"Uncle Jiang, you are drunk!"

Lu Ling stood up quickly and shouted loudly.

She was afraid that this would cause Zhao Yin's displeasure.

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Jiang Shan waved his hand: "Xiao Lu, don't bother with adults' affairs, I'm talking to your Uncle Zhao!"

At this time, Jiang Shan was completely like a unit leader.

At this time, the corpse demon's face was already full of anger, as if the raw meat in his hand was not fragrant.

He rushed up suddenly and slapped Jiang Shan to the ground: "Master!"

Jiang Shan seemed to feel no pain at all, lying on the ground with his arms and legs spread out, and suddenly cried.

"Dead, all dead, all gone...!"

The corpse demon wanted to go up, but Zhao Yin waved his hand, indicating that he didn't need to do anything anymore.

Jiang Shan's tears rolled down his eyes.

He spoke with a hoarse voice and kept talking.

"They are all gone. How could this world suddenly be destroyed?"

"I am a soldier and a criminal policeman. They are all waiting for my protection, but... but..."

"But I didn't even protect this camp!"

"Lin Gang... Lin Gang... I miss you...!"

"Lin Gang, do you remember that I arrested you with my own hands and promised you that as long as you were really wronged, the law would definitely be fair, but... later you were still sentenced to death."

"I investigated the files and found that there was insufficient evidence that you killed that girl, so I started to overturn your case. Later, I found Now, the real murderer is the mayor's son, Wang Dayou. "

"But their power is too great, too great!"

"I can't turn the tables for you. In the end, you were sent to the execution ground. I personally escorted you...!"

"The end of the world came that day. Not only did you not hate me, but you saved my life...!"

"If I hadn't caught you, you would have seen your parents for the last time. I owe you two lives!"

"I haven't repaid you yet, why did you die...!"

Jiang Shan cried to the end, clenched his fists, and beat his chest hard, looking like a shrew.

Everyone fell silent.

From the drunk Jiang Shan, Zhao Yin seemed to know the origins of the two people.

Lin Gang was a wrongly accused death row prisoner, and Jiang Shan was a conscientious criminal policeman.

One was in the limelight before the end of the world, and the other was wronged and should have died before the end of the world.

But because of that meteorite shower, they came to the end of the world together.

From then on, the two depended on each other for survival...

Maybe Jiangshan was not completely drunk at this time, he was just venting under the influence of alcohol.

He said everything in his heart.


Lu Ling stepped forward to help Jiangshan up and dragged him into a stone house.

With a bang, Lu Ling closed the door, and Jiangshan shouted from inside.

"Brother Zhao, brother Zhao, let's continue drinking...!"

Lu Ling returned to Zhao Yin, with a very embarrassed expression on her face.

"Brother Zhao, Uncle Jiang...!"

"He drank too much." Zhao Yin said calmly.

Ning Yue suddenly asked: "Lu Ling, the camp is gone, what are your plans for the future?"


Lu Ling's face was blank, and she shook her head: "I don't know."

The camp was gone, and it seemed that she had lost all her meaning in this doomsday.

Ning Yue looked at Zhao Yin with a questioning look in her eyes.

Zhao Yin still lowered his eyelids, as if he didn't notice her gaze at all.

He knew what Ning Yue meant. Lu Ling and Jiang Shan were both superpowers. Lu Ling was a rare SS-level superpower. Her blood sword superpower was extremely powerful in the battle.

But this woman was too stupid. She was a jinx!

It was not in Zhao Yin's plan to bring humans under his command.

Wang Xiaolei was the orphan left by the old cripple, and was Xiaobai's former master, so Zhao Yin kept her.

The two slave girls could be abandoned by Zhao Yin at any time, but they were still useful at present.

In fact, Zhao Yin felt that it was enough to have Song Xiaodao and Ning Yue accompany him and a group of contracted beasts to help him.

He was living a good and simple life now. If there were more people, everything would be different.

