Doomsday Star Crystal: I have a contracted beast army

Chapter 74 Let Song Xiaodao open the star crystal

[Nongfu Spring: Grade F, extraordinary beverage, replenishes 24-hour water consumption after consumption]

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[Sandwich bread: Grade F, extraordinary food, replenishes 24-hour energy consumption after consumption, with the added effect of healing injuries]

After killing this wave of zombies, Zhao Yin personally went forward to find the bodies of two E-level zombies, took out two star crystals and opened them directly.

Finally, Nongfu Spring is out!

The effect of sandwich bread can be replaced by chestnut leaves, which is not what Zhao Yin wants most at the moment.

After he put away the things, he took the contracted beasts to rest on the side, and Song Xiaodao led the survivors in the cave to open the skull and take the star crystal.

Five minutes later, 493 corpse crystals were collected.

"Next, let Lao Hei go to attract the zombies!" Zhao Yin stood up and ordered.

After Lao Hei put on the saddle, his speed had surpassed that of the little monkey with dual powers. He couldn't let the little monkey waste energy all the time.

Fifteen minutes later, Lao Hei ran out of the valley with the zombies. Song Xiaodao immediately led the survivors to retreat, while Zhao Yin and the contracted beasts continued to harvest...

Everything went on in an orderly manner...

Until dark, Zhao Yin killed nine more waves of zombies and got eleven star crystals, four thousand two hundred and thirty-eight F-level corpse crystals, and eleven E-level corpse crystals!

He ordered the survivors to cook on the spot, set up several large pots to cook dried fish, and left Shu Wu and Shu Liu to protect the survivors.

Then Zhao Yin released the invisible tent and walked in with Song Xiaodao and the three contracted beasts.

"Zhao Yin, what are we eating tonight?" Song Xiaodao asked.

"Just eat a little." Zhao Yin said, throwing out a large piece of rat king meat and two hundred kilograms of chestnuts.

While Song Xiaodao went to cook, Zhao Yin took out the corpse crystals and began to absorb them.

The contracted beasts were all resting on the side. They were all exhausted today.

Even Lao Hei, although he didn't consume much energy, was about to run out of physical strength.

Half an hour later, Song Xiaodao cooked the Rat King meat soup, and Zhao Yin also absorbed all the corpse crystals obtained today.

[Human male, awakened by superpowers, E-level evolver, evolution degree 100/75.26: strength 62, agility 69, physical strength 50, spirit 95, talent B-level shooting, life countdown: 109963 days]

There are still 25 E-level corpse crystals to evolve to D-level!

"Zhao Yin, it's time to eat!" Song Xiaodao called.

Zhao Yin put away the Eye of True Vision, took out the wooden table and bowls and chopsticks in the space ring, filled the broth, and asked the little monkey to come to the table to eat together.

Lao Niu and Lao Hei were still using the bowls on the side.

This is also the class that Zhao Yin deliberately created.

Let the contracted beasts know that there is a difference between close and distant around him, so there will be a sense of urgency.

Zhao Yin chewed a piece of fat and lean Rat King meat and took out eleven star crystals.

Song Xiaodao, who was drinking broth, immediately brightened up and asked, "Zhao Yin, can you let me open one?"

Zhao Yin glanced at her: "No!"

How could she do such an exciting thing for him?

After saying that, he pinched open a piece of star crystal, a white light flashed, and something fell on the table.

A bottle of Nongfu Spring!

"It's the damn Nongfu Spring again!" Zhao Yin cursed.

It's like a curse, it's back again!

Every time it starts with this thing.

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Yin pinched open the second piece of star crystal... Nongfu Spring!

Zhao Yin's face was gloomy: "Could it be that all the good luck has run out recently?"

Song Xiaodao pouted: "Who told you not to open it for me?"

Zhao Yin opened the third piece immediately without believing it, and a white light flashed...another bottle of Nongfu Spring.

"I don't believe it!" He opened the fourth piece directly.

[Iced Black Tea: Grade F, Extraordinary Drink, replenishes 24-hour water consumption after consumption, with the added benefit of doubling physical attributes, lasting for 1 hour]

Finally, it was a bottle of the Extraordinary Drink that Zhao Yin wanted, and his face looked better.

"Keep up the good work and get something good!" Zhao Yin said.

