"Zhao Yin, why couldn't you leave some for me when you stepped on the horse?"

Bald Song Xiaojian patted the snowflakes stained on his pants and cursed loudly at Zhao Yin.

"Did you know that after I rose to prominence, I came back to look for Wang Quan's dog? I searched for half a month, but not even a bone or dregs was left!"

Zhao Yin also looked at the big pit in front of him in shock.

If I remember correctly, this is the former site of the shooting range in Gwangju City.

The former buildings have long since disappeared, and the soil has been turned up several meters.

If this horse were placed before the end of the world, the excavator would have to work for half a month.

"Did you dig it all up?"

"I did it all!" Song Xiaojian looked at his masterpiece and nodded proudly.

"Even if he dies, there will be no bones left. I will dig three feet into the ground where he died!"

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Hearing this, Zhao Yin suddenly felt a chill running down his spine.

The corpse demon's paranoia once again refreshed his outlook on life.

At this moment, murderous intent even emerged in Zhao Yin's heart.

Although Song Xiaojian is considered a member of the team, if he is given a chance to stand up, Zhao Yin will not doubt that the other party will tear him into pieces.

Looking back at Song Xiaodao, the little Loli was also staring at the big pit in a daze, with tears flashing in her eyes.

In the end, Zhao Yin gave up the idea of ​​killing Song Xiaojian.

When Zhao Yin gave the demon-forbidden collar to Song Xiaodao and asked her to control Song Xiaojian, it was a reassurance for Song Xiaodao, and at the same time, it was also a reassurance for Zhao Yin himself.

Song Xiaodao controls Song Xiaojian, and she will not allow the other party to do any betrayal. Zhao Yin can rest assured.

And where is Song Xiaojian...

The bald corpse demon has only two obsessions, one is to wear pants, and the other is to stay with his sister Song Xiaodao and protect him forever...

With his doting sister-mad temperament, it is impossible for him to kill Song Xiaodao!

It would be different if it was Zhao Yin. Song Xiaojian couldn't defeat him, but it didn't prevent Song Xiaojian from using his conspiracy methods!

Zhao Yin restrained his murderous intent and stepped forward to take Song Xiaodao's hand: "Let's go!"

Sisters Ning Yue, Wang Xiaolei, Zhou Lili, the fifth daughter Winnie, and two corpse demons followed closely behind Zhao Yin.

Behind them were six mutant beasts walking on land and a huge group of macaques.

Bald Egg leads the group of vultures and flies in the sky.

His hometown has long been turned into a dead city. Zhao Yin once thought that if he released all his companions into the living space, he would not be... alone anymore when he walked in the withered world of his dream home.

In the wind and snow, an icy breath filled the desolation, the world, and Zhao Yin's heart.

Sometimes, once people cut off too many emotions, some of the things left behind will be magnified.

Now, his strength has become stronger, but his hometown can no longer be restored, and the memories left behind have gradually become blurred.

"Zhao Yin, do we want to go home?" Song Xiaodao asked softly.

After returning to her hometown, the lawless little Loli became much quieter, like a shy girl next door.

Zhao Yin shook his head and said, "Follow me to a place."

Before their parents died, they were both executives of state-owned enterprises. Zhao Yin was still young at that time, and the adults buried them in Gwangju Cemetery.

In his previous life, Zhao Yin knew that his parents' graves were not destroyed by the meteorite rain.

But later, the sea of ​​corpses in Seoul grew stronger and came to Gwangju City. The tombs that were not destroyed by the meteorite rain were destroyed by zombies.

This was also one of the reasons why Zhao Yin went to Seoul earlier to kill the sea of ​​corpses.

Guangzhou Cemetery is located on a low earth mountain. This place once had a nice name, Huanglong Mountain!

Most of the cracked earth mountain fell off and was covered with snow, leaving only a small patch of mountain top standing.

