Lao Qin, who was standing by, was stunned. Who was this guy?

He even took the pants of the dead?

Lao Qin looked at the little girl again, and saw that she had also stripped the bodies of the two women.

Lao Qin, who was standing by, had his eyes dropped to the ground.


This is definitely a gang of bandits.

This was Lao Qin's first thought.

At this time, Song Xiaodao was holding two bras in his hands, frowning and saying to Zhao Yin, "They are too big. I can't wear them now. Why do they have to grow so big?"

"It's not that they are big, it's that you are too young." Zhao Yin glanced at the airport.

"That's right! I'm too young. When I grow up, I can wear such beautiful bras!"

Song Xiaodao completely misunderstood Zhao Yin's words, and then shouted at Zhao Yin, "Zhao Yin, Zhao Yin, help me put these clothes into your space ring!"

The recent star crystals have not opened pants, just like Zhao Yin is born without pants.

Zhao Yin's pants and shoes are damaged every day, and there are only a few left.

He looked at the pile of pants and shoes and socks on the ground, and collected them all with satisfaction. Then he said to Song Xiaodao: "Go find Lao Niu and let him carry all your things."

"No, Lao Niu has to fight zombies. What if it gets damaged?" Song Xiaodao took the two bras and the torn stockings that he cared about the most.

The other clothes were piled on the ground.

"You want this thing?" Zhao Yin looked at the airport on her chest: "What's the use?"

Song Xiaodao's face immediately flushed, and she said dissatisfiedly: "I'm about to be twelve years old and will grow up soon. Will you help me put it away?"

The little girl was not going to compromise with Zhao Yin on this matter.

Zhao Yin shook his head and was too lazy to talk nonsense with her.

He still walked over and helped her put away all the things.

Then, Zhao Yin's eyes fell on the big iron basin on the ground. Put it away!

It's just right for Xiao Houzi and Song Xiaodao to take a bath.

He saw the rice cooker pot again, picked it up and compared it on his head. It would be a good helmet.

It just covers the eyes after wearing it, so he took out a machete, cut out the position of the face on the pot, and put it on his head directly.

"Not bad, right?" Zhao Yin asked Song Xiaodao.

Song Xiaodao nodded immediately: "Very handsome!"

"A handsome man looks good in any helmet." Zhao Yin nodded.

The little monkey and the old cow also nodded together, indicating that they agreed.

This pot helmet can definitely block the attack of ordinary zombies.

If Zhao Yin had this helmet last night, he would not have been injured so badly.

There was nothing else Zhao Yin needed in the tunnel. Zhao Yin looked around and finally set his eyes on Lao Qin's face. His face immediately sank: "Where is the corn?"


Lao Qin did not react to the sudden question for a while.

"Corn, the food you usually eat!" Zhao Yin asked.

"They only give me urine to drink, and they eat maggots on rotten meat... Oh, there is indeed corn in the tunnel... corn trees!" Lao Qin stuttered.

He was not afraid of death, but for some reason, he was a little nervous when facing this man.

Zhao Yin heard this and turned to walk deeper into the tunnel. Little Monkey and Old Cow hurriedly followed.

"Zhao Yin, wait for me!" Song Xiaodao followed.

Only Lao Qin was left. He stood there in a daze, hesitating whether to follow him?

But he was not familiar with the other party, and the man did not look easy to approach.

What if the other party thought he had bad intentions?

But if he did not follow, where could he go?


Zhao Yin quickly found the corn, or to be more precise, the corn tree.

The main stem was thicker than a bucket and as high as a five-story building.

The branches and leaves were dense, like a towering tree, reaching the top of the tunnel.

Zhao Yin counted and found that there were a total of 48 corn cobs on the tree!

There was a trace of being picked. Zhao Yin guessed that it should be related to the corn husk discarded by Manager Wei and others.

He used the Eye of True Vision to check the corn tree from top to bottom.

[Corn: F-level mutant crop, rich in nutrients, 52 hours to maturity]

[Corn: F-level mutant crop, rich in nutrients, 61 hours to maturity]

[Corn... 49 hours to maturity]

[Corn vine: F-level mutant plant]

This corn tree does not grow crops with two functions like the chestnut tree.

