The little monkey remembered clearly that the master went deep into the industrial park and almost lost his life just for this fruit.

Holding the golden silk fruit given by Zhao Yin, it asked in disbelief: "Master, is it really for me?"

"Of course, I never treat meritorious officials unfairly!" Zhao Yin said.

The old cow next to it immediately looked over, his eyes full of envy.

It has been thinking about this golden silk fruit for a long time.


Now it has fallen into the hands of the monkey.

But thinking of the little monkey's previous life-saving, the old cow didn't feel embarrassed to fight with it.

"Each mutant beast can only take one golden silk fruit in its lifetime, and eating more is useless." Zhao Yin said, directly dispelling the old cow's extravagant hopes.

The little monkey wanted to flatter and express gratitude to the master, but Zhao Yin glared and interrupted: "Don't eat it yet? "

The little monkey didn't dare to hesitate any longer, fearing that the duck in its mouth would fly away.

It immediately stuffed the golden silk fruit into its mouth and chewed with its cheeks puffed up.

After a while, the little monkey suddenly fell to the ground and twitched.

The old cow next to it showed a gloating look, and it had experience in eating golden silk fruit.

Last time, it also suffered great pain until it fell into a coma. Fortunately, the zombie king was not there at that time.

However, if it really comes to experience, Zhao Yin knows more about golden silk fruit than anyone else.

Golden silk fruit can directly upgrade the mutant beast to a higher level and add a superpower. How can the pain that needs to be endured for such a perverted effect be small?

But the monkey will definitely be fine. Zhao Yin simply took out a quilt, spread it on the carpet, lit a cigarette, and slowly fell asleep.

When I woke up, it was already five hours later, and the sky had become dim.

Song Xiaodao came back at some point, curled up his little body and slept on Zhao Zhao Yin was injured too badly last night. Although he recovered from his injuries by eating sandwich bread, his body was not fully recovered from the bleeding, so he slept too soundly.

The little monkey and the old cow on the side stared at each other in a daze.

Zhao Yin opened the Eye of True Vision to the little monkey.

[Growth-stage macaque: E-level mutant beast, strength 40, agility 42, physical strength 48, defense 32, spirit 15, bloodline talent: gigantic, frenzied, fire control]

Mutant beasts, like zombies, will have an additional "defense" attribute after evolving to E-level!

What Zhao Yin really cares about is that the innate ability evolved by the little monkey this time is actually fire control!

Fire-related abilities are definitely at the forefront of all combat abilities. Zhao Yin was worried that the little monkey would evolve a useless ability.

Unexpectedly, it was fire-related,

"Monkey, turn on the fire control ability and see... Wait, leave the tent and turn it on again. "Zhao Yin said, fearing that the little monkey would burn the tent.

The little monkey was also very excited to see Zhao Yin wake up, and communicated with his heart like offering a treasure: "Master, I feel very strong now!"

Nonsense, it has evolved to E level, of course it is stronger than before.

Zhao Yin took the little monkey out of the tent, sat down on a plastic chair, lit a cigarette, and waited quietly for the monkey's performance.

He was full of expectations.

The little monkey was also afraid of burning the master, so he stood more than 20 meters away from Zhao Yin, his eyes suddenly became sharp, and slowly raised his hand to a pile of wood not far away.


A flame ignited between its fingers, not much bigger than a soybean, and it went out in less than a second...

The little monkey suddenly widened his eyes and stayed there.

Zhao Yin was also confused. Is this its fire ability?

"Master, I... I didn't eat enough, and I don't have the energy to activate my ability! "The little monkey communicated awkwardly in his heart.

Zhao Yin frowned. In his previous life, when he found the golden silk fruit for Lin Tianfeng, the little monkey had already died.

Mutated beasts with dual superpowers are too rare. Even Lin Tianfeng only opened the second superpower for the contracted beast at that time.

As for the third superpower, it only exists in theory. First, we must find a mutant beast with dual superpowers, and then use the effect of the golden silk fruit to achieve it.

In fact, Zhao Yin himself has never seen it.

Could it be that the limit of mutant beasts is dual superpowers?

Zhao Yin couldn't know the truth. He stared at the little monkey with a calm face, but secretly regretted the golden silk fruit in his heart.

"Master, can you give me extraordinary food? When I'm full, I can release the flame for the master to see." The little monkey said in his heart.

"No, I don't want to see it." Zhao Yin got up and walked into the invisible tent.

His heart was bleeding, a golden silk fruit!

"Master, chestnuts are also fine. Let me eat enough, and I will release it for you to see. "The little monkey followed Zhao Yin closely, pulling the corner of his clothes.

"Wait for Xiaodao to wake up, and have dinner together." Zhao Yin said.

For the next two days, Zhao Yin took Song Xiaodao and the two beasts to rest in the tunnel, until the morning of the third day, he came to the depths of the tunnel alone.

The corn tree has gradually withered, and the branches and leaves have begun to turn yellow.

Zhao Yin broke off the last corn cob, put it into the space ring, called Song Xiaodao and the two beasts, and prepared to pack up and set off.

Next, he did not plan to return to Guangzhou City, and the direction he set was the Dawei Mountains.

In the previous life, Zhao Yin helped Lin Tianfeng set a trap in the Dawei Mountains in the second year of the apocalypse, and captured the flying white tiger, which was only a C-level mutant beast at the time.

Later, the mutant beast grew to the emperor level!

In this life, he wants to live better, not only to enhance his strength, but also to continuously collect supplies. At present, what Zhao Yin lacks most is a life space.

Zhao Yin vaguely remembered that in the fourth year of the apocalypse, a life space appeared in the Dawei Mountains, and it was obtained by a powerful superpower.

When this incident reached Zhao Yin's ears, it was the fifth year of the apocalypse. The most popular rumor was that the superpower at that time joined forces with more than a dozen A-level evolvers to kill a zombie king.

In the end, only the superpower survived, and after obtaining the star crystal, he opened an SS-level treasure!

SS-level treasure! It was enough to make anyone in the apocalypse fight for it, so that a bloody storm was set off at that time, and even SSS-level superpowers took action. The one who got the life space eventually died in the mountains...

Zhao Yin packed up the invisible tent and walked out of the tunnel with Song Xiaodao and the two beasts.

"Zhao Yin, look, what is that?"

Suddenly, Song Xiaodao pointed in a certain direction and said.



Lao Qin ran all the way, the air in his lungs was pumping like a bellows, and the dozen zombies behind him were chasing him relentlessly.

As he panicked, the zombies attracted more and more, and soon, hundreds of them gathered and chased him.

"Oh my God, since you let me live, why do you treat me like this?" Lao Qin sighed in his heart.

He knew that if he continued like this, he would die soon.

At this moment, Lao Qin remembered a lot, those old friends, those stories, everything was gone, and he was the only one left in the desolate world, struggling to survive.

In fact, it was quite boring.

In fact, it was good to die. He was an orphan since he was a child, and he didn't know what his parents looked like. He was adopted by an anti-Japanese war veteran.

When he grew up, Lao Qin also responded to the call and joined the army. He was in the army for ten years.

Once when he went home to visit his relatives, someone blinded one of his adoptive father's eyes. The man had a deep background, and his adoptive father could only swallow his anger. Lao Qin was furious and killed people with a knife.

In this way, his future in the army was ruined, and he was reformed for another fifteen years. After he came out, his adoptive father was left with only a desolate grave.

In this way, he wasted half his life and didn't even marry a wife.

He is middle-aged, with the crime of being a labor camp prisoner, and no decent job wants him, so he can only come to this construction site to work as a cook.

I didn't expect the end of the world to come...

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