This time, Zhao Yin asked Winnie to make corn cobs, a total of 15

There are 434 macaques with undeveloped potential, and each macaque gets more than 3.

The macaque that was used in the experiment before only ate a chestnut, and it increased a lot of attributes.

After all the macaques had eaten the extraordinary corn without grade, Zhao Yin opened the Eye of Insight again.

[Adult macaque: Grade B, strength 472, agility 470, stamina 280, spirit 145, mutated after infection with zombie virus]

[Adult macaque: Grade B, strength 475, agility 465, stamina 285, spirit 148, mutated after infection with zombie virus]

[Adult macaque...]

The basic attributes of all macaques are still not much different.

At this time, their basic attributes have caught up with the giant rats and vultures before developing B-level potential!

Next, as long as Zhao Yin equips them, their strength will be even stronger, or even surpass the giant rats and vultures before opening B-level potential.

If they were given iced black tea, even a B-level zombie king would be hard to kill easily...

This is why Zhao Yin was looking for primates!

They can have the dual advantages of wild beasts and humans at the same time!

"All contracted beasts are allowed to eat the mutant crops in the life space at will, but they are not allowed to waste them, and they are not allowed to catch fish in the water."

Zhao Yin said loudly. Now, as the herd grows, the rules should be established.

The previous team did not need to be taken care of, but this group of macaques is naughty.

"Yes, Master!" "Yes! Master!"

A series of voices rang in Zhao Yin's heart.

Zhao Yin felt more fulfilled than ever before, and scanned the circle again, saying: "I didn't ask you to go out to fight, stay in the space and rest."

"Yes, Master...!"

Amidst the voices, Zhao Yin turned around and walked back, and vaguely heard one of the super macaques: "Master, Monkey Twenty-three, I am willing to stab you Pi Yanzi...!"

Zhao Yin stumbled and almost fell.

Looking back, Monkey Twenty-three was looking at him with "affectionate eyes".

Zhao Yin glared at the little monkey fiercely, while the latter looked innocent.

"Master, I really didn't teach them!" The little monkey cried out in injustice.


Locheng Military District.

"The little thief will definitely come today!"

The atmosphere in the entire general's tent was depressing. The group of high-ranking military district bosses in the past were like death row prisoners about to be executed.

"Commander, how many corpse crystals have we collected?"

Meng Ke'an's face was gloomy and he didn't speak.

Liu Yi on the side sighed.

"F-level corpse crystals are 3 million, E-level corpse crystals are 760,000, D-level corpse crystals are 390,000, and C-level corpse crystals... are only 7,200!"

"The equipment that the military district can spare is 37,000 pieces of F-level equipment, 15,000 pieces of E-level equipment, 2,000 pieces of D-level equipment, and 365 pieces of C-level equipment!"

Although the military district is strong, it also needs to survive. It is impossible to take off the equipment on the soldiers to pay off their debts, otherwise it will be a dead end.

As for extraordinary food, it is even more impossible to take it out. Now that the sea of ​​corpses has erupted, who knows whether a B-level zombie king will appear again in Zhongzhou in the next moment.

The military region owes Zhao Yin a total of 1,247,600 C-level corpse crystals.

"All corpse crystals are counted as C-level corpse crystals, a total of more than 10,000!"

"All equipment is counted as C-level corpse crystals, a total of 752,000!"

"There are still 495,600 C-level corpse crystals to be paid!"

Liu Yi frowned. How can he pay back this huge debt?

"What about the evolution potion? How much is left?"

"There are 1,254 bottles of F-level evolution potion, 30 bottles of E-level, and no D-level evolution potion!" Meng Ke'an said in a low voice.

There are not enough evolution potions at all. The reason why they can be left is that the military region tightens its belt and leaves them for ordinary soldiers to make military merits.

Many evolution warriors, because they do not have enough evolution potions, directly use corpse crystals to upgrade, resulting in the inability to develop their subsequent potential.

"Take out another 500 bottles of F-class evolution potion!"

Liu Yi sighed, "It's a debt repayment, and it's also a way to make up for the previous promise to the Heaven Base."

500 bottles of evolution potion can only pay off 50,000 C-class corpse crystals.

There is still a big hole that cannot be filled.

Meng Ke'an immediately rejected: "Old Liu, now that the sea of ​​corpses has erupted, the military district needs to increase the number of evolvers...!"

Liu Yi interrupted Meng Ke'an and said, "The little thief doesn't allow us to have too much say. Now that he knows that the military district still has more evolution potions, will he give up?"

Meng Ke'an was silent. With the greed of the little thief, of course he would not give up.

If he doesn't give up, he will definitely squeeze in every possible way, and the military will be even more unlucky!

So, it's better to be single.

"According to this calculation, there are still 445,600 C-class corpse crystals missing. The little thief's usury is too terrible. Do we really want to repay with the soldiers' equipment?" Lei Bing said.

After the words fell, the military tent was silent.

Liu Yi kept smoking.

After a while, Meng Ke'an suppressed her voice and cursed: "Little thief!"

Her red lips were about to be bitten.

As a military leader and an SSS-level evolver, he was forced to this point by others!

It's not that Meng Ke'an hates Zhao Yin so much. In fact, Zhao Yin saved the main force of the military region, and she still knows how to be grateful.

She just doesn't accept it, feels aggrieved, and disdains Zhao Yin's capitalist face.

"Have all the major camps and bases come?" Meng Ke'an turned to look at Lei Bing.

"Commander, no one is missing. They came early this morning... However, they haven't collected all the corpse crystals. The number is very different. Everyone wants to get help from the military, but we...!"

"Call them in and see how many corpse crystals are missing."

Meng Ke'an said: "After all, they did not abandon the Luocheng Military Region in times of crisis. We can't let people down."

Soon, dozens of heads of major bases and camps all came to the military tent.

The huge tent was packed with people.

After asking, everyone complained.

The Eastern Base owed the most corpse crystals, a full 120,000, because the strong man leader was an SS-level mutant. In the past three days, they only collected 90,000.

The Salvation Base owed 30,000 and collected 20,000.

The Restart Base also owed about 25,000 and collected 15,000.

The other camps owed different amounts. Although they could not compare with the three major bases, their financial resources were also weaker, and no one could repay the debt!

For a moment, the military tent was filled with gloom and sorrow.

Now that there was no worry about their lives, everyone calmed down and could not face the huge loan shark.

"Did you see clearly at that time? That little thief really had hundreds of B-level mutant beasts?"

At this time, Liu Yi extinguished his cigarette fiercely, and his turbid eyes showed determination.

"Mr. Liu?" Meng Ke'an raised her head suddenly and looked at Liu Yi in surprise.

She understood what Liu Yi meant.

When he had no choice, he was determined to be a deadbeat!

"All is fair in war!"

At this moment, every wrinkle on Liu Yi's face was full of cunning.

"When he had no choice, I will bear the infamy alone!"

Everyone was shocked and understood what Liu Yi meant.

Liu Yi would not inquire about Zhao Yin's strength for no reason. He was weighing whether to be a deadbeat!

They were all excited.

The burly leader said: "I only saw that Zhao Yin has more than twenty mutant beasts!"

"Although he said there are hundreds of them, and even took out a Class A mutant carp from the space ring to prove it to us, it is not impossible, he is just bluffing!"

"Can the space ring store living things?"

"Who knows what other treasures he has, it doesn't matter, the question is how strong the little thief is!"

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