
Tu Yi, who was the first to complete evolution, has already begun to experiment with his own powers.

Its feathers emitted a metallic, pitch-black luster as it attacked a meteorite.


As the power is turned on, just like the giant rats' Swift Claws power, both their strength and attack speed increase greatly.

It is no longer like before, either pecking with its beak or cutting with its claws, now it is flapping its wings directly.

Each of the several meters long real feathers on its wings is like a sharp sword.

With a sudden stroke, the meteorite was cut into countless pieces...

All the girls stared wide-eyed and gasped.

So scary!

Especially Song Xiaodao, her little face was tense.

She was the first person to follow Zhao Yin, and she had always had a dream to become the most powerful general in Zhao Yin's hands. However, as time went by, Song Xiaodao found that she could not catch up with Shu Liu and the others now.

"Compared to other species, are humans really the weakest?" Song Xiaodao said softly.

"In the apocalypse, there are many zombies, mutant beasts are uniquely blessed, and only humans...!"

Ning Yue was also touched: "In this apocalypse, if there is someone behind the scenes, are humans just prey in its eyes?"

Zhao Yin heard the words of the two girls and did not speak.

It's useless to talk about these things. All he can do is to continue to make himself stronger.

"Start tomorrow and come back to Guangzhou with me to have a look." Zhao Yin said.

Hearing this, the two girls put away their inappropriate thoughts and followed Zhao Yin, stepping on the carp's back again.

Zhao Yin stood alone on the fish head, with six girls behind him, all wearing bikinis, lined up.

The carp slowly swam toward the center of the lake, causing ripples. At this time, the water vapor slowly rose, forming a layer of white mist on Nanwan Lake, like a fairyland in a dream.

The contracted beasts on the shore became even happier, chasing and fighting around Nanwan Lake, and the roars of various beasts kept coming.

"Monkey, I want to eat fish!"

Lao Niu used the soul of the contract to convey his voice.

The little monkey had just shrunk its body and was riding on Lao Hei's back. Hearing the words, the little monkey heard from his heart: "Let Xiao Bai catch it, big hair will do, they are the best at catching fish!"

"Monkey, look at my beautiful hair, it's a pity that it's wet?" Xiaobai thought to himself.

"Da Mao, you and Lao Hei went into the lake. Gravity pushed the fish to the bottom of the lake. Lao Hei escaped to the bottom of the lake to retrieve it!" Bald Dan answered.

Lao Hei's eyes were filled with excitement: "I think the master must also want to eat fish."

All contracted beasts were shocked when they heard this.

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go catch it together and compete to see who can catch more!" the monkey said excitedly.

All contracted beasts immediately agreed, including six giant rats and eight vultures.

Plop! Plop!

All the contracted beasts jumped into the water like dumplings...

Zhao Yin smiled and let them have their fun.

He said to Zhou Dandan: "The contracted beasts are catching fish. You go and put them away. Then go back and make fish soup for them to drink."

Three hours later, Zhou Dandan came back three times. The contract beasts caught fish too fast.

Her A-level space ring couldn't fit in it, so she had to give it to Zhao Yin.

Zhao Yin put all the living fish back into the pool in the life space. Those bitten to death by the contracted beasts were put into the S-level space ring.

Soon, one of Zhao Yin's S-level space rings will be filled up.

Among them, there are three pseudo-mutated beasts, two D-level ones and one C-level one.

Zhao Yin now has no idea of ​​contracting the pseudo-mutated beast fish anymore. Just like the herring, he can only keep it since he conquered it.

As for fish, even if Zhao Yin makes a contract, he will only contract with real mutant beasts.

The pseudo-mutated beast fish cannot increase his combat effectiveness much, and it is impossible to waste golden crystals on fish.

On the contrary, now, the turtle meat and vulture meat will be eaten soon.

Zhao Yin directly upgraded the three pseudo-mutated beast fish to B level with corpse crystals, and then ordered the carp to come forward and kill them.

