Shen Lisui slowly turned his eyes and looked at the tall figure approaching.

Due to his superpower, his first impression was that this guy was not a good person.

There was nothing gentlemanly about the young man in front of him.

In addition, his equipment is extremely gorgeous. In addition to his suit, trousers and shoes, this guy also wears a pair of fingerless gloves with various rings on his fingers...

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There's even a dog-headed hat on his head!

He has the air of a post-apocalyptic rich man.

Often there are not many good people in capital!

Shen Lisui became completely vigilant, but the other party did save his life.

A smile appeared on his face: "Sir, thank you...ahem...!"

Shen Lisui opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Luocheng Military Region agrees that if I save Seoul Military Region, you will give me a piece of SSS-level equipment as reward, so there is no need to thank you."

Zhao Yin smiled and slowly stretched out his hand: "Bring me the equipment."


Shen Lisui was stunned and looked at Zhao Yin blankly.

"I...the Seoul Military District does not have SSS-level equipment...!"


Zhao Yin guessed in advance that that old guy Liu Yi was lying to him.

Sure enough, I guessed right.

"It doesn't matter. Luocheng Military Region can use other things to pay off the debt. Let's do this. A piece of SSS-level equipment is equivalent to one billion C-level corpse crystals. The Seoul Military Region should have corpse crystals, right?"


Shen Lisui was shocked. There were only more than a billion zombies in the entire Great Xia, and he needed to kill them all to pay off his debt?

Zhao Yin's face darkened: "General Shen, who is known throughout the world as a gentleman, does he want to be a deadbeat?"

A killing intent arose in Zhao Yin.

Shen Lisui suddenly felt that the air around him had turned cold.

Sure enough, he guessed right, this guy is not a good person!

But the other party is kind to me after all...

"Sir, I have used up all the corpse crystals in the Seoul Military Region, but I won't go rogue yet!"

When Zhao Yin heard this, he thought of Shen Lisui's level and immediately understood that the other party might really have no corpse crystal.

"You don't have corpse crystals, so you should have extraordinary materials, right?" Zhao Yin said.

"Extraordinary materials?"

Shen Lisui said bitterly: "To be honest, the Seoul Military Region has been besieged by a sea of ​​corpses for more than half a month. There have been numerous battles, large and small, and extraordinary supplies... and some."

He simply handed the space ring to Zhao Yin.

Zhao Yin raised his hand to take it and found that it was an S-level space ring.

After a quick check, I found that there were 214 pieces of compressed biscuits, 226 pieces of iced black tea, and 87 pieces of sandwich bread!

There are also dozens of Chinese medicine books, more than a dozen agricultural books, and three novels...

Apart from that, there is nothing.

"Sir, the supplies in the Seoul Military Region have been exhausted. I'm sorry!"

When Shen Lisui saw Zhao Yin's deflated expression, he felt inexplicably happy. Although it was inappropriate, it was really refreshing.

Zhao Yin did not expect that the Seoul Military Region would be so poor now.

"Where's the equipment? It's impossible not to have any equipment at all!"

"In successive battles, the army's equipment has been severely damaged. The soldiers in the city have one or two pieces more or less, but please be merciful, sir. It is the equipment that soldiers rely on to survive...!"

Shen Lisui begged with a grimace.

Zhao Yin was completely speechless. As for the soldiers, Zhao Yin was not willing to force them to die.

Do you dare to work hard by yourself and only have these few supplies?

But who is Zhao Yin? Even if a wild goose flies by, a handful of its feathers must be plucked.

Every time a dog passes by, he leaves a piece of poop behind.

How can you work for someone else in vain?

Zhao Yin could only take out an IOU and directly wrote down one billion.

"One billion C-level corpse crystals, I will kill this sea of ​​corpses and save you Seoul!"

Shen Lisui did not expect that in the apocalypse, someone would actually write an IOU, and the amount would be one billion.

His whole body trembled.

Facing the sea of ​​corpses, he was not afraid, nor was he afraid of the zombie king... But at this time, facing a billion debt, Shen Lisui was afraid.

"You'd better kill me!"

"If you want to kill you, why should I take action? If the general doesn't sign, I will lead my team and leave immediately."

Zhao Yin looked at the Zombie King, looking at the sea of ​​corpses, and said calmly.

Since he found the zombie king so easily, Zhao Yin must kill this sea of ​​corpses.

Zhao Yin wants to collect 1.5 million corpse crystals and countless star crystals.

Therefore, if you save the Seoul Military Region, you must get the reward.

Therefore, today, Shen Lisui has to sign whether he wants to sign or not, and even if he dies, he has to sign.

