"The monkey was so scared that I couldn't follow him any longer. The little monkey looked at Zhao Yin in a coy way.

This was the first time that he failed to complete the task assigned by Zhao Yin.

Zhao Yin took out a few chestnuts and threw them into the fire, raised his hand and touched the little monkey's head: "No wonder you, go and rest after eating these chestnuts!"

The little monkey was immediately flattered. He didn't expect that his master would give him something to eat. He said with a flattering look on his face: "Master, next time I meet that cow, I will kill it and eat its beef for you."

Zhao Yin frowned, that was a mad cow.

In the end, if there is no way to catch it, we can only find a way to kill it and eat the meat.

"Eat!" Zhao Yin took out the half-cooked chestnuts from the fire and rolled them one by one in front of the little monkey.

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It picked it up and wolfed it down.

It was solved in a few minutes, and the deflated belly became round again.

"Go to bed, it will be dawn in two hours." Zhao Yin looked up at the sky and said.

"Master, I can also watch the night." The little monkey communicated in his heart.

Mutated beasts controlled by the soul of the contract have an instinct to protect their master.

"Go to bed and stop nagging." Zhao Yin ordered.

The little monkey still needs to rest to recover from his injuries. After dawn, Zhao Yin will continue to kill zombies, and it will still be the main force.

Now there is only this contracted beast, and many dangerous things that Zhao Yin does not want to do personally have to be left to this monkey.

The little monkey was moved to tears when he heard this, and crawled into the tent. A few seconds later, he heard the sound of snoring.

It was also exhausted from the high-intensity battle.

When Zhao Yin heard the snoring, he also got into the tent and pulled off the fishnet stockings from the little monkey's legs.

Of course, the most important thing to wear to save his life is for him to wear it himself.

When leaving the tent, Zhao Yin glanced at Song Xiaodao beside her. What was strange was that the bruise on her face that was supposed to disappear in a few days had actually disappeared.

At this time, the outline of her facial features was not much different from her previous life, but she was a little too immature.

"Uuwu...brother, brother, don't leave me...!"

Maybe it was in her dream that she saw her brother again, hugging one of the little monkey's legs tightly, with crystal tears flowing down the corners of her eyes.

Zhao Yin took one look and left the tent, sitting by the fire with his eyes closed to relax.

All sounds within a kilometer radius were heard by him. There were no zombies in the village, but there were scattered zombies wandering in the fields, but the light of the fire would not attract the zombies.

The sky slowly became brighter.

Zhao Yin went to the ancient well again and took out more than twenty empty pure water buckets from the space ring.

Each bucket can hold about twenty liters of water. Once it is full, it can last for quite a while if you just drink it.

After collecting the water, Zhao Yin used the kitchen bucket to carry the water to the rooftop to boil. He washed half of the face with hot water, put some salt in the other half, and threw in a few chestnuts to boil.

Soon, the aroma of boiled chestnuts came out.

Zhao Yin was about to wake up Song Xiaodao and Little Monkey when he suddenly heard the sound of heavy footsteps.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Zhao Yin quickly came to the edge of the rooftop, and at the end of his sight, the buffalo from last night appeared.

Its dark and shiny cowhide was rolled up in many places at this time. The wounds were shocking. One of its eyelids drooped down, and the eyeball was covered with blood.

The buffalo ran wildly and soon came to the villa where Zhao Yin was. After taking a few breaths, he lowered his head and ate the remaining chestnut leaves on the ground last night.

There were not many leaves left on the ground, and they were quickly eaten by it. Branches as thick as a thumb were also rolled into its mouth by its big tongue, making them crunch.

At this time, a magical scene happened. The wounds on the buffalo stopped bleeding and healed visibly to the naked eye...!

Zhao Yin's eyes widened in shock. He knew that some mutated plants could heal injuries, but he didn't know that the leaves on this chestnut tree actually had this effect.

In the past life, many people knew about chestnuts, but no one knew that the leaves were the real treasure.

At this moment, Zhao Yinquan understood. No wonder the buffalo came to eat the leaves last night!

No wonder Song Xiaodao's injury on his face healed so quickly. That greedy girl must have eaten some leaves!

In fact, Zhao Yin couldn't blame Zhao Yin for discovering the effects of leaves only now. In the seven years of his previous life, he had never heard of any mutant plants that could produce two effects at the same time.

This chestnut tree went beyond Zhao Yin's understanding of mutated plants.

Zhao Yin took out a chestnut and opened the Eye of True Sight to check it.

[Chestnut: F-level mutant plant fruit, rich in nutrients]

[Leaves: F-level medicinal mutated crops, quick recovery of injuries after consumption]

There are actually mutant plants that can produce crops with two functions at the same time!

At this moment, Zhao Yin's heart was dripping with blood. The little monkey had dropped at least several hundred kilograms of leaves last night.

So ruined by this cow!

At this time, the buffalo finished eating the branches on the ground, circled around the chestnut tree, and looked up at the leaves above its head, its eyes full of longing.

It's a pity that this chestnut tree is more than 30 meters high, and cows can't climb trees.

Finally, the buffalo suddenly slammed into the trunk of the tree, bang!

There was a loud noise, the huge chestnut tree trembled violently, and the sparse leaves were forcibly knocked down.

The buffalo hummed excitedly and quickly swung its tail to pick it up and eat it.

Zhao Yin's breathing paused again. Those were his chestnut leaves. How could he let the cow continue to eat them? If he had these chestnut leaves, he would no longer be afraid of the little monkey getting hurt.

In the future, after taming other contracted beasts, he didn't know how many casualties could be reduced.

Whether the star crystal could produce food to treat injuries depended on luck. At this time, the chestnut leaves were particularly important to Zhao Yin.

There were still several thousand kilograms of leaves on the tree. How many injuries could they treat?

Zhao Yin immediately decided that he would save this chestnut tree no matter what!

At this time, the buffalo collided again, and large pieces of leaves were shaken off.

Zhao Yin couldn't bear it anymore. He took out the sniper rifle from the space ring directly, and didn't care about saving bullets. He loaded the bullet and aimed directly at the buffalo.


Zhao Yin pulled the trigger without hesitation.

He didn't ask to kill this mutant beast with armored superpowers, but only to drive it away.

The buffalo reacted quickly, tilting its head. The armor-piercing bullet that could easily penetrate the armor hit the horn, splashing sparks.

The bullet was directly smashed into pieces, but the horn was fine.

The buffalo's one eye looked over again, and its temper was aroused. It roared and rushed towards the villa with four hooves.

Zhao Yin pulled the trigger again and again.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

He stopped hitting the buffalo's head and shot at the neck, where the buffalo had the lowest defense. The first bullet pierced the buffalo's neck, splashing blood.

But this level of injury was far from enough to kill the E-level mutant beast buffalo.

The buffalo felt the pain, but became more and more angry. The next moment, a layer of fish-scale-like armor quickly grew on its cowhide, covering its entire body in the blink of an eye.

Superpower, armor!

Its terrifying muscles suddenly expanded, and its already huge and strong body became several times stronger, and its whole body was full of terrible explosive power.

Superpower, huge force!

At this time, Zhao Yin's bullets could only tear through the armor and skin at most, and finally all got stuck in the cowhide.


The buffalo hit the wall of the villa.

The whole wall collapsed instantly, and the rooftop under Zhao Yin's feet shook violently.

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