B-level pseudo-mutated beast meat can also increase the potential of the contracted beasts. Although it is not much, it does not make the contracted beasts stop eating.

Finally, after the fourth pseudo-mutated beast fish was picked up by the monkey, Zhao Yin realized something...

"How many mutated fish are there in Nanwan Lake?"

He recalled that when he met a carp, he saw a big fish and was swallowed by the carp before he could see its species.

Remember, the size of that fish is at least Class B!

As for the carp, to be promoted to level A, I don't know how many such big fish it would need to swallow!

Nan Van Lake is not a big lake, so how could so many mutant fish be born?

Previously, Zhao Yin only thought that the carp had some adventure.

It has no previous memory, and Zhao Yin cannot detect it.

At this point, it seems that things may be different than expected.

"Carp, do you know why there are so many mutant fish in Nanwan Lake?" Zhao Yin asked directly.

"Master, I only remember what happened after following the master." Carp whispered in his heart.

"Send us to the shore. Go and take a look at the bottom of the lake. If you find anything special, report it immediately!"

Zhao Yin ordered: "Don't let any part go."

"Yes! Master!"

After the carp sent Zhao Yin and the six girls to the shore, he turned around and sank into the lake.

As the huge size of the carp dived in, the lake suddenly created huge waves.

Soon, the voice of the carp came to Zhao Yin's heart: "Master, we found another pseudo-mutated beast fish, do you want to catch it?"

"Catch him!" Zhao Yin said in his heart.

After a while, the carp slowly swam to the shore with a large fish more than ten meters long in its mouth.

After it spit it out, Zhao Yin immediately checked.

It was a silver carp, and its level had reached C level!

Zhao Yin catalyzed the silver carp to B level again. After it reached more than 30 tons in size, it was slaughtered and stored in the space ring.

Each B-level fish weighed more than 30 tons. At this time, Zhao Yin had already harvested 130 tons of fish meat.

But all this frightened the contracted beast, the black carp, and it trembled in the water.

Zhao Yin sensed the emotions of the black carp, took it back to the life space, and fed it a ton of mutant corn.

Soon, the carp sent another voice.

"Master, another pseudo-mutant beast was found, it's a shrimp."

"Catch it!" Zhao Yin ordered again.

The speed of the carp catching fish is simply unmatched by other contracted beasts.

At this time, a group of birds and beasts stopped catching fish, and all returned to the shore to surround Zhao Yin and others, watching the carp catching fish alone in the lake.

After a while, the carp returned to Zhao Yin and spit out the river shrimp in its mouth.

After Zhao Yin promoted the river shrimp to B level, it also weighed more than ten tons.

Several girls were all excited.

Song Xiaodao suggested: "Zhao Yin, why don't we raise this shrimp, raise it in the lake, cut some shrimp meat every day, and we will have shrimp meat to eat!"

"You can make raw pickles, shrimp sashimi, steamed shrimp, fried shrimp chips, spicy river shrimp, shrimp soup...!"

"Anyway, chestnut leaves are endless. As long as we don't cut too much meat at a time, we don't need sandwich bread, just feed it some chestnut leaves!"

Shrimp tastes better than fish. This is the first mutant shrimp Zhao Yin has met.

Zhao Yin thought about it and said, "This is a good idea."

The river shrimp trembled when he heard it!

But now he faces a problem. If a pseudo-mutant beast is put into the life space without a contract, it will cause damage.

It is impossible for Zhao Yin to attack his contracted beast after the contract!

He simply took out the demon-catching net and threw it at the river shrimp. In an instant, the golden net covered the river shrimp.

Then Zhao Yin directly put it into the life space.

Not long after, the carp sent another voice: "Master, another pseudo-mutant beast was found, and it was a shrimp."

Zhao Yin was stunned. How many pseudo-mutants were there in this lake?

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