Doomsday Star Crystal: I have a contracted beast army

Chapter 351 When we meet again, we are no longer the same

"It's already yours. You have to give it to Song Xiaojian. You don't need to explain to me!" Zhao Yin rubbed Song Xiaodao's head.

His tolerance for Song Xiaodao was not only because of his feelings, but also because of her talent in brewing wine.

In Zhao Yin's heart, he had already changed Song Xiaodao's name to Song Zhaocai, Song Fugui!

Song Xiaodao smiled when he heard this, and the smile reached his eyes.

"But didn't you say that even I am your property?"

"You are my property, and Song Xiaojian is also my property now!"

Zhao Yin said confidently.

Song Xiaodao laughed even happier, and his whole body relaxed.

She playfully put on the black robe of the Heavenly Ghost, and then stuck out her tongue at Zhao Yin: "Lululu...!"

Zhao Yin also smiled when he saw this, remembering that he hadn't played crazy with his children for a long time.

Zhao Yin simply took out the Heavenly Demon Mask and replaced the Shura Mask on his face.

The next moment, a layer of hazy ripples appeared on his body.

Then, Zhao Yin became. The wretched look of Xinren when he broke his penis.

Song Xiaodao was frightened and his face turned pale. He screamed and spread his wings and flew off Xiaobai.

Zhao Yin also let Xiaobai land on the ground and chased Song Xiaodao.

"Hehe... little girl, wait...!"


Song Xiaodao screamed loudly...

As the two of them were playing, a figure slowly emerged from the snow in front of them.

She was also wearing a cloak that concealed her aura, covering her whole body.

, Unlike Song Xiaodao, the cloak was just an F-level equipment.

She had no breathing, no blood flowing, no heartbeat...

It was completely like a dead thing.

Even Zhao Yin. Didn't notice it before.

[Corpse Demon: Grade S, Evolution Degree 100/21, Strength 2550, Agility 2680, Spirit 1200, Defense 2500, Awakening Talent: Time and Space Sacrifice, Teleport]

An S-level corpse demon, with two extremely powerful abilities!

Time and space sacrifice!

Although Zhao Yin didn't know the specific effect, he knew it was not simple just by the prelude of the two words "time and space"!

And teleportation is a branch of the space-based superpower.

Any superpower related to time and space is the top superpower!

If the opponent has used extraordinary food, his strength is definitely comparable to the super zombie king of the same level!

At this moment, it was too late for Zhao Yin to summon the army of contracted beasts.

He didn't have time to use extraordinary food!

The speed of the S-level corpse demon was too fast. As soon as it appeared, it attacked Zhao Yin.

I saw her feet move, not taking a step, but disappearing out of thin air, in an instant. She passed Song Xiaodao, came to Zhao Yin, and punched him in the head!

At this moment, Zhao Yin could even see the dead fish eyes under the veil!

At this moment, Zhao Yin instantly transformed into eight arms, and eight weapons appeared in his hands at the same time. At the same time, he activated the swift superpower and suddenly blasted forward.


The next moment... Zhao Yin flew out.

The corpse demon only took a step back, then quickly dodged and chased again...

"Monkey, old cow, big hair...!"

Zhao Yin was in the air, and only had time to summon three mutant beasts!

The corpse demon teleported and appeared above Zhao Yin's head, punching him in the head...

The next moment, boom!

The old cow hit the corpse demon's fist. Under the huge power, the old cow's power was extremely terrifying.

The corpse demon did not seem to expect that a buffalo would appear out of thin air, and was immediately knocked out.

The F-level cloak was torn by the horns of the bull, and black blood was sprinkled in the air, like a black rain.

The next moment, the figure of the little monkey also appeared. It had already sensed the tension in its master's heart, and the three superpowers were fully activated.

The Tongtian War Stick turned into a monstrous stick shadow, spreading endless black and red flames, connecting the sky and the ground, and roared towards the corpse demon!

The shadow of the stick was so big that the surrounding air turned into a sea of ​​fire, blocking the corpse demon's surroundings.

He teleported continuously, but still couldn't escape the coverage...

