Doomsday Star Crystal: I have a contracted beast army

Chapter 277 Wanzhou Sea of ​​Corpses

"Mutated beast?"

Old Qin immediately shook his head: "After the evolution of zombies, wild beasts have become less and less, not to mention that mutant beasts are even rarer. How can they be so easy to meet?"

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Brother Da Ya was disappointed when he heard this.

He slowly put away the healing potion: "Since there is no news, I can't help!"

They have been searching for two days and haven't seen even a hair of a mutant beast.

Otherwise, they wouldn't ask a strange team.

"Wait a minute, brother, I'll exchange extraordinary food for healing potions with you!"

Old Qin called Brother Da Ya anxiously, and then winked at Hong Xiaotian.

Hong Xiaotian immediately took out thirty bottles of iced black tea and thirty compressed biscuits from the space ring.

"Brother, do you think these are enough? They are all our assets!"

Extraordinary materials are urgently needed in any force. Many people have never traded them, so Hong Xiaotian naturally has no concept of value.

Brother Da Ya took a look and shook his head: "Brother, it's not enough!"

"Brother, we really don't have any more. Look at the equipment on me. If you like anything, just ask!" After Hong Xiaotian finished speaking, he took off his equipment directly.

A set of C-level military uniforms and a C-level sword.

No shoes.

After all, a few days ago, Hong Xiaotian was the third leader of the Pure Land Base, and his equipment was pretty good.

Brother Da Ya's eyes lit up, and he stepped forward to pick up Hong Xiaotian's sword: "I want this sword, plus these extraordinary foods."

"Brother, thank you!" Hong Xiaotian thanked bitterly.

Lao Qin and Tang Tang on the side wanted to say something, but they didn't say anything after all.

Da Ya took out the healing potion and handed it to Hong Xiaotian. He waved his hand and put the extraordinary food into the space ring.

He was about to leave when Tang Tang suddenly asked, "Are you going to Wanzhou?"

"Is there a problem?" Da Ya's attitude became cold.

"Don't go any further. The sea of ​​corpses is coming and will soon enter Zhongzhou. I advise you to go back as soon as possible and prepare for the attack of the sea of ​​corpses!" Tang Tang said seriously.

Thinking of the horror of the sea of ​​corpses, Tang Tang's face turned a little paler.

In fact, with the number of people in Da Ya's team, it is entirely possible to rob, but he did not do so.

So Tang Tang felt that Da Ya was better than many survivors, which was also the reason for her reminder.

Da Ya was slightly stunned and subconsciously said, "Sea of ​​corpses? Is it that scary?"

"You don't know that the sea of ​​corpses has not erupted in Zhongzhou?" Lao Qin immediately asked in surprise.

During their time in Wanzhou, they saw many survivors fleeing from various states. The sea of ​​corpses was erupting all over the world.

"It broke out, but we have never seen such a small camp before. We were destroyed as soon as the sea of ​​corpses broke out!"

Because of the battle with Zhao Yin, many small forces in Zhongzhou have no real concept of the sea of ​​corpses.

They know that the sea of ​​corpses is scary, but not that scary. After all, there is still Zhao Gong even if the sky falls, right?

So in Brother Da Ya's team, few people were afraid when they heard the word "sea of ​​corpses".

"Destroyed the sea of ​​corpses?"

Tang Tang and his friends were all shocked.

"Who can destroy the sea of ​​corpses? Luocheng Military Region? Commander Meng has such strength?" Lao Qin asked in shock.

"Although Commander Meng is very strong, I heard that it was not her, but a more powerful existence. I think his name is something...!"

"Our leader, the day before yesterday, had someone build a statue for him in the camp. A strong man!"

"By the way, he seems to be called... Zhao Yin!"

As Brother Da Ya finished speaking, Tang Tang froze all over.

Lao Qin and Hong Xiaotian also widened their eyes.

"Is it him?"

Tang Tang murmured for a long while, with reminiscence in her eyes.

She knew that even if everyone in the world would die, that guy would be the last to die.

But she had never thought that Zhao Yin had grown to this point now.

"Thank you for telling me about the sea of ​​corpses. I will also give you some news!"

Big Tooth continued: "Mr. Zhao has recently been collecting information about mutant beasts at a sky-high price. As long as you have it, you can exchange it for a lot of resources!"

