Doomsday Star Crystal: I have a contracted beast army

Chapter 339 Eighty-seven Super Pseudo-Mutated Beasts


Zhao Ying was just about to go see the monkeys when a sweet female voice sounded behind him again.

Zhao Yin looked back and saw Zhou Dandan standing there.

She was blushing and holding a space ring in her hand.

"Master, the arrows...the arrows are all ready, please check them out!"

Zhou Dandan raised the space ring towards Zhao Yin, still not daring to raise his head to look at him.

Zhao Yin understood that it must be Zhou Lili who told Zhou Dandan everything about her.

Judging from Zhou Dandan's appearance, he seemed to know even the details.

He inexplicably felt like he was being broadcast live. He coughed dryly and took the ring as if nothing had happened.

Looking down, he saw that the previously crafted arrows were all stored together, a total of 11,263!


"Thank you for your hard work. The Star Chaser Crossbow is still placed with you. These arrows will be used by you in the future!" Zhao Yin handed the ring back.

Zhou Dandan also has shooting talent, and using her will free up Zhao Yin's hands.

"Master, gave it all to me?" Zhou Dandan raised his head in surprise and met Zhao Yin's eyes.

"I hope you can reassure me." Zhao Yin said seriously.

Zhou Dandan quickly lowered his head and said: "Thank you Master for your trust. I will make Master feel at ease."

Zhao Yin raised his hand, patted her thin shoulder, and added: "Do your job well, I won't treat anyone badly."

Now that Zhao Yin has decided to keep the two sisters in the team, people naturally need to be comforted.

Zhou Dandan's little hand trembled with excitement, and when he went to pick up the space ring, he accidentally touched Zhao Yin's hand.

She felt a strong electric current flow through her whole body, and she couldn't help but tremble.

"Master, Dandan will never let you down!"

Zhao Yin had already turned around and left.

He had created a camp in his previous life and had a deep understanding of how to control people's hearts.

Even in front of his woman, he still needs to maintain his dignity.

From ancient times to the present, how many important people have been ruined due to fires in their backyards?

Being too indulgent to women is equivalent to reducing one's status and voice.

He has more than one woman, and women often become jealous after being favored.

This eventually leads to overt and covert fighting, and finally leads to madness...

Therefore, Zhao Yin did not improve Zhou Lili's status, leaving a gap between her and Ning Yue and Song Xiaodao.

With class and Zhao Yin's intimidation, there will be no fighting.

Zhao Yin moved his steps and walked to the other side of the lake.

Two corpse demons were squatting in the cabbage bushes, looking up at the cornfield.

Corpse Demon Zhang Jie was fine, but Song Xiaojian's whole body was scorched black, obviously signs of fire.

He kept eating chestnut leaves, but still did not recover.

"What are you all doing?" Zhao Yin asked knowingly.


When Corpse Demon Zhang Jie heard the sound, he immediately turned around, then rushed over quickly, knelt on his knees, and hugged Zhao Yin's legs: "Master!"

"" Song Xiaojian trembled when he saw Zhao Yin, and fear flashed in his eyes.

Zhao Yin stared at the fire wounds on his body and said with a smile: "Song Xiaojian, you are so courageous that you dare to spar with monkeys?"

"Brother-in-law, I just want to take a look. I don't mean to rob him. That damn monkey is too much!" Song Xiaojian complained with his eyes wide open.

How could Zhao Yin not know that his thieves cry to catch thieves?

He was too lazy to listen to the corpse demon's quibbles and called softly: "Big Huang."

A big yellow dog emerged from the cornfield in the distance in an instant, running wildly, its big tail waving wildly.

"Master, Dahuang will lick your shoes clean for you."

"It's not about licking shoes, it's about my uncle having an itchy skin and helping him grow his memory."

After Zhao Yin finished speaking, he walked away directly, and Song Xiaodao's screams came from behind him.

From a distance, the little monkey's voice came: "Master, that bald corpse demon really came to steal your golden crystal. I beat him up."

