. It only has one arm left and its strength is greatly reduced.

Zhao Yin had obtained B-level space teleportation scrolls several times in his previous life, and he could save his life at critical moments!

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It’s all good stuff!

Zhao Yin looked at Song Xiaodao in surprise, wondering in his heart, could this girl be a girl of luck? Otherwise, why would her luck be so bad when she opened the Star Crystal for the first time?

"Zhao Yin, why are you looking at me like this? Are these things good?" Song Xiaodao blushed, then picked up the bottle of healing potion and asked, "It feels the same as the bottle of potion that the cow drank last time! "

"This is a D-level healing potion!"

Zhao Yin said, and put all the things on the table into the space ring. After thinking about it, he took out a piece of canned tuna to prevent viruses and a piece of sandwich bread, and pushed them in front of Song Xiaodao.

"If you are bitten by a zombie in the future, you can save your life by eating the canned tuna, and you can also take the sandwich bread."

"Is it a reward for my fiancée?" Song Xiaodao took it in surprise.

"I'm afraid that if you die, no one will open the Star Crystal for me anymore." Zhao Yin said.

Song Xiaodao wrinkled his nose: "Huh, you obviously care about me, but you deliberately say that you are so bad!"

Zhao Yin picked up the healing potion and shouted: "Monkey!"

The little monkey beside him had woken up long ago because when he was sleeping, he heard Zhao Yin mentioning the D-level treatment potion.

At this time, he was looking at Zhao Yin eagerly.

It hurriedly communicated in its heart: "Master, the little monkey will obey your arrangements at any time, and Pi Yanzi will not hesitate to stab him!"

"Flattery is too much!"

As this monkey's strength increases, its wisdom becomes higher and higher, and it is no longer the silly little monkey it was before.

Zhao Yin threw the healing potion over: "Use what I promised you tonight. I want to see you kill zombies at your peak tomorrow morning!"

The little monkey happily jumped up and down holding the healing potion, circling around Zhao Yin: "The little monkey loves his master very much and is willing to dedicate everything to his master, Pi Yanzi...!"


Zhao Yin kicked the little monkey away, lowered his head and continued to eat the broth.

Tonight, let everyone and the beast rest.

Tomorrow he plans to be promoted to D level and collect more star crystals...

Late at night, a dark red moon appeared in the sky. It looked more than ten times bigger than before the apocalypse, like a bloody eye overlooking the earth!

At this time, five kilometers due east of the invisible tent, there was a low mountain.

In the moonlight, three figures stood under a big tree, hiding their figures in the shadows.

"Boss, that man is five kilometers to the west. He led the group of monsters to kill zombies all day long, killing at least a thousand of them!" Old Qin pointed in the direction of Zhao Yin and said.

In the darkness, the woman's eyes were as bright as stars, and a beautiful smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

Hong Xiaotian said: "Boss, what do you owe him? Old Qin almost lost his life for this fishing net. Do you really want to give it to him?"

"Aren't they all assigned?"

The woman finally spoke, her voice as hoarse as ever: "You took the evolution potion, Lao Qin took the sandwich bread, this fishing net should be mine."

"Fishing nets can trap zombies. With them, boss, you will have extra security. Why bother... in this apocalyptic world!"

"Okay, Xiao Hong, I know what's appropriate." The woman interrupted calmly.

Neither Hong Xiaotian nor Lao Qin said anything.

Their lives were saved by women.

Among the three, the woman is also the strongest. She led them to kill zombies and told them the secret of the Star Crystal.

Both of them regard women as their closest relatives and plan to protect them throughout their lives!

"You two stay here, I'll be back soon."

The woman finished speaking softly and stepped forward, recalling the experiences of the past month in her mind.

The night before the zombie outbreak, after leaving the old zoo site, she picked up a few more star crystals. She wanted to go back and give them to the man, but he had already left.

She didn't know where he was.

At that time, she was desperate. It was that man who saved her life. In this lonely apocalypse, she wanted to follow him all her life, but unfortunately, he didn't look down on her at all.

Thinking of that man's obsession with star crystals, she observed this blood-red stone, accidentally smashed a piece, and turned on the copper lamp...

So she opened all the remaining star crystals.

A bottle of Nongfu Spring, a piece of sandwich bread, a piece of instant noodles, and a bottle of... F-level evolution potion were produced!

At that time, the woman had nothing, and the evolution potion allowed her to complete her first evolution.

I still remember that I almost starved to death. Fortunately, I ate all the extraordinary food and finally managed to survive.

Just like that, she survived.

Be one of the first survivors to walk out of the shelter after the apocalypse!

But later, the woman never met the star crystal again. She thought of the appearance of zombies and tried to kill them.

Perhaps it was God's blessing. A few days later, she found that the star crystals were swallowed by zombies as expected!

Zombies that swallowed star crystals were extremely powerful!

She gradually discovered that Nongfu Spring could keep her from thirst all day long, and sandwich bread healed all her injuries.

Instant noodles could keep her from being afraid of the cold at night...

From then on, she completely understood that star crystals were the last hope of mankind.

In fact, she did not get space or time abilities as Zhao Yin imagined!

The woman just tried to use the copper lamp and found that as long as she used her own flesh and blood as lamp oil, she could freeze a space of 100 meters.

The more sacrifices, the longer the freeze time.

From then on, she began to use the power of the copper lamp to selectively kill powerful zombies to get star crystals.

Later, she opened a piece of clothing that could conceal her breath.

The woman knew that in the entire Gwangju City, the industrial park had the most zombies, so she simply hid in it with the cover of the clothes.

She didn't dare to sacrifice too much blood at a time, worried that her body couldn't bear it, so she used the copper lamp to kill a few powerful zombies every other day.

Later, she met a father and son who were hiding in the sewer.

The zombies didn't know how to open the manhole cover, and the iron manhole cover was not something that the unevolved zombies could break, so they survived.

The woman thought of her dead children, so she planned to rescue them, and even took off her clothes that concealed her breath and let the man wear them, and wrapped the child in the clothes on her chest, so that both the father and son could conceal their breath.

But after the man learned the function of the copper lamp, he stabbed the woman from behind. She escaped alone after being injured, and the father and son were trapped in the industrial park.

She had used the copper lamp three times that day, and continuing might cause excessive blood loss and coma, so she could only hide outside the industrial park to recover.

Until later, Zhao Yin came to the industrial park because the man attracted the group of corpses.

The violent movement startled the woman hiding in the ruins. She happened to see Zhao Yin's embarrassed figure, and also saw the father and son and the clothes that concealed the breath being torn into pieces...

When the woman used the power of the copper lamp to rush over, Zhao Yin had already escaped, and only the little monkey was trapped alone.

She knew that the monkey must have something to do with him!

So the woman did not hesitate to cut off one of her fingers as a sacrifice to help the little monkey leave...

Later, she tracked the bloodstains left by the little monkey and found the underground tunnel.

At that time, Zhao Yin had already arrived there.

The woman wrote sorry with guilt, leaving behind the only bottle of medicine she had opened besides food, the efficacy of which she did not know...

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