[Human male, awakened superpower, A-level evolver, evolution degree 100/45: strength 940, agility 955, physical strength 900, spirit 750, superpower: A-level discernment eye, SS-level alien blood, life countdown: 2099963 days]

Koizumi Kenjin's level was forcibly upgraded to A-level without evolutionary potions, and his attributes are garbage.

And the SS alien blood superpower is the same as one of Song Xiaojian's superpowers, and it is powerful.

But it's a pity that Song Xiaodao's SS-level wind system can just restrain the alien blood!

So, this is why Zhao Yin asked Song Xiaodao to go.

"Let Xiaobai release a psychedelic superpower, isn't it solved?" Song Xiaodao was still lying in Zhao Yin's arms.

She shrank her head into Zhao Yin's armor.

Song Xiaodao hasn't slept in Zhao Yin's arms for a long time, and she felt like a hundred years had passed.

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In a daze, Song Xiaodao was reluctant to leave this warm nest.

"He threatened you before, don't want to vent this anger?" Zhao Yin patted her head again.

"That's right!"

Song Xiaodao seemed to have just remembered something and woke up.

The little loli left Zhao Yin's arms, and the two wind wings slowly condensed behind her.

The next moment, she took off into the air and went straight to Koizumi Kento!

At the same time, a battle knife appeared in Song Xiaodao's hand!

At the moment the burst knife appeared, Koizumi Kento only felt that all the hairs on his body stood up, and the bone-chilling coldness instantly spread all over his body.

A feeling of life and death crisis that he had never experienced before!

His face turned pale instantly, and he never dreamed that even a little girl next to the beast god had such strength!

"Beast... Lord Beast God, what do you mean?"

"You acted very much like him, but it's a pity that Jiangshan never called Zhaoyin Beast God, he only called him boss!"

Song Xiaodao shouted in the sky with a loud voice: "Are you stupid? Jiangshan was just at the auction. Why did you have to change into him when you can't change into anyone else?"

"Also, the Heavenly Demon Mask is only S-level. Although the SS-level detection ability cannot see your true appearance, it can see your information!"

In fact, Koizumi Kenjin only met Jiangshan once at the auction. He knew that the other party had some power in the Heaven Base, so he changed into him in a hurry.

There was no time to think so much.


Koizumi Kenjin stopped pretending and took out a B-level Qiushui Sword from the space ring.


He cut off one of his arms directly, and the dark green blood was splashed. The broken arm exploded with a bang.

A large amount of green blood quickly condensed in the air, turning into a skull, and rushed towards Song Xiaodao at a high speed...


The next moment, there was a sudden howling of wind in the air, and the wind element condensed at a high speed, turning into a tornado in the blink of an eye.

"Are you worthy of having the same superpowers as my brother?" Song Xiaodao stared at Koizumi Kenjin and raised his hand to point at him.

The tornado whistled past, instantly blowing away the green blood skull.

Without stopping at all, it swept directly into the distance...

The next moment, Song Xiaodao had arrived. With the blessing of the wind element, the little loli's speed was not as fast as that of the speed system, but it was much faster than ordinary evolvers.

The explosive knife passed directly from Koizumi Kenjin's neck!

There was no sound. When Song Xiaodao flew past, Jiangshan's figure suddenly froze.

Then, he turned into a wooden sculpture.

Song Xiaodao's figure paused, turned slowly in the air, and directly put away the explosive knife.

"Zhao Yin, I taught him a lesson!"

Zhao Yin nodded: "Well done, this kind of person should learn a lesson!"

The next moment, Jiangshan's figure slowly changed, and his height shrank rapidly, from 1.7 meters to 1.6 meters in the blink of an eye.

His face was no longer old, and turned into a strange face of a middle-aged man.

He was wearing a Zhongshan suit... After the hazy ripples spread, it turned into a white kimono!

"Islander?" Zhao Yin exclaimed in surprise.

He remembered that a few days ago, he killed an islander, Xinren Duan Diao!