As if it was taking credit, it had already returned to its normal shape, running over in a clumsy jump and circling around Zhao Yin.

"Good job!" Zhao Yin casually threw a piece of pseudo-mutated beast meat to the little monkey.

The little monkey immediately took it, stuffed it into his mouth happily, and then took out a thumb-sized golden crystal: "Master, this is all that's left."

Zhao Yin was a little surprised. He didn't expect that there was still something left.

He didn't know when he would get this kind of golden crystal again in the future. Zhao Yin didn't plan to use it anymore and kept it in the space ring.

He opened his eyes of insight and looked at the 87 macaques that had grown to a height of seven to eight meters.

[Adult macaque: Grade B, strength 820, agility 815, physical strength 560, spirit 565, mutated by zombie virus infection, awakened superpower: madness]

[Adult macaque: Grade B, strength 815, agility 820, physical strength 550, spirit 575, mutated by zombie virus infection, awakened superpower: madness]

[Adult macaque...]

87 macaques, because they had eaten the silver-skin fruit before, and after being catalyzed by the golden crystals, all of them awakened their superpowers!

The 87 terrifying figures surpassed many other macaques, and each one was astonishingly powerful.

The biggest shortcoming of the pseudo-mutated beast is that it is difficult to unlock its potential and has no superpowers.

Nowadays, all their shortcomings have been made up for by Zhao Yin, and even the potential of Class B has been fully developed due to the effect of golden crystals.

At this moment, any one of them is a super pseudo-mutated beast, enough to massacre an entire camp!

"From now on, the overall strength of the contract beast army will be increased several times!"

Zhao Yin was in a good mood, but when he looked at the macaques whose potential had not been realized, he didn't like them no matter how he looked at them.

Although they are pseudo-mutated beasts, they have reached B level, and their strength is not even as good as ordinary B-level zombies. The accumulation of forced catalyzed pseudo-mutated beasts is too weak.

Previously, because Shu Liu and the others had all developed their potential, Zhao Yin's unqualified extraordinary food was not successfully tested.

At this time, Winnie, whom he called, took out an amethyst and four chestnuts.

"Winnie, make it into extraordinary food." Zhao Yin ordered.

Winnie obediently took the amethyst and chestnut and started making them immediately.

A piece of F-grade amethyst can produce four extraordinary foods.

Soon, Winnie was finished.

Zhao Yin called one of the macaques that had no development potential and asked it to eat a chestnut.

Then Zhao Yin opened the Eye of Insight.

Soon, the properties of the macaque changed.

[Adult macaque: Grade B, strength 372, agility 366, physical strength 240, spirit 142, mutated by zombie virus infection]

Zhao Yin was shocked, it was indeed possible!

Just a non-grade extraordinary chestnut, its strength and agility were increased by about fifty points each, and its physical strength was also increased by 30 points!

He also has less than four hundred F-grade amethysts and one A-grade amethyst.

I planned to save them all for future experiments.

But Song Xiaodao brewed extraordinary chestnut wine, and Zhao Yin had a vague feeling that making truly extraordinary food might require talent!

"Understanding the extraordinary, there is a long way to go. Even if I can really make extraordinary food with amethyst, so what?"

It was because what he thought before was too simple.

"It's because my current strength is too weak and it's difficult to access deeper things."

Zhao Yin murmured: "Now that the sea of ​​corpses has erupted, we need to improve our strength as soon as possible. Rather than leaving the amethyst for later, it is better to convert it into strength now!"

"Amethyst, search slowly in the future. Now that I have obtained the monkey group, if they die in battle because their strength is too low, I will definitely regret it!"

He needs to get stronger quickly.

Zhao Yin took out all the amethysts, thought about it, and finally put the A-grade amethyst back.

A-grade amethyst is the core fuel of the cross-border spaceship. You can imagine how precious it is, and Zhao Yin is unwilling to use it here.

Zhao Yin gave all 391 F-grade amethysts to Winnie and asked her to make them into non-grade extraordinary food.

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