But this is normal. Zhao Yin has lived two lives and has only seen chestnut trees as peculiar.

At this time, the little monkey raised his head excitedly, staring at the corn cobs above his head, drooling and about to climb up.


Zhao Yin stopped him and said, "These corns are not ripe yet, we need to wait a few more days."

The little monkey could only climb down disappointedly, looking up from time to time, staring at the corn cobs above his head.

"Zhao Yin, are we going to wait here for a few days?" Song Xiaodao asked.

The latest corn cobs need three days to mature. In these three days, the chestnuts consumed by the two mutant beasts are definitely worth more than forty-eight corn cobs.

"Corn is not for eating. It becomes seeds after it matures!" Zhao Yin explained.

He is not short of food now, but the types of food.

"Wait three days and rest here."

After that, Zhao Yin led everyone out of the tunnel, preparing to find a spacious place to set up a stealth tent.

When passing the tunnel entrance, Zhao Yin saw Lao Qin still standing there.

"You haven't left yet?" Zhao Yin asked in surprise.

Lao Qin was a little reserved in front of Zhao Yin, and subconsciously bent slightly like before the end of the world: "Little brother, I don't know where else I can go. Can I follow you in the future...!"


Zhao Yin refused without waiting for Lao Qin to finish.

He had seen many such people in his previous life, and there were countless survivors who couldn't survive.

Often when they see a strong person, they will cling to him like a dog, hoping to find a place to shelter from the wind and rain. Once they encounter a crisis, they will run faster than anyone else.

Lao Qin heard this, and his face instantly showed a dead gray.

After a long while, he nodded: "I understand."

After he finished speaking, he turned around and left without any hesitation.

"Are you going to leave just like that?" Zhao Yin was slightly surprised.

Lao Qin turned around and asked: "Little brother, do you have any other instructions?"

"The pants and shoes are good, take them off." Zhao Yin ordered directly.


A layer of cold sweat overflowed from Lao Qin's head.

Then, Lao Qin smiled bitterly. He didn't understand why such a strong man was so obsessed with pants, but he could only take off his pants and shoes as ordered.

After Zhao Yin took it, he waved his hand: "Let's go!"

This is a pair of old Liberation shoes. The size seems to be suitable for Zhao Yin. In the end times, this kind of wear-resistant shoes is more practical than ordinary sports shoes.

Zhao Yin killed Manager Wei and others and occupied the tunnel. According to the rules, Lao Qin is his prisoner, including the clothes on his body.

Lao Qin walked out of the tunnel slowly. He didn't feel much gratitude to Zhao Yin, nor did he hate him.

A pair of pants and shoes exchanged for a life that Lao Qin himself didn't think was still valuable. Of course, Zhao Yin didn't save him out of kindness, but just happened to kill his enemy!

When Lao Qin walked to the entrance of the tunnel, he saw the place where he used to cook and pointed to a kitchen knife: "Can I take this away?"

Zhao Yin didn't say anything and nodded.

Lao Qin grabbed the kitchen knife and walked out of the tunnel slowly. In the dim sunlight, he was only wearing a pair of briefs, and his legs were very white.

"Squeak... Master, he is a good man. I want to share some of my chestnuts with him." At this time, the little monkey suddenly tugged at the corner of Zhao Yin's clothes.

"You don't have enough chestnuts for yourself, and you want to give it to him?" Zhao Yin frowned and asked.

"Give it to him. He helped me." The little monkey said with certainty.

When Lao Qin helped it before, the little monkey fell into a coma, but the mutant beast's powerful perception still made it feel something.

In fact, Zhao Yin did not want to occupy this tunnel, nor did he have to drive Lao Qin away. He was mainly worried that the other party, an outsider, would steal his corn.

After thinking about it, Zhao Yin took out five chestnuts, a pistol and fifty rounds of bullets and handed them to Song Xiaodao, saying: "Give it to him and tell him that the gun is used to deal with survivors. Shooting at random will attract zombies."

Song Xiaodao took the things and chased out.

Zhao Yin chose a flat place at the entrance of the tunnel and raised his hand to release the invisible tent.

Then, he took out the golden silk fruit: "Monkey, you have done a good job in protecting Lao Niu and Xiaodao this time. This is a reward for you."

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