
The zombie king howled, shaking the entire Seoul.

The surrounding sea of ​​corpses became more and more violent.

Its entire body was hanging on the old bull's head, and it could only punch the old bull's head one by one.

At this moment, the zombie king also experienced what abnormal defense was. The zombie king who activated the giant power could not break the old bull's defense!

You know, the old bull's basic defense is 1710 points. After the armor power is activated, it is close to 4,000 points. In addition to the defense value superimposed by iced black tea, there is also an equipment bonus...

The old bull threw the zombie king to the little monkey again with force.


The huge city gate that had been prepared for a long time suddenly fell down, and the zombie king fell to the ground again like a mosquito slapped by a mosquito.

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However, this time, the little monkey was no longer prepared to let it sink into the ground. The door panel in the other hand appeared under the zombie king.

The next moment, the zombie king was bounced up again, and then hit another city gate in the sky, and then the two city gates closed at a high speed...


Like the sound of a giant bell shaking, it echoed throughout Seoul, unprecedented.

At this moment, two million people cheered in the military city.

"The commander is not dead, he is still brave and invincible, and the zombie king was beaten to scream!"

"Long live Commander Shen... Long live Seoul! Long live Daxia!"

"With Commander Shen in Daxia, why worry about not being able to rebuild our homeland?"


The zombie king's last dying howl sounded, and everyone felt that the whole sky was bright, and the accumulated corpse gas dissipated a little.

In the sea of ​​corpses.

Shen Lisui was shocked to see that the monkey suddenly roared, and the figure that was like a giant tower expanded again.

Second berserk!

This is the effect of the berserk ability being enhanced again after the little monkey evolved to A level.

At this moment, the power attribute of the little monkey soared again. The flame ability superimposed by the berserk ability also increased. The black and red flames turned 70% black...

When the terrifying high temperature rose, the door fell on the head of the zombie king!


The bald head of the zombie king exploded directly, and the brains that spewed out were burned to ashes in an instant before they could fly out.

Then, the little monkey caught six zombie star crystals and a B-level corpse crystal.

A happy smile appeared on its monkey face, just like a child. It was completely different from the previous terrifying giant ape.

Then, the little monkey ran to Zhao Yin and presented the corpse crystal and star crystal.

"Master, the little monkey brought the treasure for you."

"Don't be naughty next time!" Zhao Yin kicked the little monkey's red butt.

At this time, Shen Lisui realized that Zhao Yin's contracted beast had not used its full strength before!

He found that although they were both SSS-level psychics, he was not as good as one of the other party's contracted beasts.

Zhao Yin put away the star crystal and corpse crystal and looked back at the sea of ​​corpses.

In an instant, Zhao Yin frowned.

The entire sea of ​​corpses did not fall into chaos as expected.

With the death of the zombie king, they were still in order and suddenly their numbers increased dramatically.

The number of special zombies that had previously besieged was about 20,000 to 30,000. With the team's killing, it has been reduced to 4,000 to 5,000.

But at this moment, countless special zombies suddenly appeared on the periphery, and it was estimated that there were at least 100,000 of them.

Each of them had a terrible aura, including meat-winged zombies, strength zombies, speed zombies, defense zombies...

All the special zombies surrounded the team fearlessly.

The meat-winged zombies kept landing from the sky, harassing the team, leaving many of the team's superpowers empty.

The suicide attacks of the defense zombies greatly reduced the ability of Meng Ke'an and others to kill in a large area.

Even Zhou Dandan had speed zombies that had never appeared before appearing beside her.

Although they could not dodge the shooting speed of the star-chasing crossbow, they could dodge the vital parts of the skull. At this time, Zhou Dandan's 10,000 arrows had been used up by more than half, and they were being carried away by the speed zombies and could not be retrieved at all.

If it weren't for Ye Zang guarding Zhou Dandan, the girl would have died long ago.

Zhao Yin frowned immediately: "No, there are other zombie kings here!"

Zhao Yin had encountered this kind of thing before.

As Zhao Yin's words fell, Shen Lisui, who was sitting on the ground panting, looked ugly in an instant.

He finally understood why it was so easy for him to find the zombie king before.

It turned out that the dead zombie king was just cannon fodder!

When this terrible thought arose in Shen Lisui's mind, he suddenly felt extremely fortunate.

If Zhao Yin hadn't come here, even if he successfully killed the zombie king, he would not have given any hope to the Seoul Military Region.

It would be a waste of death!

