Doomsday Star Crystal: I have a contracted beast army

Chapter 305 Zhao Yin's Multi-Arm Ability

Recently, all the contracted beasts seem to have sensed the haze in their masters’ hearts.

They even flattered less.

𝟔𝟗Book Bar→96𝘴𝘩𝘶.𝘯𝘦𝘵

Zhao Yin still has a bunch of star crystals that have not been opened.

After two wars, there are a total of 16,249.

He called a few girls to open them all at once.

Waves of white light flashed, and everyone opened them for more than an hour in one breath.

[5289 bottles of Nongfu Spring, 2941 sandwich breads, 3025 bottles of iced black tea, 2900 compressed biscuits, 145 instant noodles, 24 cans of canned tuna]

[91 yellow peaches, 89 cans of canned beef]

[52 bottles of F-level evolution potion, 24 bottles of E-level evolution potion, 12 bottles of D-level potion]

[61 bottles of D-level healing potion, 26 bottles of C-level potion, 1 bottle of B-level potion]

[636 pieces of F-level equipment, 345 pieces of E-level equipment, 284 pieces of D-level equipment, 92 pieces of C-level equipment, 12 pieces of B-level equipment]

[153 bags of star salt]

[25 explosive arrows, 18 air-breaking arrows, 8 powerful pills]

Except for the 12 pieces of B-level equipment, the other equipment is nothing good.

Zhao Yin directly threw all the C-level equipment into the macaque group and let them distribute it themselves.

As for the lower-level equipment, Zhao Yin prepared to throw it into the space boundary wall.

In addition, three rare items were opened.

A sky-high thunderbolt!

A pair of jade talismans!

A bottle of supernatural potion!

[Mandarin Duck Sound Transmission Note: Grade S, type extraordinary auxiliary communication equipment! Effect: Consume a C-grade corpse crystal, and talk freely for ten minutes within 100,000 miles, without any environmental restrictions! Note: A pair of mandarin duck sound transmission notes need to leave a spiritual imprint on each other, and cannot communicate across boundaries]

This kind of sound transmission note, in the seventh year of the previous life, all major forces have basically mastered it.

Because its effect is not used for fighting, it is rarely damaged. Although it is rare, it will accumulate more and more as time goes by.

[Talent Supernatural Potion: Grade S, type combat-type advanced supernatural potion, after taking it, open the evolutionary bloodline hidden talent supernatural power: multi-arms]

Zhao Yin remembered that Lin Gang, who was by Lu Ling's side, had this supernatural power!

This ability can neither increase speed and strength, nor increase defense, nor can it mobilize the power of elements to attack in a large area like elemental abilities...

It is even more incomparable to other rare abilities such as domains.

It can be said that among the S-level abilities, multi-arms are definitely not strong.

But after Zhao Yin saw that it was this bottle of ability, he was shocked.

The reason is simple. Although multi-arms are not strong when used alone, if they are superimposed with other abilities, their actual combat effect even exceeds that of ordinary SS-level abilities!

Imagine Zhao Yin with top-grade equipment, terrifying speed, and eight arms waving at the same time, what kind of scene would it be?

Zhao Yin immediately put away the ability and prepared to open it later.

This time, more than 16,000 star crystals did not produce powerful combat equipment.

Zhao Yin checked the accumulation of all extraordinary food and potions in the space bracelet.

[5789 bottles of Nongfu Spring, 4521 sandwich breads, 4689 bottles of iced black tea, 4564 compressed biscuits]

After a series of battles today, these items were consumed too much and did not increase much.

[3144 instant noodles, 48 ​​cans of tuna, 200 puffs]

There are also canned yellow peaches and beef that have just been opened.

[328 bottles of D-level healing potions, 209 bottles of C-level, 24 bottles of B-level, 3 bottles of A-level]

The evolution potion is a terrifying number!

[1551 bottles of F-level evolution potions, 896 bottles of E-level evolution potions, 441 bottles of D-level evolution potions]

[And there are still 5 bottles of C-level evolution potions! ]

That day, Zhao Yin got a total of seven bottles when he killed Wang Qiang.

Let Zhou Lili and her sister use one bottle each.

The bottle used by Ning Yue was what Zhao Yin got when he killed the sea of ​​corpses before.

So there are only five bottles left.

Zhao Yin packed up everything, took out all the yellow peaches and beef cans, and ate them all one bite at a time.

This extraordinary food quickly turned into energy after entering the stomach, and did not occupy the stomach.

After eating all the yellow peaches and beef cans, the attributes soared again.

Next, Zhao Yin continued to improve his strength and took the multi-armed supernatural potion.

He has SSS-level supernatural self-healing, and now taking supernatural potions is no longer as painful as before.

Soon, Zhao Yin looked at his attributes.

[Human male, supernatural awakener, B-level evolver, evolution degree 100/0: strength 1167, agility 1198, physical strength 680, spirit 2250, talent B-level shooting, supernatural power: SS-level insight eye, A-level thunder system, SS-level swiftness, S-level multi-arms, life countdown: 300011 days]

Among the same level, Zhao Yin's basic attributes. It is already extremely terrifying.

Now, there is another powerful supernatural power!

He deliberately ignored his life countdown.

Then, Zhao Yin activated his multi-arm ability to try it out, boom!

The next moment, six arms, like snakes coming out of a hole, crawled out of Zhao Yin's body!

The dazzling gold armor seemed to have sensed the changes in the user's body and transformed itself.

A pair of arms grew on Zhao Yin's chest, back, ribs... each!

Although it was an energy transformation, it was no different from his real arms.

Each arm is muscular and wrapped in armor...

Zhao Yin closed his eyes, and when his eight arms stretched out, he looked like a big octopus.

Each of the extra six arms seemed to be born with them, and there was no obstacle to using them.

As for whether they look good or not, compared with strength, they are worthless!

"Should be equipped with six more weapons!" Zhao Yin said darkly.

He immediately took out all the B-level equipment in the space bracelet.

I got 72 B-level equipment from Wang Qiang...or Masada Xianju, and today I got another 12 pieces, a total of 84 pieces!

Among them, 23 weapons!

13 men's clothes, 3 men's pants, and 2 pairs of men's shoes!

13 women's skirts, 6 tops, 4 pants, and 1 pair of shoes!

5 women's gloves.

6 women's socks.

3 men's socks.

2 men's gloves.

1 mask!

2 shields!

Zhao Yin first picked up the mask, which was made of silver-gray unknown skin. It was very light and looked strange.

[Ashura Mask: Grade B, Type Extraordinary Defensive Equipment, Defense, 350, Effect: Mental Power +200! Special Effect: Mental Power Increased by 30%]

For ordinary people, this may be just a rare B-grade equipment.

But for Zhao Yin, it is definitely the best of the best!

His basic mental power is as high as 2250. If it increases by another 30%, it will directly reach 3000 points!

Nowadays, most evolvers have only a few hundred points of mental power. Even the top mental power users can never reach this base.

It can be said that any mental power of the native residents of this world is ineffective in front of Zhao Yin!

Zhao Yin didn't think about it anymore and put the mask on his face immediately.

Suddenly, he felt that his original mental power increased by half!

Next, he began to choose other equipment for himself.

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