At that time, the interrogation learned that before the two female corpse demons died, they arranged a large number of islanders to enter Daxia!

Although the two female corpse demons died, the islanders did not know.

They are still active in Daxia...

"Is this person also arranged by the female corpse demon, or was he in Daxia before the end of the world?" Song Xiaodao was also very surprised.

Zhao Yin shook his head and said, "Take off the space ring. The Qiushui sword in his hand is also good."

The man is already dead and can no longer be interrogated.

However, this islander knows no more than Xinren Duandiao.

What he knows, Zhao Yin already knows.

Song Xiaodao landed on the ground, came to Koizumi Kenjin, and patted his shoulder.

The next moment, a head rolled down, and then his body exploded directly, turning into a large amount of blood and flesh mist and collapsed down!

The power of the explosive knife is too amazing.

It cut off all the life of this person.

In the end, only the Heavenly Demon Mask, the Qiushui Sword, and an A-level space ring remained.

Song Xiaodao picked up the three items, skillfully took out a rag to wipe them clean, and then handed them to Zhao Yin.

Zhao Yin put away the Heavenly Demon Mask and the Qiushui Sword, and took the space ring to explore.

About 200,000 C-level corpse crystals!

23 bottles of iced black tea, 28 compressed biscuits!

In addition, there is also an A-level cloak.

[Heavenly Demon Black Robe: Grade A, Type: Extraordinary Special Equipment, Agility 500, Defense 500, Effect Hidden: Information cannot be detected by A-level or lower detection abilities]

A very good hidden equipment, but it is still far behind the powerful special effects of the Heavenly Demon Mask.

At this time, there is no need to speculate. Zhao Yin also knows that this islander took the Heavenly Demon Mask to do something big. It is very likely that, like Masada Kenju, he wanted to seize a certain military district for his own use!

However, he is dead now.

There are not many supplies in the space ring, which can't be compared with the several islanders Zhao Yin killed before.

"In order to bid for the Heavenly Demon Mask, almost all of his belongings were sold before arriving at the Heaven Base!"

Zhao Yin has every reason to speculate like this!

It has cost 510,000 to take the Heavenly Demon Mask, and now there are about 200,000 left in the space ring!

A full 700,000 C-level corpse crystals proved that he was extremely rich in the past, and I don’t know how many people in Daxia he had killed.

"Zhao Yin, this equipment is so cool!" Song Xiaodao stared at the black robe of the sky ghost in Zhao Yin's hand, and his voice became sweet.

"Want it?" Zhao Yin hesitated slightly and threw it to Song Xiaodao casually.

He has always doted on the little loli, and it was so in the past and it will still be so in the future.

As Zhao Yin's value continues to rise, the little loli is destined to be the happiest girl in the end of the world, no one else!

"Thank you Zhao Yin, I... I'll let you ride!" Song Xiaodao's happy voice changed.

Zhao Yin was stunned when he heard it.

The next moment, he saw Song Xiaodao transform into a wind wing again and fly in front of Zhao Yin: "Zhao Yin, I'll take you flying!"

Zhao Yin remembered a sentence Song Xiaodao once said.

"Zhao Yin, when I can fly one day, I'll let you ride...!"

At that time, Zhao Yin had just got Xiaobai not long ago.

At that time, Song Xiaodao was jealous of his doting on Xiaobai and wanted to become his mount.

Zhao Yin laughed dumbly. He didn't know why Song Xiaodao always said some naive and ridiculous words when she was obviously very smart.

"Go back!"

Finally, he grabbed Song Xiaodao's collar and pulled her onto Xiaobai's back.

Song Xiaodao leaned against Zhao Yin's chest, raised his stubble fingers and fiddled with the stubble on Zhao Yin's chin.

"Zhao Yin, can I give this equipment to Song Xiaojian?"

The little loli was smiling, but her eyes were cautious.

Zhao Yin heard this and realized that she didn't want this equipment at all.

Song Xiaojian was conceited and always disliked the way he turned into a corpse demon.

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