A double-powered mutant beast is too important to Zhao Yin.

As long as it does not violate his principles, he will get it no matter what.

"The mutant tiger is in Jizhou, and it was discovered by the restart base!"

Lu Ling continued: "One of their teams lost its way and accidentally went to the heart of Jizhou!"

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"The owner of the mutant beast is the leader of a large base. I don't know its specific strength. I only know that the base can develop to this point, all thanks to the protection of the mutant tiger!"

Zhao Yin frowned immediately. If the other party was just a wandering survivor in the end of the world, he would have many ways to get the mutant tiger.

Even if it was just a small camp, Zhao Yin would not care.

But the other party has a large base and will never surrender easily. If he uses force, it will inevitably start a war.

It is not in line with Zhao Yin's rules to kill hundreds of thousands of people in order to seize the contracted beast he wants.

At this time, Lu Ling continued: "Another piece of news about mutant beasts was also brought by the restart base!"

"There is also a group of grassland wolves, which was also discovered by that team."

"The location is also in Jizhou!"

"There are about 300 wolves, who were driven from the grassland to the inland by the sea of ​​corpses. The team of the restart base is too weak to detect the specific strength of the wolves. They only know that most of them are pseudo-mutated beasts."

Zhao Yin's brows relaxed and he immediately made a decision in his heart.

First go to contract the group of grassland wolves, and then go to the base to take a look.

He will never let go of a double-powered mutant beast easily.

At that time, try to win it with gentle means. Of course, if the other party resists...

Zhao Yin's eyes flashed with ruthlessness.

"Also, Meng Ke'an and Shen Lisui have already purchased C-level evolution potions."

Lu Ling took out another space ring and took out two things: "This is the payment collected by Uncle Jiang after identification!"

Meng Ke'an paid an envelope.

And Shen Lisui paid a crystal.

The crystal is easy to identify, the size of a walnut, the whole is prismatic, and golden.

Golden star crystal!

Zhao Yin has another one in his space bracelet.

He got it by killing the super zombie king in Seoul.

Because he fell into an unknown space with it last time, it caused a shadow on him, and he never used it.

Unexpectedly, he got another one.

"Shen Lisui said that a B-level super zombie king was missed in the last sea of ​​corpses in Seoul. Because it was not in the sea of ​​corpses at that time, you didn't meet it, but Shen Lisui accidentally found it and killed it. The Seoul Military District didn't know what it was for, so it traded it."

"Jiangshan dared to accept it without knowing what it was?" Zhao Yin asked back unhappily.

"Uncle Jiang said that it is an extremely rare treasure after all. Anyway, the Seoul Military District is poor and can't pay off the boss's debt in this life. Even if they don't accept it, they can't come up with a better treasure."

Zhao Yin was speechless for a while. It must be said that Jiangshan's idea was still correct.

He put away the golden crystal, picked up Meng Ke'an's envelope, and opened it directly.

The Luocheng Military District is even more amazing!

Inside is a contract to sell one's body, and the one selling it is Lei Jun.

An SS-level wood-type superpower, who works as a henchman for heaven's security for a hundred years!

It is indeed worth a bottle of C-level evolution potion. After all, as the level of the zombies increases, the probability of producing advanced potions with the star crystals bred will also increase.

But why does Zhao Yin feel that Meng Ke'an did this thing unkindly?


At this moment, in a jungle.

Ye Zang is leading a group of people to encircle and suppress thousands of zombies.

Lei Bing is also inside, following Ye Zang like a little follower.

Now, as he gets along with Ye Zang, Lei Bing feels that the boy in front of him is ridiculously powerful.

Although they are both SS-level superpowers, Ye Zang is several times more powerful than him!

As Ye Zang is promoted to B-level, this gap becomes larger and larger.

The key is Ye Zang's character, which is not like a teenager at all, so that he, a general in the army, can't help but admire him.

Especially the sentence: Ants! Can break the sky!

Look at this pretense, too domineering!

The key is that when the boy shouted it, he was very serious, and even the momentum was in place!

At this moment, someone suddenly found Lei Jun and handed him a letter.

It was the dream lover... Meng Ke'an, who was sent over.

Lei Bing was excited and took it quickly, thinking: "Could it be a love letter?"

He had already started to fantasize, that woman finally discovered his goodness?

After all, he is tall and handsome!

He is also an SS-level superpower in the Luocheng Military Region. Except for himself, there is no man more suitable for her in the entire Luocheng Military Region...

"Xiao An'an, have you always liked me, and finally mustered up the courage to confess to me today?"

At this moment, every cell in Lei Bing's body was cheering and jumping for joy, and the whole person was in an excited state...

However, as he browsed, his eyes soon became dull.

The letter in his hand slipped silently.

The wind and snow fell on his face, Lei Bing felt like he was falling into an ice cave, and tears flowed down uncontrollably.

"One hundred years... One hundred years... Meng Ke'an, you sold me without hesitation?"

"Meng Ke'an, you have no heart...!"


"There is one more thing, the clean land camp mentioned by the boss has now been moved to Guangzhou City. It is General Liu Feng of the Wanzhou Military Region who rebuilt the military region in Guangzhou City."

Lu Ling said: "Boss, whether to ask Niu Feng for the Pure Land Base or not, you still need to make a decision."

After all, Niu Feng is a friendly force, Lu Ling did not act rashly.

Zhao Yin finally remembered that he had forgotten Niu Feng when he left.

In fact, he planned to incorporate the Pure Land Camp just to give an explanation to Tang Tang and Lao Qin.

Now that Niu Feng took the initiative to protect it, Zhao Yin had no reason to force it.

Besides, Niu Feng was still guarding his hometown, and there was no reason to offend him.

"Give all the evolution potions mentioned earlier to Niu Feng!"

Zhao Yin said: "Tell him that the Pure Land will always be independent of the military region, and their leaders are only Tang Tang, Lao Qin, and Hong Xiaotian. Before Niu Feng dies in battle, the Pure Land cannot disappear!"

"Understood, Boss!"

After Zhao Yin explained these things, he returned to the life space.

He spent more than 50,000 bottles of Nongfu Spring to ripen a large number of silver skin fruits.

Evolve all the remaining macaques into superpowers.

So far, all of Zhao Yin's A-level contracted beasts have superpowers.

A total of 9 real A-level mutant beasts.

521 macaques comparable to real A-level mutant beasts! 8 vultures! 6 giant rats!

The 279 vultures that have just been subdued have no corpse crystals to upgrade, no golden crystals to unlock potential, and no superpowers!

The trading company and the security company should have made a lot of money recently for the corpse crystals.

But both companies have just started, and if they want to develop rapidly, they need a lot of start-up capital.

Zhao Yin did not do the thing of drinking poison to quench thirst.

Next, Zhao Yin immediately left the life space again and asked Lu Ling for the map where the wolf pack was.

"Boss, the team that found the contracted beasts in the restart base only escaped two people. They haven't had time to draw a map yet, but they are in the Heaven Base."

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