Doomsday Star Crystal: I have a contracted beast army

Chapter 307 The Secret of the Golden Crystal

Song Xiaojian was lying on the ground, chewing chestnut leaves.

The leaves were taken down from the tree by Da Huang. Those who didn't know would think that it was a good dog who was happy to help others!

But Song Xiaojian was really afraid of death. He knew that Da Huang cured him just for a more comfortable beating, but Song Xiaojian still ate desperately.

Zhao Yin took a look and ignored it. He quickly walked to the place where the golden crystal was buried and started digging directly.

[? Origin...]

This was the only information Zhao Yin could read. Everything before was just speculation. At this time, he felt more and more that this thing was not simple.

As soon as Zhao Yin took out the golden crystal, Song Xiaojian, who was far away, was immediately shocked.

He suddenly raised his bald head and stared blankly at Zhao Yin lifting a large piece of golden crystal.

Song Xiaojian's pair of dead fish eyes were slowly covered with black bloodshot, and his breathing became heavy.

"Zhao Yin, what is that?" Song Xiaojian asked hoarsely.

Since the golden crystal appeared, it seems that his injuries are not so serious.

Zhao Yin was also stunned. He didn't expect Song Xiaojian to react so strongly.

Although the Corpse Demon's adopted grandson was also envious, he was completely different from Song Xiaojian.

"Do you know this thing?" Zhao Yin asked back.

"I feel that thing... that thing contains extremely huge power, which can allow me to absorb it and advance to a higher level. I feel that the blood of the Corpse Demon in my body is boiling...!"

Song Xiaojian's breathing became heavier, and he looked at the golden crystal with eyes like a starving ghost.

"Zhao Yin, let me discuss something with you. Give me this crystal, and I will recognize you as my master, how about it?"

"Can you believe the Corpse Demon's words?" Zhao Yin showed a hint of sarcasm at the corner of his mouth.

Corpse Demons are evil and ruthless. They are the enemy of humans and zombies. In the end times, they are a lonely tribe.

Except for the Corpse Demon's adopted grandson, Zhao Yin can't trust any Corpse Demon.

Besides, even if he can trust, Zhao Yin can't give it to him.

This golden star crystal is too important. It is very likely that it can make all of Zhao Yin's pseudo-mutant beasts evolve into superpowers!

No treasure can replace it.

Zhao Yin is more likely to only get this one in his life!

"Can Xin, don't forget that I am your brother-in-law!" Song Xiaojian said hurriedly: "Give it to me quickly... No, I only want half, you can ask me to do anything!"

The more he cares, the more it shows the value of the golden crystal, and Zhao Yin is less likely to give it to him.

"Don't think about the crystal, I still have a great use, and I will use it all up soon!"

Zhao Yin was naturally lying to him so that Song Xiaojian would not think about it anymore.

After saying that, Zhao Yin directly put the crystal into the space ring.

"Zhao Yin, I don't want half, just give me a little, a quarter is ok, I feel that only a little can make me awaken the ability that the corpse demon should have..." Song Xiaojian shouted anxiously.

Zhao Yin, who was about to leave the life space, paused and slowly turned back.

Is this the real reason why Song Xiaojian wanted the crystal?

"What is the true ability of the corpse demon?"

"I don't know. It seems that it is just the blood memory that tells me that as long as I absorb the golden power, I can open my blood talent, that is, open more superpowers!"

Emma said that the human body is the greatest treasure, and the evolution potion is just an inducement that can enable people to open the superpowers that should exist in their bodies.

Is the golden star crystal equivalent to the evolution potion for the corpse demon?

The human evolution potion is a gift from the world, so this golden crystal can never be the corpse crystal of a powerful zombie king!

A powerful person hides the treasure he got in his head, and after death, his head comes to this world and turns into a forbidden land, and then he gets it for himself?

Zhao Yin was shocked by his own idea.

No wonder Shu Liu can evolve superpowers!

Theoretically, pseudo-mutant beasts and corpse demons are all infected and mutated by zombie viruses.

So the golden star crystal that can open superpowers for corpse demons can also open superpowers for pseudo-mutant beasts?

The only thing missing was the silver-skinned fruit, and Zhao Yin happened to have a large number of silver-skinned fruits, so many that he just gave them to Shu Liu to eat...

At this moment, all the thoughts in Zhao Yin's mind were smooth, and he just needed an experiment!

"Zhao Yin...!"

Song Xiaojian wanted to say something else, but Zhao Yin's figure suddenly disappeared from the life space.

Zhao Yin returned to the outside world and immediately called the eight pseudo-mutant vultures, six giant rats, and the green fish to his front.

Then Zhao Yin took out 150 silver-skinned fruits and gave ten to each pseudo-mutant.

"You eat all the silver-skinned fruits now." Zhao Yin ordered.

"Thank you, Master!" "Thank you, Master...!"

All the pseudo-mutants were trembling with excitement. They knew that they would also have the superpowers they had been thinking about, just like Shu Liu.

Only the green fish that swam to the shallow water area was confused, but it also learned from other pseudo-mutants and sent a simple voice: "Thank you, Master!"

After all the pseudo-mutants ate the silver-skinned fruit.

Not long after, the eight vultures and six giant rats all howled miserably, just like Rat Six before.

Zhao Yin opened the Eye of Insight and observed carefully. Soon, all the contracted beasts showed the degree of evolution.

1%, 2%...

38%, 75%...


As time passed, Bald One was the first to complete the evolution.

[Vulture: Grade B, Strength 780, Agility 805, Stamina 510, Spirit 559, mutated after infection by zombie virus, awakened superpower: Iron Feather]

Next, Vulture Three completed its evolution...

[Vulture: Grade B, Strength 770, Agility 810, Stamina 520, Spirit 570, mutated after infection by zombie virus, awakened superpower: Iron Feather]

The superpowers awakened by the two vultures were Iron Feather!

The next moment, Rat Two also completed its evolution.

[Rat: Grade B, Strength 815, Agility 805, Stamina 550, Spirit 560, mutated after infection by zombie virus, awakened superpower: Swift Claw]

[Rat: Grade B...]

Soon, all the pseudo-mutated beasts evolved. Zhao Yin found that the superpowers of the vultures were all Iron Feather, while the superpowers of the rats were all Swift Claw!

It seems that this kind of superpower awakening is not as random as that of the mutant beasts, as if there is some kind of fixedness.

It is difficult for Zhao Yin to find out what the principle is.

But he understands that from now on, all his pseudo-mutant beasts will not be worse than real mutant beasts!

Zhao Yin was not overwhelmed by the surprise, he immediately looked at the herring in the lake.

There was no change in the information on that guy.

Sure enough, it needs to be opened up with golden crystals before the silver skin fruit can take effect.

However, Zhao Yin did not plan to continue the experiment.

Now, the contracted beasts on the ground are his main combat power. He plans to subdue the pseudo-mutant beasts with all his strength in the next few days until the golden crystals are consumed.

Previously, a pseudo-mutant beast consumed about 1% of the golden crystals, and now there are about 85% left.

In other words, Zhao Yin can still cultivate 85 pseudo-mutant beasts!

That is a pseudo-mutant beast comparable to a mutant beast.

Zhao Yin thought about it and got excited.

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