Zhao Yin suddenly thought that he had contracted this monkey for a while, but he didn't know whether it was male or female.

He grabbed the little monkey's legs and forced them apart.

Suddenly, familiar physiological features were exposed in front of him.

It was a small toothpick with two quail eggs.

At this moment, Zhao Yin didn't know why, but suddenly felt relieved.


The little monkey didn't know what shame was. Seeing that the master liked to watch, he took the initiative to open his legs: "Master, keep watching, don't you like it?"

"I like to watch Nima coins!" Zhao Yin slapped him.

The little monkey was inexplicably slapped and quickly hid aside.

"Squeak... Help!"

At this moment, a scream suddenly came from downstairs.

It was Song Xiaodao's voice. Zhao Yin was startled and ran downstairs quickly.

When he came downstairs, Song Xiaodao was sitting in a bucket full of hot water, looking in a certain direction with a look of horror: "Zhao Yin...what...what is that?"

Zhao Yin turned his head and looked at a huge monster standing under the chestnut tree. It was chewing the branches and leaves that had just been knocked down by the little monkey. It looked at Zhao Yin with a touch of indifference and indifference.

[Adult buffalo: E-level mutant beast, strength 42, agility 39, physical strength 50, defense 63, spirit 8, blood talent: huge strength, armor]

Zhao Yin took a breath of cold air. This cow has actually evolved to E-level. Its comprehensive strength exceeds that of the little monkey by a large margin, and is several times that of Zhao Yin himself!

After any mutant beast reaches E-level, due to the significant enhancement of its physique, it will have an additional defense attribute.

And the defense of the E-level mutant cow is a perverted 63 points!

Since Zhao Yin contracted the little monkey, he has never met any mutant beast again. In fact, he has been looking forward to this moment in his heart.

But when they really met, Zhao Yin was not happy. He was not sure whether he would be killed by this cow.

But Zhao Yin did not understand why this cow could evolve so fast and reach E level in just a few days!

Zhao Yin did not dare to move. One hand quietly gestured behind him, asking Song Xiaodao to go upstairs to call the little monkey, and the other hand tightly grasped the handle of the knife at his waist.

Song Xiaodao did not bother to put on clothes and ran upstairs naked.

Zhao Yin smiled at the water buffalo from a distance: "Brother Niu, hehe...!"


The water buffalo snorted and directly withdrew his eyes from Zhao Yin, seeming to disdain him, and then lowered his head to continue eating leaves.

Zhao Yin breathed a sigh of relief and quickly calmed down.

He found that with his current ability, all means would hardly have an overwhelming effect on this water buffalo.

Fortunately, the cow did not intend to attack him at present.

Soon, the little monkey came down from the building.

After it saw the buffalo, its golden hair stood up, its body swelled up rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, it activated its giant power.

It could also feel that this buffalo was not easy to mess with.

The little monkey did not take the initiative to attack, but stood in front of Zhao Yin holding the steel stick tightly, shielding its master with its body.

"Master, where... where did the buffalo come from?" The little monkey communicated with Zhao Yin, and Zhao Yin still felt the cowardice in his heart.

"God knows how there is an E-level mutant beast, let me think about how to deal with it." Zhao Yin communicated in his heart.

He was not ready to fight desperately.

At this time, the buffalo seemed to be full, looked up at Zhao Yin and the little monkey, shook its tail, and slowly turned away.

Its body size is more than five times that of an ordinary buffalo, and it walks on four legs among the ruins as if walking on flat ground.

Zhao Yin's forehead was dripping with cold sweat, and he could clearly feel that the disdain in its eyes was even deeper.

Seeing that the buffalo was about to disappear, Zhao Yin said in his heart: "Monkey, follow it quietly and see where it is going."

The monkey's huge body immediately shrank, and it followed it on tiptoe.

"Wait." Zhao Yin stopped it and quickly took off his pants... and then pulled off the fishnet stockings.

"Its speed is higher than yours. Wearing this will make you faster than it. Remember not to conflict with it."

The superpowers of this cow are huge strength and iron armor!

These two superpowers are not so rare on human superpowers, but they are particularly terrifying on a buffalo.

The little monkey obediently put the fishnet stockings on his legs, and his golden hair was immediately bound, making him look slimmer, and quickly chased in the direction where the buffalo disappeared.

Zhao Yin also put on his pants, turned around and prepared to go upstairs, and suddenly saw Song Xiaodao looking at him with a strange face.

"That...fishnet stockings are equipment opened by Xingjing, not what you think." Zhao Yin explained expressionlessly.

"You wore that dress with cartoons, too?" Song Xiaodao asked.

She had been waiting for Zhao Yin to give her the dress, but she didn't expect him to wear it himself.

"The equipment from Xingjing has powerful attributes that can increase my combat power!" Zhao Yin explained seriously, "I definitely don't have that kind of fetish."

"Oh... I know." Song Xiaodao nodded.

She turned around and suddenly took out something from the pocket of Zhao Yin's changed pants: "Zhao Yin, what is this?"

Zhao Yin was originally very satisfied with her explanation just now, but when she saw what Song Xiaodao was holding, she was shocked.

It was half a box of unused condoms!

I vaguely remember that he accidentally took it away from the hotel when he was just reborn.

For more than a month, I haven't noticed it.

Zhao Yin hurriedly stepped forward and snatched it away, and put it directly into the space ring: "Adult things, children can't touch them."

After saying that, he turned and went to the rooftop.

Song Xiaodao looked at him with strange eyes. Modern girls often use the Internet and understand many things very early.

Until Zhao Yin's back disappeared, she retracted her gaze and continued to wash clothes, but she was holding back a smile of success.

At this time, Zhao Yin's face was a little hot, so he simply stopped thinking about it, added a handful of firewood to the campfire, and sat by the fire silently waiting for the return of the little monkey.

He didn't plan to fight for a contracted beast for the time being, but the range of the buffalo's activities must be figured out. When the strength grows in the future, or when the props for hunting beasts are opened, it won't be too late to come back and find it.

Half an hour later, Song Xiaodao came back. She hung the washed clothes by the fire, and then crawled into the tent and fell asleep.

The little monkey didn't come back until three hours later.

It was holding a steel rod stained with zombie blood and brains, and its lower body was still wearing fishnet stockings, with many more scars on its body.

After asking, I found out that these injuries were not caused by fighting with the buffalo.

The buffalo didn't know what was wrong with it. After leaving here, it ran all the way to the industrial park in the western suburbs of Gwangju City.

It was the most densely populated place in the entire Gwangju City. After the outbreak of the apocalypse, a large number of zombies gathered there. Recently, Zhao Yin had not dared to go there.

The buffalo broke into the industrial park like crazy, rushing all the way, and killed countless zombies along the way, even five or six F-level zombies were killed.

Until the end, an extremely terrifying zombie appeared. The little monkey didn't know what level it was, but it was able to crush the buffalo in terms of strength!

A big battle broke out between the corpse and the buffalo, and in the end, the terrible buffalo was defeated and fled with injuries.

The little monkey was also involved in the zombie group because he followed the buffalo deep into the industrial park, and he desperately used his supernatural powers to escape back.

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