Emma took Wang Xiaolei away, and Zhao Yin did not see her off.

He knew that there was no point in going, and it would only bring Wang Xiaolei more sorrow.

From beginning to end, Zhao Yin was very worried that he would hear that girl crying again.

But this time, she was very strong.

Not a sound was made.

She left silently...

Outside the door, all the contracted beasts looked up at the huge wooden boat that suddenly appeared in the sky.

Emma led Wang Xiaolei and stood at the bow.

A huge space black hole occupied the entire sky, and waves of space ripples formed waves, rolling in all directions...

Wang Xiaolei stood at the bow and waved desperately.

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"Goodbye, boss..."

"Goodbye, Xiaobai... Goodbye, Xiaodao, Sister Ningyue, Sister Lili, Sister Dandan..."

Her tears never rolled down.

"Goodbye, little monkey, Brother Niu, Brother Shu..."

When the space boat entered the black hole, Wang Xiaolei could no longer see the scene below.

It turned out that the desolate world was actually quite good...

Wang Xiaolei had already burst into tears...


Zhao Yin slowly finished smoking the cigarette and extinguished the cigarette butt. Unconsciously, he wanted to drink again.

So he took out the bottle and gulped down a big mouthful. There was no food to go with the wine, but there were memories of the past.

Zhao Yin knew that it was not only Wang Xiaolei who left today, but also Tang Tang.

That woman finally made her choice, which was also her only choice now...

Zhao Yin knew that if he had stopped Tang Tang when she made her choice, she might not have been so resolute.

But he couldn't do that after all. Under the control of the taboo, she would only suffer more and more every day until she finally endured it and accepted the most tragic death...!

In Zhao Yin's mind, Emma's words before leaving came to mind again.

"Sorry, Emma, ​​I won't become a corpse demon!"

"Neither a human nor a corpse, no emotions, no self, what's the difference between this and death?"

Zhao Yin took out the bottle of corpse demon potion, looked at it again and again, but in the end, he still didn't make up his mind to throw it away.

He put it back into the space ring and kept it carefully.

Just because Zhao Yin didn't have the confidence that he could really control everything and would not use it in the end.

Another black metal card appeared in Zhao Yin's hand, Annihilation.

At this time, it was as quiet as an ordinary object.

"Where did you come from, and who gave you the terrifying energy?"

"Why do you bring bad luck, and which camp do you belong to?"

"Why do you choose to sacrifice things that others care about, is it just a bad taste?"

Zhao Yin murmured in his heart, he knew that Annihilation could hear it.

But the card in his hand did not respond at all.

"Answer my question!"

Zhao Yin took advantage of the alcohol and exerted force in his hand suddenly, snap!

The black card suddenly cracked, and then shattered, turning into energy and slowly disappearing...

Zhao Yin was stunned. Was it destroyed so easily?


The next moment, energy appeared in the air again, condensed into the shape of a black card at a very fast speed, and flew into Zhao Yin's hand.

Zhao Yin raised his hand and swung it, and the card suddenly turned into a black stream of light and flew out of the door.

The next moment, a slight energy fluctuation appeared in Zhao Yin's palm, and the card condensed again.

This time, the condensation speed was faster than the last time, as if provoking.

It was always silent, as if it disdained to communicate with Zhao Yin.

"If you don't speak, I will shatter you 10,000 times!"

Zhao Yin said word by word: "You are not afraid of pain, but I don't believe it. You don't need to consume energy to condense your body. If 10,000 times is not enough, then 100,000 times!"


Zhao Yin exerted force in his hand, and the card shattered again.

Just like last time, it condensed quickly.

For the next three hours, Zhao Yin kept repeating this action until 10,000 times.

The black card was still in his hand.

As if annihilation was ruthless, not a word was said, only each time it gathered faster and faster.

Zhao Yin's fingers were numb from pinching!

"You are cruel!"

Zhao Yin walked out of the villa, and all the contracted beasts were waiting outside the door, sitting in a row, like snow sculptures.

The two sisters Ning Yue and Zhou Lili have been promoted to Class B.

However, after they learned that Wang Xiaolei had left, they had been waiting in front of the invisible tent and did not disturb Zhao Yin.