Lu Ling didn't know that Ning Yue was playing a charade with Zhao Yin.

"Brother Zhao, can we meet again in the future?"

She knew that Zhao Yin might leave at dawn, and suddenly felt reluctant.

Zhao Yin shook his head: "I don't know."

He didn't want to meet this jinx again.

"I'm going to take care of Uncle Jiang. Goodbye, Brother Zhao." After saying that, Lu Ling turned and walked into the stone house.

Ning Yue opened her mouth, but in the end, she said nothing.

After the two female slaves cleaned up the tableware, Zhao Yin took back the invisible tent, took Song Xiaodao and Ning Yue, and sat in the beast-carrying golden house.

A group of contracted beasts left the dilapidated camp overnight.


It was dawn, and Jiang Shan finally woke up.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Lu Ling sitting alone by the bed.

"Where is the ancestor Zhao? Where did he go?" Jiang Shan asked.

Lu Ling said, "He's gone."

"Hey! Drinking will make things worse!" Jiang Shan got up and was about to chase him.

"Uncle Jiang!" Lu Ling called him, "He left last night."

"Why didn't you keep him? At least you should have waited until I sobered up!" Jiang Shan beat his chest and stamped his feet.

"If we can catch up with him, not only will we have good food and drink in the future, but our safety will also be guaranteed. Didn't you mention it to him?"

Lu Ling was stunned.

Jiang Shan sighed and seemed to have figured something out: "Boss, I don't mean to blame you. In fact, if Zhao Yin is really willing to take us in, your SS-level superpower is right in front of him, and he won't miss it."

"Uncle Jiang, I want to kill zombies!" Lu Ling suddenly stood up and said.

"There are zombies scattered around the forbidden area now. Their attributes are too scary. We should wait a little longer...!"

Jiang Shan suddenly stopped talking and seemed to understand something: "Are you taking revenge?"

Lu Ling's eyes were red and she said: "Brother Lin is dead, Xiao Hui and the others are all dead... The camp is gone, but the zombies are still there."

Besides drawing swords for Brother Lin and the others, Lu Ling didn't know what else she could do.

In this desolate apocalypse, she seemed to have lost the meaning of living.

Jiang Shan's eyes dimmed instantly.

The camp was gone, and everything seemed meaningless.

"Kill zombies... just kill zombies!"

Jiang Shan finally nodded and said, "Boss, I'll go with you!"

The two simply packed up some daily necessities and set off.

I don't know whether Jiang Shan intentionally or unintentionally took Lu Ling and headed east.

The east is the way Zhao Yin leaves.

Soon Lu Ling discovered that they didn't encounter a single zombie along the way.

On the road, I saw a lot of white dust floating on the ground. Lu Ling was very familiar with this.

Isn't it the ashes that the monkey set on fire?

"Uncle Jiang, Brother Zhao has been here!" Lu Ling said in surprise.

She didn't know why she was so happy.

Maybe, it's just because, in this lonely apocalypse, I meet an acquaintance as soon as I go out.

Jiang Shan nodded: "This guy is really everywhere!"

Lu Ling suddenly thought of something and said, "But he has killed all the zombies, what else can we kill?"

"Then follow him and kill zombies together!" Jiang Shan said matter-of-factly.

Lu Ling didn't realize that in the past, Jiangshan always walked with his head down.

As a criminal police officer, he is looking for traces to track Zhao Yin.

"No, if we follow him now, he will definitely think that we have other plans. That guy is very suspicious!"

Lu Ling said: "Let's go in another direction!"

After saying this, she changed direction and headed towards the north near the forbidden area.

Jiang Shan had no choice but to follow.

Not long after, Lu Ling discovered that ashes were everywhere.

She was stunned again.

"Zhao Yin is also chasing the zombies coming out of the forbidden area. He is also silently avenging us and the people in the camp?"

Jiang Shan said loudly, as if he was afraid that Lu Ling wouldn't hear.

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