Doomsday Star Crystal: I have a contracted beast army

Chapter 362 Go to the forbidden area of ​​Baijing Peak

Zhao Yin remembered that Emma was SSS-level. Although her equipment and superpowers were too powerful, it was still too easy for her to kill the two female corpse demons.

So Zhao Yin speculated that the combat power of the two female corpse demons might also be SS-level!

"Those two female corpse demons must have carried valuables, but unfortunately, they were all looted by Emma, ​​and only Song Xiaodao got an SS-level explosive knife."

Now Zhao Yin recalled that Emma might not have been really drunk at the time.

She was about to die, and she was deliberately spending money.

She gave several girls' superpower potions just to exchange Wang Xiaolei from Zhao Yin.

Perhaps the old lady had already planned to take Wang Xiaolei away as her successor.

"When people get old, they always like to find spiritual sustenance and continue their lives in another way."

"She gave Song Xiaodao the Explosive Knife because that weapon was not convenient to bring to the battlefield!"

"From this, it can be seen that the identities of the two female corpse demons are not simple, even Emma is also afraid!"

After all, in the advanced supernatural civilization, the corpse demon clan is more powerful than humans.

Therefore, Emma deliberately left the weapons of the two female corpse demons in the low-level supernatural civilization.

It can be regarded as leaving a spark for the humans of this low-level supernatural civilization.

"Now that the corpse demon clan has come, Song Xiaodao's Explosive Knife must not be used easily before he is sure of self-protection!"

After thinking this through, Zhao Yin was alert in his heart, and immediately summoned Song Xiaodao from the life space to tell him his guess.

Song Xiaodao's face was immediately pale with fear.

"Zhao Yin... I don't want this weapon...!"

She held the Explosive Knife in both hands and handed it to Zhao Yin.

"Keep it, wait for me to find a few forbidden areas, improve the potential of the contracted beasts, and then go to the island country... get some SSS-level superpowers!"

"Then, maybe I will no longer be afraid of the corpse demons coming from outside the world!"

Zhao Yin's words, in Song Xiaodao's heart, will always be like a stabilizing force.

The tension on her little face immediately relaxed.

"Zhao Yin, next, are we going to find the forbidden areas?"

"Let the contracted beasts rest for a night first, and I have to make preparations in advance. I will leave for Jizhou early tomorrow morning!"

Zhao Yin took Song Xiaodao back to the life space.

Several girls asked about Tang Tang.

Zhao Yin briefly told them about her departure.

Knowing that Tang Tang had left, Ning Yue, in particular, showed reluctance on her face.

She had always had little sympathy for Tang Tang's experience.

At this time, several contracted beasts had already been promoted.

[Adult water buffalo: S-class mutant beast, strength 4000, agility 3150, stamina 3200, defense 4300, spirit 2050, bloodline talent: huge strength, iron armor]

[Flying white tiger: S-class mutant beast, strength 3300, agility 3800, stamina 2800, defense 3500, spirit 3250, bloodline talent: extreme speed, psychedelic field]

[Adult male lion: S-class mutant beast, strength 3350, agility 3850, stamina 2820, defense 3550, spirit 2205, bloodline talent: gravity field, extreme speed]

[Rat king: S-class mutant beast, strength 3450, agility 3650, stamina 2800, defense 3650 , Spirit 2135, Bloodline Talent: Earth Escape, Extreme Speed]

[Earth Dragon Dog: S-level mutant beast, Strength 3550, Agility 3500, Stamina 2850, Defense 3750, Spirit 2300, Bloodline Talent: Dragon Body, Endless Clone]

[Vulture King: S-level mutant beast, Strength 3300, Agility 3650, Stamina 2815, Defense 3650, Spirit 2130, Bloodline Talent: Arrow Feather, Wind System]

[Wolf King: S-level mutant beast, Strength 2260, Agility 2300, Stamina 1150, Defense 2355, Spirit 1830, Bloodline Talent: Will to War]

Now, with the addition of the little monkey, Zhao Yin already has eight S-level mutant beasts!

Even if there is no potential for improvement, the attributes are already amazingly strong.

Except for the wolf king Xiaohong, the other seven mutant beasts have the ability to single out the zombie king of the same level and even kill them!

Zhao Yin asked Zhou Lili and her sister to make pockets for all the contracted beasts to hang on their equipment overnight.

Then he took out all the extraordinary food and two kinds of extraordinary wine and distributed them according to demand.

"When you participate in the battle in the future, you only need to store more extraordinary food in your pocket in advance, so you don't need to replenish it on the battlefield."

Then, Zhao Yin took out the remaining three S-level space rings and filled them all with food.

There was only one pool of water in the life space, and Zhao Yin rushed to Nanwan Lake overnight.

He put the remaining half of the lake water into the life space at once.

Then Zhao Yin directly put 3,000 tons of water into the space bracelet, almost filling it up...

All the supplies were ready, and it was already dawn.

Zhao Yin finally felt at ease.

Last time in the unknown space, the beasts almost starved to death due to the shortage of these basic supplies.

Since then, Zhao Yin has made up his mind that if he needs to step into any unknown area again, he must prepare basic supplies in advance.

He took Song Xiaodao and Ning Yue, rode Xiaobai, and went straight to Jizhou.

Xiantai Mountain!

There used to be countless caves, forests and springs everywhere.

Now everything is deserted and covered by heavy snow.

Zhao Yin followed the map provided by Yu Feixing and finally let Xiaobai land at the main peak, Baijing Peak.

The end of the map is a forest under the Baijing Peak.

Zhao Yin summoned the beasts and several girls.

"Zhao Yin, there seems to be nothing here!" Ning Yue looked at the forest in front of him.

After the end of the world, unknown energy formed a huge vitality, which had already grown countless towering trees here.

Except for some cold-resistant pine trees, all the trees were bare, and snow was piled on the branches.

There were ice bars hanging from the thick branches.

But I didn't see the maze that Yu Feixing mentioned.

"Yu Feixing didn't have the need and the courage to lie to me!"

Zhao Yin frowned and thought, then directly ordered: "The battle formation advances, step in carefully."

The contracted beasts immediately took action.

The old cow and the little monkey came to the front of the beasts, one on the left and one on the right, followed by Da Huang, Xiao Ming, Xiao Bai, and Lao Hei.

The three vulture kings immediately led the vultures to fly low.

Da Mao opened the gravity field, covering all people and beasts.

The macaques served as the main force, protecting Zhao Yin and others, while Xiao Hong led the wolf pack to cover the rear.

The huge team slowly stepped into the forest.

There was no danger.

Zhao Yin had advanced more than ten kilometers and still hadn't found the forbidden area, but suddenly saw more than a dozen tents in front of him.

Someone heard the footsteps of the contracted beasts and walked out of the tent.

"Lord Beast God!"

Yu Feixing smiled and strode towards the beasts.

"I knew you would come, I'll wait for you here in advance!"

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