A few lonely tombstones, leaning crookedly on the ground,

One of them is the tomb where Zhao Yin's parents are buried together.

Although this place was not hit by meteorites, a fire spread and the tombstones were burnt black and the writing was blurred.

Zhao Yin and six girls stepped forward and gently wiped the tombstones with snow water until their parents' tombstones were spotless.

Then Zhao Yin knelt in front of the tombstone.

Various foods and drinks were taken out and placed in front of the tombstone.

Instead of burning incense, Zhao Yin put in three cigarettes and bowed deeply.

The six girls knelt down behind him and worshiped together.

"Dad, Mom, you haven't eaten extraordinary food before, it tastes great!"

"This is chestnut wine. You liked to drink it when you were alive. Your son brought a lot today. Please drink more."

"Mom and Dad, my son has brought you some girls, you must be very happy!"

"Your son is ready to succeed now...!"

Zhao Yin drank one cup after another. The debts accumulated in his previous life must be compensated in this life.

It's just that Gufen can't speak, and he doesn't know how to drink.

"Dad, Mom, no one can destroy your graves this time. Don't be afraid, your son is here!"

Zhao Yin smiled, his eyes red in the wind and snow.

He picked up a glass of wine, one cup for his parents, one cup for the end of the world...

Children without parents are desolate enough, but in the end of the world, it will be even more desolate.

Zhao Yin was very drunk, and he toasted himself with the last drink...

"Sister Tang Tang, there is a team ahead!"

Hong Xiaotian suddenly stopped, pointed forward, and said to Tang Tang, who was carried by Lao Qin.

Tang Tang raised his head weakly and looked at the group of people walking slowly in the snow.

There were about twenty people, both men and women, all wearing extraordinary equipment, obviously all evolved.

"Brother Daya, there are people ahead." Someone in the opposite team also spoke up.

The leader was a tall and strong man with a horse face and buck teeth.

"I'm not blind."

"They should have come from Wanzhou. Go and ask if they have encountered any mutant beasts along the way!"

"There are only a dozen people on the opposite side. There shouldn't be any danger. Go and take a look."

Brother Daya led the team and walked straight towards Tang Tang and others.

Lao Qin immediately put Tang Tang down, with a vigilant look on his face.

Hong Xiaotian and others also immediately took out their weapons and stared at the newcomers as if they were facing a great enemy.

Even Tang Tang put his hand in his pocket and touched the copper lamp...

Brother Daya saw this and waved his hand.

Everyone in the team stopped and put away their weapons.

"Don't be nervous. We came from Xicheng. It's just that we haven't met any survivors for a long time. Come to see if you need help."

Hearing this, Tang Tang's face also relaxed and took a few steps weakly.

"We don't need help. Are you going to Wanzhou?"

Big Tooth answered the question irrelevantly: "Beauty, your arm is broken. Do you need healing potions?"

When Hong Xiaotian and Lao Qin saw Big Tooth suddenly take out a bottle of C-level healing potion from the space ring, their eyes could not move away instantly.

Because Tang Tang was a user of taboo items, the healing drugs in the team had been used up long ago.

"Brother, how many corpse crystals can you trade to us?" Lao Qin said urgently.

"Corpse crystals?"

Big Tooth immediately shook his head: "You also know how precious C-level healing potions are. Are you sure you can take out so many corpse crystals?"

Lao Qin was stunned for a moment. He was just too concerned about Tang Tang's broken arm, so he didn't care about anything.

Now with the improvement of the level of the evolver, the effect of D-level healing potions has been greatly reduced, and those above C-level are becoming more and more precious.

I have never seen anyone take out such life-saving things for trading, so the value is naturally immeasurable.

Besides, the team doesn't have many corpse crystals...

"Let's not waste any more time. You are from Wanzhou, right? Did you get any news about mutant beasts along the way?"

Big Tooth was also very anxious and said, "As long as you tell me, this bottle of potion will be given to me for free!"

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