[Human female, awakened superpower, B-level evolver, evolution degree 100/0: strength 890, agility 900, stamina 580, spirit 750, talent: B-level massage, superpower: B-level true vision eye, SS-level ice and snow dance, life countdown: 1090001 days]

[Human female, awakened superpower, B-level evolver, evolution degree 100/0: strength 900, agility 905, stamina 585, spirit 780, talent: B-level shooting, superpower: SS-level light system, life countdown: 1091010 days]

[Human female, awakened superpower, B-level evolver, evolution degree 100/0: strength 900, agility 920, stamina 570, spirit 850, superpower: F-level peeping eye, SS-level Tao sound, life countdown: 1089512 days]

"Zhao Yin!"

"Master!" "Master!"

The three girls walked towards Zhao Yin, and their faces did not show the joy of having their strength improved.

Zhao Yin nodded, and put the three people, all the contracted beasts, and two corpse demons into the life space.

Then, Zhao Yin called Song Xiaojian.

"Brother-in-law, do you have a treasure to give me?" Song Xiaojian looked at Zhao Yin expectantly.

He knew that Zhao Yin had recently obtained a lot of corpse crystals and equipment, and there were still a lot of star crystals that had not been opened, and there were also a lot of evolution potions...

"Song Xiaojian, I'll give you a task!" Zhao Yin didn't waste time talking to him, and directly took out Annihilation: "Crush it for me 100,000 times!"

"No problem!" Song Xiaojian agreed.

When there was no battle, he could be idle, anyway, there was nothing to do.

"Brother-in-law, is there a reward for doing well?"

"If you do well, I will reward you with another pair of pants." Zhao Yin said.

"Okay!" The bald corpse demon immediately became happy.

He took Annihilation, clicked, and crushed it directly.

When he saw annihilation condense again, Song Xiaojian's dead fish eyes suddenly revealed excitement, and he kept pinching it, as if he was tireless.

Zhao Yin ignored this matter.

He had thought it through. Since there was no guarantee that he would be forced to sacrifice next time.

Then he had to minimize the loss.

Zhao Yin, unlike Tang Tang, had the core of a world.

Last time, Zhao Yin sacrificed the power of the world core in a hurry. Unexpectedly, even time and space seemed to want it very much.

This shows that taboo objects can't resist the temptation of the world core!

As long as there is a constant supply of world energy sacrifice, they will not make other plans, and Song Xiaodao and others will be safe enough.

The most important thing at present is to expand the area of ​​​​the life space.

As long as the energy of the next sacrifice does not exceed the last sacrifice, the people around him will always be safe.

This is also the biggest reason why Zhao Yin does not want to become a corpse demon.

"All fears come from insufficient firepower!" Zhao Yin clenched his fists.

He didn't believe that there would be no treasure or method to restrain the forbidden things in the world.

It's still the same old saying, strength must be improved as soon as possible.

Zhao Yin took out a large bucket of mutant blood essence from Wang Qiang's space ring.

These blood essences are the materials for making corpse magic potions, and they also contain the blood essence of mutant beasts.

"Zhou Lili, mix it with mutant crops and feed it to a few mutant beasts to see if you can open up your potential!"

"Okay, master." Zhou Lili put away the bucket of mutant blood essence and turned away.

Zhao Yin took out all the corpse crystals.

These corpse crystals mainly came from the defense battle in Guangzhou City. They were collected by Meng Ke'an and others and handed over to Zhao Yin by Lei Bing.

Because that batch of zombies was deliberately cultivated by Zhengtian Xianju to prepare for the attack on Zhongzhou, most of them were C-level, and the proportion of B-level was higher than that of other corpse seas.

[1235896 D-level corpse crystals, 1468459 C-level corpse crystals, 28756 B-level corpse crystals]

Converted to A-level corpse crystals, the total is 435.641796!

There are still 434 macaques still at B-level. Zhao Yin distributed them to them, and there were still some left.

Soon, all the macaques were promoted to A-level!

Zhao Yin took out the golden crystals that Emma gave before leaving.

"Emma said that the value of the golden crystals exceeds all the materials in my hands, but I can only find this way to use it...!"

Zhao Yin murmured: "For me, developing superpowers for the contracted people is the greatest value."

There are still 411 macaques that have not developed C-level potential and superpowers. Zhao Yin asked them to line up and absorb them one by one.

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