Zhao Yin quickly calmed down and ordered loudly: "Everyone with wings, find the zombie king!"


A group of vultures that were fighting with the sea of ​​corpses quickly soared into the sky, and then even Bald Egg and Xiaobai flew out.

Finally, it was the corpse demon Zhang Jie, who also transformed into bone wings and flew into the depths of the sea of ​​corpses.

Everyone saw Zhao Yin's calmness and felt more at ease.

There were more special zombies around than Zhao Yin had imagined.

With the death of the zombie king, the number of various special zombies seemed endless, densely packed, and kept pouring towards Zhao Yin from all directions.

Without the flying contract beast, the team loses the power of the sky, which makes the flesh-winged zombies even crazier.

They no longer need to face the strangulation of flying beasts, their survival rate has become greater, and their attack methods have become more diverse.

This caused Zhao Yin's team to fall into a brief panic.

In an instant, several ordinary macaques were injured by the power-type zombies in a suicidal manner, with blood flowing all over their bodies.

"Everyone and beast, all enter Da Mao's gravity field!" Zhao Yin shouted.

"Old Hei, send sandwich bread to the injured contract beast."

The attack from the flesh-winged zombies in the sky weakened instantly.

Now, as Damao's strength has increased, its territory and coverage have reached a thousand meters.

But the gravity field is still too small, and all the people and beasts are crowded together. Although no flesh-winged zombies dare to step in, it is difficult for people and beasts to attack.

Zhou Dandan's arrows had been caught cleanly by the speed zombies.

Without her help, it would be difficult for the team to kill defensive zombies on a large scale.

This makes the team's area of ​​effect abilities lose most of their effectiveness.

Meng Kean and others had sweat on their foreheads and kept replenishing extraordinary food.

Suddenly, the team was in a hard fight, and every moment was consumed at a huge cost.

Zhao Yin looked at Lao Hei and kept delivering pieces of extraordinary food to the contracted beasts. However, the number of zombies killed by the team was completely unable to cover the consumption.

He felt as if someone was holding a knife and cutting his flesh.

This kind of consumption continues, and there is still no news from Xiaobai and Bald Dan. They don't know when they will find the zombie king who has been deliberately hidden.

Zhao Yin looked back at Shen Lisui, who was protected by the contracted beast, and asked, "Do you still want to fight again?"

Shen Lisui's eyes lit up: "Fight!"

But he was too seriously injured and all the treatment medicine had been exhausted.

Zhao Yin raised his hand, threw out five bottles of C-level healing potion, and asked, "Is it enough?"

Shen Lisui was overjoyed and raised his hand to catch it: "That's enough, enough for me to regain my fighting strength!"

"These five bottles of potion are my reward for this battle." Zhao Yin said.

Shen Lisui nodded and quickly drank all five bottles of potion.

His face slowly returned to rosy, and he stood up from the ground.

The white robe shook, and the dirty blood dripped from his body, revealing the white robe, which was as white as snow...

"Meng Ke'an, stop hiding, activate your true abilities, and bless my herd. I will bear all the costs!"

Zhao Yin gave instructions to Meng Kean.

"Aren't you afraid of being consumed?"

Meng Ke'an looked back and smiled. The next moment, she opened ten sandwich biscuits and stuffed them into her mouth one by one, turning into majestic energy and entering her belly.

A bright golden light rose on Meng Kean.

Soon, the entire team was enveloped.

The next moment, all the fursuits and ordinary equipment in the team also turned golden, as if echoing Meng Ke'an.

The equipment that Zhao Yin had previously distributed to the monkey group was all sublimated at this moment!

Humans and beasts, thousands of pieces of equipment, rays of light shining directly into the sky!

Even the territory of the lion's hair has been strengthened a bit!

Ho ho ho!

All the contracted beasts were shocked.

Golden war!

The real terrifying thing about this ability is not the ability to fight alone, it is like it was born for the army.

Zhao Yin's contract beast army is still too small, so Zhao Yin has been reluctant to let Meng Ke'an use this ability.

But at this time, in order to kill the zombie king as soon as possible, he couldn't care so much.

"Old Hei, continue to supply the team! Da Mao, the team cannot live without your gravity field! You continue to stay in the team to assist in combat!"

"Old Niu, Monkey, Dahuang, and General Shen, the four of you will accompany me and go deep into the sea of ​​corpses!"

Zhao Yin ordered loudly.

As soon as he finished speaking, he took the lead in stepping out of the gravity field.

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