Doomsday Star Crystal: I have a contracted beast army

Chapter 348: Squeezing out the last drop of oil

In everyone's opinion, this kind of extraordinary drink can only be dispensed by Xingjing.

They opened so many Star Crystals but never released a single bottle.

Even if Zhao Yin opens it, how many will he have?

This is a treasure that can be superimposed with the properties of iced black tea!

Infinitely valuable!

𝟔𝟗Book Bar→96𝓈𝒽𝓊.𝓃ℯ𝓉

"Commander Meng, how can you live alone? We all worked hard for the military region. We have just paid off the huge debt. The military region cannot be overbearing just because of its power!" The strong man leader immediately blushed and said with a thick neck.

Facing the chestnut wine that Zhao Yin took out, almost everyone lost their minds.

"Commander Meng, hasn't the Military Region always regarded it as its own duty to protect Zhongzhou? We are all survivors of Zhongzhou, and the Military Region must leave a way to survive!"

"Mr. Zhao, how do you convert it? Please tell me a rule. Our camp is willing to exchange it for other extraordinary food!"

"Mr. Zhao...!"

Zhao Yin's heart was beating wildly. He knew that as long as he took out the chestnut wine, he would definitely make a fortune!

"Any extraordinary food, equipment, potions, rare items... can be redeemed!"

"Let's do this, one hundred pieces of extraordinary food can be exchanged for one piece of chestnut wine! Five hundred pieces of F-level equipment can be exchanged for one piece! Fifty pieces of E-level equipment can be exchanged for one piece, five pieces of D-level equipment can be exchanged, and one piece of C-level equipment can be exchanged for two. portion, and so on!”

"As for rare items, there is still no limit to collection, and the price will not make you suffer!"

His tone was still that of unlimited exchange.

This made everyone doubtful.

But no one thinks that Zhao Yin wants something expensive. After all, things are rare and valuable.

"I, the Luocheng Military Region, will redeem one hundred copies!"

Meng Ke'an directly took out fifty pieces of C-level equipment, and the attributes were better than those he had taken out before, and some of them were even top-quality equipment.

Sure enough, when the military region repaid its debts, it did not come up with the best stuff at all.

Faced with chestnut wine, she finally couldn't help it.

Then Meng Kean asked: "Do you have that many?"

Everyone else was shocked, fearing that Meng Ke'an would finish changing alone. Zhao Yin smiled and took out a large wooden barrel.

A full five hundred kilograms of chestnut wine was placed in the center of the military tent.

"Bring the container yourself!" Zhao Yin said.

Everyone opened their mouths wide and couldn't close them for a long time.

As Zhao Yin opened the lid of the barrel, the aroma of wine instantly filled the entire military tent, making everyone salivate.

Especially the strong man leader and Liu Yi, their eyes almost dropped.

Why does he have so much genuine chestnut wine?

It feels like it was brewed by Zhao Yin himself!

How is it possible? Can extraordinary wine really be brewed by oneself?

"Everyone, I have five hundred kilograms here. If you calculate it, it's two thousand five hundred servings. Is that enough?"

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Yin explained: "Don't be surprised. This is when I entered an unknown space and narrowly escaped death before I got out of it. I only have so much."

Money and silk touch people's hearts, and no one can know whether they will have any evil intentions, so he hides something.

After all, there is no reason to guard against thieves day and night.

Everyone thought Zhao Yin's words were reasonable, but they were still shocked by the amount he had.

At the same time, many people are already thinking that although 2,500 servings of chestnut wine may seem like a lot, if placed in the entire apocalypse, it would be like a drop in the ocean.

Taken from unknown space, it cannot be copied.

Therefore, these chestnut wines will only become more and more precious!

Relatively speaking, the price of Zhao Yin's customization is too cheap.

Meng Ke'an gritted his teeth and took out fifty pieces of C-level equipment again: "Zhao Yin, I'll exchange for another hundred!"

This is already all the C-level equipment in the military region's inventory!

"Mr. Zhao, I'll give you one hundred copies of my Eastern base!" The strong man leader gritted his teeth and took out forty pieces of C-level equipment. If the quantity was not enough, he directly replaced it with two thousand pieces of extraordinary food.

This is almost his entire net worth.

Immediately afterwards, the Restart Base and the Salvation Base each exchanged for a hundred copies, almost depleting their wealth.

Everyone feels that if it changes this time, it may not happen next time.

Chestnut wine will increase in value in the last days as its quantity decreases. This is a business that only makes money but does not lose money.

It is worth mentioning that this time, almost everyone brought out C-level equipment and extraordinary food.

The low-level equipment had been squeezed out by Zhao Yin before.

Even the major camps also spent their money, some exchanged one or two shares, some exchanged more than a dozen...

Now that they have used their wealth, they will naturally have to repay the balance of their previous debts.

After Zhao Yin harvested a wave of crops, he asked loudly: "Everyone, does anyone still want to change? Next, I plan to destroy another sea of ​​corpses. The remaining chestnut wine may be consumed by the contracted beasts. "

Meng Ke'an heard this and looked at Liu Yi.

The latter gritted his teeth and took out another two thousand pieces of extraordinary food.

"Mr. Zhao, Luocheng Military Region will exchange another twenty copies!"

Zhao Yin knew that this was the last drop of oil he could squeeze out.

He calmly packed five kilograms of chestnut wine and said generously: "Today, the Luocheng Military Region is our company's largest customer, and the extra five servings of chestnut wine can be regarded as a personal gift from me."

Old foxes like Liu Yi also showed gratitude in their eyes at this time.

Five servings of chestnut wine are equivalent to 500 extraordinary foods!

He put away the five kilograms of chestnut wine and bowed deeply to Zhao Yin: "Thank you, Mr. Zhao."

Now that the last drop of oil has been squeezed out.

Zhao Yin thought for a while, how could they do it without debt?

"Everyone, I also have ordinary mutated wine and a large number of mutated crops. I can give you credit."


Everyone trembled.

This Taima had just paid off its debts and was now a pauper. Many small camps, including the three major bases, had basically no hair left.

Still need to take on debt?

"Thank you Mr. Zhao for your kindness, I appreciate it." The strong man leader said.

Immediately afterwards, everyone shook their heads.

"Everyone, I will stay outside the city for one day. If any of you wants to take on debt... no, whoever wants to pay on credit, come to me at this time tomorrow. Don't wait until late."

After Zhao Yin finished speaking, he led his team directly out of the military tent and headed out of the city.

Liu Yi and Meng Ke'an did not try to retain Zhao Yin. As for showing their friendship as landlords, they were joking.

Didn’t you see that he has more than 500 contracted beasts? How many do you need to eat in one meal?

On the way, Zhao Yin began to count today's harvest.

[F-level corpse crystals are about four million, E-level corpse crystals are about one million, D-level corpse crystals are about 3.5 million, and C-level corpse crystals are more than 304,000]

[55,000 pieces of F-level equipment, 16,205 pieces of E-level equipment, 2,474 pieces of D-level equipment, and 604 pieces of C-level equipment! 】

[3420 bottles of Nongfu Spring, 2370 pieces of sandwich bread, 2407 bottles of iced black tea, 2206 pieces of compressed biscuits, 280 pieces of instant noodles]

[46 yellow peaches, 49 cans of canned beef]

[500 bottles of F-level evolution potion]

There are 17 pieces of C-level fursuits and two pieces of A-level fursuits!

4 bottles of glutinous rice wine, 97 bags of star salt, a mutated sweet potato, a monster catching net, 14 sky-piercing arrows, and 15 bursting arrows.

A golden silk fruit.

A golden crystal...!

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