"Your Excellency, the two princes have left a lot of aura in this world, but the place with the strongest aura is here!"

The little girl in red waved her hand, and the light screen in front of her changed, and a world map appeared.

Her finger pointed at the location of an island.

It was the island country!


Two days passed in a blink of an eye, and all the macaques finally opened up their B-level potential!


Next, they only need to devour the silver-skinned fruit to open up the abilities of pseudo-mutant beasts.

As Zhao Yin expected, the golden crystal was only a little bigger than a palm.

"Golden crystal! Nongfu Spring!"

Zhao Yin murmured: "These two kinds of supplies seem to never be enough!"

So far, even Shu Liu and the others have not opened up their A-level potential.

Soon, Zhao Yin waved away this idea.

He took out all the silver-skinned fruits that Ning Yue had ripened, and directly selected 219 macaques. He gave each macaque ten, and the silver-skinned fruits were all consumed.

Soon, the superpowers of the 219 macaques were all activated.

Just like the 110 macaques that had activated their superpowers before, their awakened superpowers were all frenzy.

There were still 192 macaques left, but no silver-skinned fruits.

Ning Yue had already used up Nongfu Spring.

With the ripened silver leaves, Zhao Yin activated the B-level mental potential of the nine real mutant beasts, eight of which except Xiaobai.

As for Xiaobai, Zhao Yin directly raised its mental potential to A-level!

Recently, Zhao Yin obtained the blood essence of the mutant beast, which was also eaten up by the nine mutant beasts.

The potential of the four major attributes was also greatly improved.

Zhao Yin opened the Eye of Insight.

[Adult Tongtian Monkey: A-level mutant beast, strength 1910, agility 1960, stamina 1600, defense 2180, spirit 1320, bloodline talent: gigantism, frenzy, fire control]

[Adult Buffalo: A-level mutant beast, strength 2050, agility 1350, stamina 1700, defense 2210, spirit 1150, bloodline talent: huge force, armor]

[Flying White Tiger: A-level mutant beast, strength 1700, agility 1900, stamina 1400, defense 1700, spirit 1850, bloodline talent: extreme speed, psychedelic field]

[Adult Male Lion: A-level mutant beast, strength 1755, agility 1850, stamina 1420, defense 1785, spirit 1255, bloodline talent: gravity field, extreme speed]

[Rat King: A-level mutant beast, strength 1750, agility 1705, stamina 1400 , Defense 1850, Spirit 1235, Bloodline Talent: Earth Escape, Extreme Speed]

[Earth Dragon Dog: A-level mutant beast, Strength 1755, Agility 1750, Stamina 1450, Defense 1850, Spirit 1300, Bloodline Talent: Dragon Body, Endless Clone]

[Vulture King: A-level mutant beast, Strength 1600, Agility 1850, Stamina 1415, Defense 1750, Spirit 1230, Bloodline Talent: Arrow Feather, Wind System]

[Vulture King: A-level mutant beast, Strength 1300, Agility 1350, Stamina 1215, Defense 1550, Spirit 1230, Bloodline Talent: Golden Body]

[Vulture King: A-level mutant beast, Strength 1250, Agility 1350, Stamina 1300, Defense 1400, Spirit 1230, Bloodline Talent: Devour]

All mutant beasts, attributes have reached a terrifying number.

At this moment, Zhao Yin's strength reached an unprecedented peak.


Song Xiaodao's wine was also brewed.

There were 400 barrels of chestnut wine, 200,000 jin!

Song Xiaodao had nothing to do, so he brewed almost all the chestnuts, except for some left for food, into wine!

And there were only 16 barrels of sugarcane wine.

Each barrel was 500 jin, a total of 8,000 jin.

There was no way, the amount of sugarcane was too small.

Emma had taken away 3,000 jin before, and only this much was left.

The last batch of 11,000 sugarcane trees, although they did not disappear, will take another two months to mature.

Zhao Yin did not have Nongfu Spring to ripen them for the time being.

His eyes fell on the newly brewed ginkgo wine.

[Bulk Yin Yang Ginkgo Wine: Grade A, Extraordinary Alcoholic Beverage, Note: Drinking two liang of wine will increase lifespan by one day, Special Effect: After drinking, you will fall into a drunken state, with confusion of consciousness, the degree of confusion depends on the strength of mental strength, Note: The user is not divided by race and strength]

Sure enough, after the ginkgo is brewed into wine, the properties are increased dramatically!

It takes about three to four ginkgo to brew two liang of wine.

If you just eat four ginkgo raw, you can only increase your lifespan by 0.4 days, but two liang of wine can increase your lifespan by one day!

There are only three hundred kilograms of ginkgo wine, which is brewed from the first day of ginkgo production. The other ginkgo is still fermenting and has not had time to become wine.

Zhao Yin directly stored all of it in the space bracelet.

In the past two days, the two corpse demons are still torturing the two forbidden objects.

As long as Zhao Yin gets close, he can hear the wailing of time and space.

But annihilation is always silent.

Time and space sent countless requests for mercy to Zhao Yin, but Zhao Yin remained indifferent.

Suddenly, the communication talisman in Zhao Yin's space bracelet vibrated.

He took it out and immediately heard Lu Ling's voice.

"Boss, if you have time, please come back!"

"The Chamber of Commerce has recently acquired a lot of Nongfu Spring!"

"Also, boss, we have acquired two more pieces of information about mutant beasts... It's just that it's a bit complicated, so you can talk about it when you get back!"

"I'll be back soon!"

After Zhao Yin replied to Lu Ling, he put away the transmission talisman and immediately took Xiaobai out of the life space.

Xiaobai hurried on as fast as he could, and arrived at the Paradise Base in three hours.


When Xiaobai landed, Lu Ling was already standing in front of Zhao Yin's statue, holding a space ring in her hand.

Zhao Yin opened his eyes of insight.

[Human female, power awakener, B-level evolver, evolution degree 100/0: strength 950, agility 1010, physical strength 680, spirit 850, superpower: B-level eye of true seeing, SS-level blood sword, life countdown: 1098003 days]

Lu Ling has been promoted to Class B!

"Boss, here are 100,000 bottles of Nongfu Spring."

Lu Ling handed over the space ring as soon as they met. Zhao Yin was very surprised when he heard this.

"so much?"

"The major forces have heard that the price for our acquisition of Nongfu Spring has increased again, and they are afraid that if we lower the price again, they will almost wipe out their wealth in the transaction!" Lu Ling explained.

It’s just that the Chamber of Commerce’s previous price reduction was so large that many people were afraid!

Zhao Yin took the space ring and inspected it briefly, with a smile on his face.

The remaining 192 macaques will all be able to activate their abilities soon!

Lu Ling continued: "Boss, we have acquired two pieces of information about mutant beasts, one of which is about a group of pseudo-mutated beasts!"

"The other one is about a mutant tiger with dual powers!"

"A mutant tiger with dual powers?"

Zhao Yin's eyes lit up when he heard this.

In his past life, he had only seen little monkeys born with double powers.

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that this mutated tiger's second power evolved from eating golden silk fruits.

But no matter what, a true mutant beast is already rare, let alone one with dual powers?

Lu Ling looked at Zhao Yin, but her next words poured cold water on him.

"Boss...this mutated tiger already has an owner!"

Zhao Yin was stunned and asked subconsciously: "Who is the other party?"

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