"As for the sea of ​​corpses, don't worry. Mr. Zhao is in Zhongzhou!"

After Big Tooth finished speaking, he led the team to turn around and leave.

He was full of confidence.

It seemed that he was really not afraid at all.

Tang Tang and others came back to their senses after a long time.

"Sister Tang Tang, we have a healing potion!" Hong Xiaotian opened the potion and fed Tang Tang to drink it.

Soon, the wound on Tang Tang's shoulder recovered rapidly, and even her face became a little rosy.

However, in order to prolong her life, she had upgraded herself to B-level without the evolution potion. A bottle of C-level healing potion could not regenerate her broken limbs.

At this moment, the snowflakes in the sky suddenly stopped.

Then, at the end of the dark clouds, locust-like figures appeared and were coming towards this side at a high speed.

The terrifying corpse roars, mixed with the sound of breaking through the air, were like the fusion of hell and the mortal world. At this moment, the whole world was shaking.

"They failed, the sea of ​​corpses is coming, run!" Lao Qin shouted and carried Tang Tang on his back.

The next moment, a gust of wind was raised on Hong Xiaotian, sweeping up the entire team and quickly running towards Zhongzhou.

Not far away, Brother Da Ya hadn't walked far when he suddenly heard a terrifying roar. Although some people in the team turned around.

Then everyone trembled.

I saw zombies with wings coming at me like locusts. At the end of my sight, the snow and wind were replaced by a sea of ​​corpses...

"Run... Run...!"

Someone shouted tremblingly, but his legs were weak and he fell down before he could run a few steps.

"It's too late!" Brother Da Ya said with a pale face.

The next moment, he was knocked down by a flesh-winged zombie, and then countless flesh-winged zombies fell from the sky, drowning the entire team in an instant.

The zombies with flesh wings piled up into a mountain of corpses, squirming madly, fighting for blood food...


"A cup to the morning sun, a cup to the moonlight, awakening my yearning, softening the cold window, so I can fly against the wind without looking back."

"Don't be afraid of rain in your heart, frost in your eyes, a cup to your hometown, a cup to the distance...!"

In the middle of the night, in a lonely villa, the girls' pleasant chorus came, the cheerful atmosphere, but the unique desolation of the end of the world.

More than 500 contracted beasts surrounded the villa, and their equipment flashed cold light in the night.

From time to time, zombies were attracted by the sound here, and before they could get close, they were killed by the contracted beasts, and the corpse crystals were taken away by the way.

Zhao Yin's former home did not survive after all.

It was decomposed by plants.

This villa was on the original site. Zhao Yin asked Lao Hei to pile up soil and was petrified by the corpse demon Zhang Jie.

A bonfire was lit in the empty living room.

Except Winnie, Song Xiaodao, Ning Yue, Zhou Lili and Wang Xiaolei were all tipsy.

I don't know who was the first to hum an old song before the end of the world.

Soon, all the girls followed suit.

Without music accompaniment, the singing of several girls was extremely pleasant.

Zhao Yin looked at the red little faces, squinting and smiling, the cigarette on his fingertips had already burned most of it.

"Zhao Yin, why don't we build a base in Gwangju!"

Song Xiaodao suddenly stood up and came to Zhao Yin around the campfire. Maybe she was drunk, she stumbled and fell into Zhao Yin's arms.

Then Loli took the opportunity to hug Zhao Yin's neck, her hot cheeks pressed against Zhao Yin's face, and whispered in his ears.

"Zhao Yin, let's build a base of our own in our hometown and never leave again, okay?"

Zhao Yin gently lifted the child's head: "No!"

Zhao Yin also wanted to see his hometown rebuilt, but he still didn't want to have too many concerns.

Besides, Zhao Yin has his own life space. Even if he takes a step back, it is not his intention to defend a city.

"Humph! You stinky Zhao Yin, you are so bad!"

Song Xiaodao punched Zhao Yin in the chest, then turned away from his arms, took out a large bowl of shrimp meat from the pot, and ate it in big mouthfuls.

At this moment, roar! roar! roar!


Outside the villa, the roars of the contracted beasts suddenly came, as if the macaques were in a rage, and then the last roar was from the little monkey, and the monkeys instantly quieted down.

Zhao Yin's expression froze, and he hurried out of the villa.

"What happened?" Zhao Yin asked.

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