Yu Feixing auctioned the map of the forbidden area to him at a high price, and now he wants to get involved?

Zhao Yin's face suddenly darkened.

"Commander Yu, what a good plan!"

𝟔𝟗Book Bar

"Lord Beast God!"

Yu Feixing quickly bowed: "Don't get me wrong, I'm here just to guide you, Lord Beast God!"

"Really?" Zhao Yin narrowed his eyes at him.

Yu Feixing's face suddenly became embarrassed: "Of course, Lord Beast God, you are hunting for treasures, and I will provide backup on the side. If Lord Beast God has any unused treasures, even if you reward him with some scraps... the entire Jizhou Military Region will be grateful!"

I'm afraid this is his real purpose.

If he had no purpose at all, it would be difficult to reassure Zhao Yin.

Yu Feixing had visited the forbidden area once, which could indeed save Zhao Yin a lot of trouble.

Yu Feixing's reputation in his previous life was not bad. Otherwise, he would not have sacrificed the entire Jizhou Military Region to stop the sea of ​​corpses. He was almost annihilated and ended up in his current situation.

Let Yu Feixing follow, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

What's more, the opponent's blood-clothed ability is indeed very practical for the entire legion's operations.

"So, you deliberately erased the exact location on the map just to come here to threaten me?" Zhao Yin's face still looked gloomy.

The cold sweat on Yu Feixing's forehead suddenly dripped down.

"Lord Beast God, I misunderstood. The entrance to the forbidden land is indeed in this forest. If you go ten kilometers further, you can see the destination."

Zhao Yin did not feel any special aura around him.

With the hugeness of a forbidden land, it shouldn't be revealed at all!

He became more and more confused, but he still said: "I can let you lead the way for me, and I can also compensate you, but I only want you!"

In fact, the soldiers brought by Yu Feixing were almost the strongest remaining force in the Jizhou Military Region.

But compared with Zhao Yin's team, except for Yu Feixing himself, everyone else is worth mentioning.

Needless to say, the Contract Beast Legion, several girls under Zhao Yin are all SS-level superpowers, and they have all been promoted to B-level!

The two A-level corpse demons were stronger. Even if they killed Yu Feixing, who was only C-level now, it would be easy.

Therefore, Yu Feixing was not surprised and immediately ordered others to wait where they were.

Then, he turned around and led the way.

Zhao Yin took a few girls to the beast carrying gold house and ordered the contracted beasts to follow them, still maintaining their formation.

The herd of beasts shuttled between the giant trees, and the sound of their footsteps shook the snow off countless branches as they passed.

It was like a blizzard.

The more than two feet of snow beneath my feet was trampled directly into mud by the beasts.

The white breath exhaled by thousands of giant beasts gathered together and could not dissipate for a long time...

Ten minutes later.

Yu Feixing finally stopped.

"Lord Beast God, we are here!"

Zhao Yin walked out of the Beast Carrying Gold House and saw that he was still in the forest.

The only strange thing was that a portal appeared in front of Yu Feixing.

This door is similar to the space portal opened by the space scroll, but it is much larger, several times the size of the ordinary space portal.

There is no door frame, no object to rest on.

Just suspended in an open space.

Full of mystery and weirdness.

"Three months ago, I also discovered this place by chance. At that time, there was a pile of meteorites here."

Yu Fei

"Is this the forbidden area you call?"

Zhao Yin really didn't expect that the so-called forbidden area was actually heading to another space.

In a sense, this is not a forbidden area at all!

Zhao Yin was the first to mention the term "forbidden land" in Zhongzhou.

In previous lives, humans named some extremely dangerous places, not to hunt for treasures, but to warn survivors.

And this place is obviously different from all the forbidden places Zhao Yin has seen and heard about.

"This place is so mysterious that I couldn't tell what it should be called. Later, when I heard someone mention the forbidden area, I felt that this place should fit the bill."

Yu Feixing smiled awkwardly: "Master Beast God, I really didn't lie to you, and I don't have the courage."

Zhao Yin frowned. His main purpose in coming to the forbidden area was the golden crystal.

Since it is not a forbidden area, there is no possibility of obtaining golden crystals!

Is it still necessary to venture in?

Yu Feixing seemed to see what Zhao Yin was thinking and immediately said anxiously.

"Lord Beast God, I guarantee that you will not be in any danger after entering, at least outside the maze!"

Zhao Yin looked suspicious and asked: "Why are you so sure?"

"When we first entered, we walked into a maze made of extraordinary metal. Every time we walked a certain distance, we could pick up a few star crystals. The items we got were all F-level evolution potions..."

"I suspect that if we can continue to go deeper, we will definitely get more, but it's a pity...!"

"But don't worry, Lord Beast God. Every kilometer deep in the maze, there will be a door like this. As long as we step into it, we can return here. I have already experimented!"

Zhao Yin frowned, always feeling that the star crystal in Yu Feixing's mouth was like bait.

"All star crystals can only produce one kind of item, and they are all evolution potions?"


"How much did you get? How much distance did you travel?"

Zhao Yin has never heard of star crystals that can produce specified items.

However, no one can give an answer to this question.

"We walked less than one percent of the total distance and got five hundred bottles of F-level evolution potions."

Yu Feixing said seriously: "We tried once every once in a while, but we could never go deeper."

"Later, we concluded that there was no correct path in the maze. Perhaps only high-level gold-type superpowers could forcibly break through those extraordinary metals and open a door to the depths of the maze!"

"Enter once every once in a while?"

If it was really as Yu Feixing said, then if he just stepped into the outer periphery of the maze, he would not encounter any crisis.

Zhao Yin didn't care much about the F-level evolution potion, but the extraordinary metal made him tempted.

Since he was here, he should go in and take a look.

Soon, Zhao Yin made up his mind and took out ten kilograms of chestnut wine and ten kilograms of sugarcane wine and threw them to Yu Feixing.

"Commander Yu, please lead the way!"

"Yes, Lord Beast God!"

Yu Feixing was overjoyed and quickly put the two extraordinary wines carefully into the space ring.

He was greatly encouraged, and felt that Zhao Yin's reward alone was worth the trip.

Yu Feixing came to the portal with ease and stepped in.

A layer of invisible energy, like ripples in the space, instantly wrapped his figure and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Only Zhao Yin's team was left.

"Master, I'll go in first."

The little monkey, as the vanguard of the legion, immediately asked for the order.

Zhao Yin shook his head. Among all the contracted beasts, the little monkey was definitely the most important one in his heart.

To be on the safe side, Zhao Yin pointed to a vulture that had never opened up its potential and superpowers.

Because Zhao Yin thought it was the ugliest and its life was the least valuable.

"Your name is Tu Ji... go in and take a look!"

"Yes! Great master!"

The vulture was instantly excited. It was the first time that the master named it and gave it such an important task.

The vulture spread its wings and flew into the portal without hesitation.

Zhao Yin watched it disappear, and did not receive the information of the death of the contracted beast in his heart, so he looked at the old cow.

"Old Cow, you also activate your defensive ability and go in first to explore the way!"

"Yes! Master!"

A layer of iron armor slowly wrapped around the old cow's body.

It stepped forward with its four hooves, and its huge figure slowly disappeared into the portal.

Zhao Yin was sure that everything was fine, so he ordered all the contracted beasts to step into the portal one by one.

He and the four girls were the last to step in.

The space in front of him changed, and the next moment, Zhao Yin appeared in a strange space.

All the contracted beasts and the four girls were by his side at this time.

And Yu Feixing was standing at the front of the team.

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