At this time, Shen Lisui understood that the guy in front of him was not a good person, and he didn't even have humanity.

"Is there interest?"

"Of course, but you owe too much corpse crystal. If the interest is too high, I'm afraid you won't be able to pay it back."

Zhao Yin said: "I don't want any benefits, just the interest of 100,000 corpse crystals every day. When will it be repaid, when will it be cancelled?"

"You also know that you want too much?"

Shen Lisui cursed in his heart.

I almost greeted Zhao Yin's ancestors once.

"Are you so fucking kind? I'm afraid you're worried that if you really drive me to death, you won't get anything, right?"

Although the interest on one hundred thousand is compared to one billion, even if it is placed in a bank before the end of the world, the interest rate is pitifully low.

But after all, there are 100,000 corpse crystals every day!

In the future, the entire Seoul Military Region will probably have to kill zombies day and night!

As for repaying the one billion principal, I'm afraid there will be no hope in this life...

"General, please rest assured. We only need to wait for a while, and most zombies will evolve to B-level. By then, the military region will only need to repay tens of millions of B-level zombie crystals. If most zombies evolve to A-level, the military region will only need to repay 100,000 A-level zombies." Jing, it’s still a good deal!”

Zhao Yin continued: "The military region only needs to worry. Before the principal is repaid, the daily interest will be one hundred thousand!"


Only then did Shen Lisui notice that the one hundred thousand interest that Zhao Yin mentioned was not one hundred thousand C-level corpse crystals, but one hundred thousand corpse crystals!

"Isn't the daily interest one hundred thousand C-level corpse crystals?" Shen Lisui asked.

Zhao Yin shook his head and said: "If calculated according to normal borrowing, the Seoul Military Region needs to pay me 10 million C-level corpse crystals as interest every day, and it will be profitable! But I'm afraid you can't afford it. These 100,000 corpse crystals are based on The levels of zombies change as they evolve!”

What he said was reasonable and he couldn't find anything wrong with it.

In other words, after most zombies evolve to B-level, as long as the Seoul Military Region has not repaid the one billion principal, even if there is one C-level corpse crystal left, the daily interest will be 100,000 B-level corpse crystals.

Extraordinary materials and equipment can also be used against corpse crystals. It doesn't matter if the military region cannot take them out for the time being. They can be accumulated slowly in the future. "

Zhao Yin seemed to be thinking about the Seoul Military Region, and then the conversation changed.

"In the past six months, the military region must have accumulated a lot of rare items that are not needed. I am willing to pay a high price. The military region should have them!"

"High price?"

Shen Lisui was stunned.

The overall strength of the Seoul Military Region is twice that of the Luocheng Military Region, and naturally it has accumulated a lot of extraordinary items that are not usually used.

It's just that those things will not appear in the hands of his commander, they will all be kept by the quartermaster.

"High price!" Zhao Yin said with certainty.

Even though Shen Lisui understood that Zhao Yin was trying to make a big deal for himself.

But at this moment, I still see the possibility of paying off the debt.

Once the zombies continue to evolve, the debt does not seem to be that big, and other extraordinary materials can also cover the debt...

"Sir, please save me the Seoul Military Region. I have a debt of one billion, and I will sign and pledge it."

When Zhao Yin heard this, he smiled. As he said, he was not worried about someone becoming a deadbeat.

After Shen Lisui signed and stamped his signature, Zhao Yin continued.

"General, do you need to protect you from the sea of ​​corpses? Paradise Security not only undertakes orders to kill the sea of ​​corpses, but also provides personal security services. After I leave, zombies will flock to you. With the general's current body...!"

"How many corpse crystals?" Shen Lisui raised his head and asked.

No need to worry about many debts, one billion is already owed.

Who cares about this fraction?

"According to the unit price set by our company, an SSS-level superpower needs one million C-level corpse crystals, but General, you have been promoted to A-level, and the price is doubling to two million!" Zhao Yin said.

"Okay!" Shen Lisui nodded.

Zhao Yin handed over an IOU again, and after Shen Lisui signed it, Zhao Yin grabbed him by the collar and took him directly back to the contracted beasts.

No zombies can get close to here.

At this moment, the three contracted beasts were still torturing the poor zombie king.

The zombie king's golden body has been covered with black blood. Due to the terrible injuries, all its energy has been exhausted.

"Stop playing around, just kill him!"

Zhao Yin scolded the three contract beasts. He could tell at a glance that these three guys were playing.

As soon as Zhao Yin finished speaking...


The old cow suddenly exerted force, and its horns penetrated deeply into the Zombie King's chest.

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