However, this was not over yet. The next moment, the corpse demon felt his feet suddenly sink, and the gravity around him suddenly increased tenfold, and the speed of teleportation slowed down...

She slowly raised her head and looked at the huge shadow of the stick. The reflection in her dead fish eyes gradually enlarged, as if covering the world in her eyes!

"Zhao Yin... is it you?"

Finally, a hoarse voice came out of the female corpse demon's mouth.

Zhao Yin was stunned for a moment, and at this moment, he finally remembered something.

"Stop!" Zhao Yin quickly sent a telepathic message.

The sky-high war stick in the little monkey's hand paused instantly... The old cow that rushed forward and hit him stopped forcibly...

Even the lion's hair withdrew the gravity field!

"Tang Tang?" Zhao Yin took a step and moved his numb arms.

All eight arms were numb from the hard collision just now.

He had previously investigated the information of the female corpse demon in front of him. She was so powerful that his subconscious could not associate her with Tang Tang at all.

Now thinking about it, when Tang Tang turned into a demon, she had already reached S-level and became a corpse demon, breaking the shackles of human evolution potions.

She! It would be normal if she had such strength!

Another reason why Zhao Yin failed to recognize Tang Tang was that even her superpower information had changed.

The low-level superpower "fire fighting" had long disappeared, but she had two powerful superpowers: time and space sacrifice and teleportation!

"By the way, you killed him and got the Shura mask!"

The female corpse demon spoke softly.

She stood there, looking at Zhao Yin, and seemed to understand.

The wretched islander in front of him was transformed by Zhao Yin with the help of the Shura Mask!

"I'm sorry, Zhao Yin, I didn't mean to sneak attack. I was just planning to take the Shura Mask, but I didn't expect to see you chasing Xiaodao..."

She explained anxiously, looking a little flustered.

"So, I took action... Zhao Yin, I... I am a corpse demon now...!"

Zhao Yin stopped and looked up and down at the petite figure in front of him.

Her cloak had been torn by the old cow, but she was still unaware of it.

Her once delicate skin had long been pale, and blue veins bulged...

Her once dark eyes, the pupils had long turned gray, no different from the dead fish eyes of zombies...

Even her nails turned black, and she carefully hid them in her sleeves...

But Zhao Yin was sure that this was Tang Tang!

This was the first woman he had a tangle with in this life.

Zhao Yin had imagined what she would look like after becoming a corpse demon.

He thought that as long as she was still alive, it would be the best ending.

He would be at peace.

He would not care.

In the end times, it was all her fate, and she was not the only one who was miserable.

But at this moment, Zhao Yin's heart suddenly felt a pain he had never felt before!

This pain went straight to the bone marrow... deep into the soul, like thousands of steel needles piercing his heart.

Until the blood was dripping, until his tall figure trembled.

He thought of the first time he met her, he could have brought her with him. If he had done that, she would never have ended up like this!

But at that time, he chose to ignore it.

He thought of himself, when he killed Lin Tianfeng, he just gave her a chance to avenge his son.

In his opinion, it was dispensable to do what he wanted, but in her opinion, it was a great favor.

That night, he sent the star crystal, and later tracked her all the way and saved the little monkey for him.

I just gave her a few pieces of moldy bread...

But she gave me the first bottle of healing potion she harvested, the best equipment, the trap, and all she had...

All just to repay the kindness I had shown her!

When they met again, she encountered a crisis again, and Zhao Yin saved her life again. In his eyes, it was still dispensable.

But she gave everything and became a corpse demon that even she hated.

"Zhao Yin, I'm not a human now, but I won't hurt anyone, I really won't...I hope you don't regard me as a big enemy...!"

"Zhao Yin, do you know that in this doomsday, I only have you left. If even you regard me as a monster, then I...I'm really not a human!"

"Zhao Yin, I don't look good now, so I won't see you in my true face. I hope...I hope you can still regard me as the Tang Tang in your memory!"

Her voice was hoarse and trembling, as cautious as before.

But she said the most gentle words in the world.

"Zhao Yin, can you still consider me a friend?"

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