Doomsday Star Crystal: I have a contracted beast army

Chapter 347 Glutinous rice wine, the last drop of oil

Zhao Yin immediately remembered his previous life, when the Seoul Military Region was destroyed just to wipe out a sea of ​​corpses.

Three years after the destruction of the Seoul Military Region, the catastrophe is still spread in the apocalypse.

Only then did Zhao Yin get the news.

Rumor has it that the zombies there are extremely terrifying, almost killing an entire state, and the number of corpses in the sea reaches hundreds of millions...

Until the fifth year of the apocalypse, no one could step into Seoul, which became a real zombie paradise.

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I remember that in the fifth year of the apocalypse, there were three SSS-level superpowers who organized manpower to clear out the sea of ​​corpses in Seoul.

Even Lin Tianfeng was invited, but Zhao Yin did not allow Lin Tianfeng to participate. At that time, the Flying White Tiger and the Earth Dragon Dog had not really grown up, and Lin Tianfeng's strength was still inferior to other SSS-level superpowers.

Later I got news that in Daxia, there were seven SSS-level superpowers, more than thirty SS-level superpowers, and an army of millions of survivors...

No one survived!

It was also because of that time that the strength of the survivors within the territory was greatly reduced!

That time, all hope of returning home was completely lost.

That time, Meng Kean and several other big guys took the lead. In order to preserve their final strength, they led the last survivors of Daxia away from the bitter cold land...

Zhao Yin looked at the young man in front of him, his eyes already a little cold.

There is no need to speculate, the catastrophe in the previous life is inseparable from this guy.

Zhao Yin in his previous life was also one of the victims.

Now I finally know the truth!

"What a good thing you did!" Zhao Yin said coldly.

The young man trembled, still not knowing what kind of trouble he had caused: "Mr. Zhao...!"

"The zombies in that forbidden area are twice as powerful as the outside world. If survivors of the same level meet, they will die, not to mention there is a zombie king!"

Zhao Yin murmured and sighed.

He is not a soft-hearted person, but this is a catastrophe for the entire nation.

He doesn't care who lives or dies, but he is afraid that his hometown will disappear, Zhongzhou will disappear, and the entire Daxia will disappear...

That kind of sadness has long been engraved in the past life. Throughout Daxia, everyone's soul is filled with fear that cannot be erased.

Zhao Yin is no exception. He doesn't want to have any burden on himself, but after all, they are all part of Daxia. Now that he is standing on a high ground, his perspective on things has naturally changed.

Zhao Yin decided in his heart: "Let's go to Seoul to have a look later!"

If you have the chance, destroy the sea of ​​corpses and get some corpse crystals by the way.

After all, although Seoul is not part of Zhongzhou, it is not far from Gwangju, and his parents' tombs are still there.

Born as a human son, Zhao Yin did not want to be destroyed by zombies again.

"What else did you get in the forbidden land? Are there golden silk fruits, or other mutant crop seeds?" Zhao Yin asked the young man.

The young man didn't know why, but suddenly, if not, he felt the murderous intention towards him in Zhao Yin.

At this time, his whole body was shaking violently.

"I didn't... didn't get the golden fruit. After the forbidden area was dispersed, I did get some crop seeds, mostly soybeans and sorghum. I later distributed them to major camps and bases. I even gave them the mutated sorghum in the Luocheng Military Region. Seeds." The young man explained.

Everyone felt Zhao Yin's coldness towards the young man, but they didn't understand the reason.

Liu Yi immediately stepped forward and said: "Mr. Zhao, what I told the leader tomorrow is correct. He was the one who donated the mutated sorghum in our military region, which has fed many people."

The military regions and major camps and bases have opened up fields. Although they cannot plant in large quantities, they still allow some people to survive.

Zhao Yin became more and more disappointed that there was no golden silk fruit.

Looking at the volume of the crystal, it was only one-fifth of what he had obtained before. Thinking about it, there were not so many mutated crops in the forbidden land, so it was possible.

He directly raised his hand and put the golden crystal into his space ring.

"How many mutant crops do you want?" Zhao Yin asked.

Xiang Mingtian lowered his head and said, "Whatever Mr. Zhao says is the amount."

Zhao Yin's eyes made him feel like a light on his back.

Where do you dare to bargain?

Zhao Yin didn't say much, walked out of the tent and took out one million kilograms of mutated crops.

Ordinary space rings can no longer hold so many crops.

This time it was in bulk, hundreds of tons of golden corn kernels, piled into a hill.

The strong visual impact left everyone in a daze.

They had previously felt that Zhao Yin might want to swallow Xiang Tomorrow's treasure, so they treated him coldly.

At this time, everyone was envious of Xiang Tomorrow.

One million kilograms, how many meals is enough for the evolvers of their respective forces?

Some small camps, to them, are simply astonishing wealth.

"Zhao Yin, how many mutated crops do you have?" Meng Ke'an's voice was hoarse.

Only she dared to ask this.

"That depends on what level of treasures you can come up with and how many treasures you have!" Zhao Yin replied calmly.

When he said "endless food" before, everyone thought it was an exaggeration. Now looking at how generous he was, everyone still felt it was outrageous, but they all believed it.

At this time, Xiang Tomorrow had already recruited several evolvers from the Salvation Base, holding space rings to try their best to contain the mutated corn.

Everyone had happy faces.

Zhao Yin knew that these people still had many treasures in their hands!

However, in the end times, they all need to keep it for themselves.

Especially in the military area, almost all of the three items they took out were beyond their use.

"Everyone, the debt repayment has come to an end." Zhao Yin spoke again.

The three major bases and the military region no longer owed debts.

The remaining debts were no longer worth mentioning to Zhao Yin.

If he wanted to squeeze the last drop of oil out of them, he had to use a big move.

He waved his hand and took out a bottle of chestnut wine.

"Everyone, next, I will discuss some business with you as the chairman of the Paradise Trading Company."

Everyone's eyes fell on Zhao Yin's hand.

No one cared at first, but then, as the exploration-type psychic exclaimed, everyone's eyes widened.

"D-level extraordinary wine, plus... plus 400 points of agility and strength... unexpectedly, it can be used by ordinary people!"

Everyone understood what this meant!

It means that as long as there is enough chestnut wine, ordinary people can completely use it as evolvers, and they are evolvers above the peak C level!

And when evolvers and psychics use it, their strength will be turned upside down!

For most people present, apart from the special effects, the added attributes alone are stronger than iced black tea!

Even for a C-level evolver who has unlocked his potential, his strength and agility are less than 400 points!

The most terrifying thing is that it can be superimposed with the attributes of iced black tea, which no other extraordinary food can replace.

Although the time is short, it can definitely play a big role at a critical moment!

"Zhao Yin, do you still have this extraordinary wine?" Meng Ke'an asked excitedly.

Zhao Yin opened the chestnut wine in front of everyone and took a big gulp.

His face was flushed, and his drunkenness became stronger.

Even looking at Meng Ke'an, he felt that this woman was a little sexier.

"You... How can you drink this treasure as ordinary wine?"

Meng Ke'an stomped his feet in anger, feeling more distressed than Zhao Yin drinking his own wine.

"I still have a lot, don't worry, as long as you can take out the treasure, there are enough to exchange for you." Zhao Yin said indifferently.

This just proves that he really has a lot.

"Zhao Yin, how do you want to exchange? I'll take care of everything in the Luocheng Military Region!" Meng Ke'an said impatiently.

Zhao Yin was slightly stunned. His chestnut wine was 15,000 kilograms, which was equivalent to 75,000 bottles of extraordinary wine!

Was she really sure she had taken care of everything?

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