Opened the fifth Star Crystal!

A white light flashed, Nongfu Spring!

"Puff!" Song Xiaodao laughed so hard that he spit out his food: "Who told you not to open it for me?"

Zhao Yin blinked and looked at Song Xiaodao: "Do you really want to open it?"

"Zhao Yin, open one for me, just one piece!" Song Xiaodao stretched out a finger and said in a voice: "I haven't opened a Star Crystal yet!"

Zhao Yin casually threw a Star Crystal to her: "Take it."

Song Xiaodao was immediately surprised, quickly grabbed the Star Crystal, and showed a cute smile to Zhao Yin.

A mouthful of sticky rice teeth was white and crystal clear.

She said, "If you can open a superpower, can you give it to me?"

Zhao Yin nodded, "Open it!"

Song Xiaodao held the star crystal and closed his eyes, prayed for a moment, and then he exerted force with both hands, and there was a click.

White light flashed in her hands, and then something stretched her hands apart.

A pair of pink big-headed leather shoes for girls!

Zhao Yin's eyes widened instantly. He had opened so many star crystals, but he had never seen pants and shoes.

Song Xiaodao only opened a piece, and shoes came out!

And it seemed to be tailor-made for her!

Is there any justice?

[Big-headed leather shoes: Grade D, type extraordinary defensive equipment, sturdiness 45, movement speed 52, additional effect: never smelly feet]

When Song Xiaodao saw that it was not a supernatural potion, disappointment flashed across his face, and he handed the shoes to Zhao Yin: "Zhao Yin, this is the color you like, you wear it!"

Zhao Yin was stunned, as if the girl had misunderstood something.

This kind of thing could not allow him not to explain.

"The previous things were all because of poverty, and I needed equipment to save my life. I don't have any special hobbies, understand?"

"Since you don't like it, can you give me this pair of shoes?" Song Xiaodao held the shoes and said like a spoiled child.

Zhao Yin raised her hand and knocked on her head: "If you want something in the future, don't play tricks with me!"

Song Xiaodao smiled and immediately took off her shoes and changed into big leather shoes.

She stood up and turned around in front of Zhao Yin. Under the mouse skin armor, her legs were white and straight, and she had the flavor of a grassland girl.

Then Song Xiaodao approached Zhao Yin, with a happy smile on her face, and asked: "Does it look good?"

"If it's so suitable, I'll lend it to you, and you can pay it back later!" Zhao Yin said.

Now, the one who needs to improve the most in the team is Song Xiaodao, and she opened the shoes herself, so Zhao Yin will naturally help her.

In fact, Zhao Yin's previous explanations were all from his heart. He used to wear women's clothes because he was poor. Now, he has nine contracted beasts and a lot of equipment, so his views are naturally different from before.

"Zhao Yin, this is your engagement gift to me..."

Song Xiaodao wanted to say something else, but Zhao Yin interrupted and said, "Eat!"

Her expression froze, and then she snorted coldly and went to eat obediently.

"I'll treat it as your engagement gift to me, stinky Zhao Yin!"

The little monkey finished the broth and ran to the side to take a nap. Zhao Yin and Song Xiaodao were both eating the broth in big mouthfuls. He took the opportunity to push all the remaining five star crystals in front of Song Xiaodao.

"Let you open them all!"

Song Xiaodao was eating in anger, and he immediately became happy after hearing this: "Really?"

"Really." Zhao Yin nodded.

Song Xiaodao immediately put down his chopsticks and carefully pinched a piece.

A bottle of iced black tea came out!

Her face immediately fell: "Zhao Yin, I didn't get any equipment or superpowers!"

"Not bad!" Zhao Yin said: "How can equipment and superpowers be so easy to get?"

Iced black tea is already one of the F-level foods that Zhao Yin wants most.

There are still four star crystals left, and Song Xiaodao carefully opened them one by one.

[Nongfu Spring...]

[Canned beef: Grade E, extraordinary food, replenishes 24 hours of energy consumption after consumption, with the effect of permanent strength +1]

[Healing potion: Grade D, effect of healing injuries, any life below Grade D can regenerate broken limbs after taking it]

[Space teleportation scroll: Grade B, disposable consumable item, effect: random teleportation, note: a space gate will appear after use, lasting for one minute]

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