Zhao Yin must explore the species of corpse demons.

But now he has no chance, so he can only suppress this idea.

At this time, the things in front of him have not been completed.

"Rat Six, this crystal is temporarily ineffective for you, come down and let other contracted beasts go up!"

Zhao Yin pointed at Bald One, Bald Two and Bald Three: "Come and absorb it!"

The three contracted beasts agreed in their hearts, and Rat Six also walked down the crystal.

All the contracted beasts were full of excitement.

At this time, they finally understood that the experiment the master said actually had such great benefits!

Zhao Yin did not stay and wait, and ordered.

𝟔𝟗Book Bar → 𝟿𝟼sʜᴜ.ɴᴇᴛ

"From now on, three contracted beasts will go up at a time and line up. I will leave you and the crystal in the life space. After all the energy is absorbed, the crystal will be buried. The corpse demon must not know!"

"Yes! Master!"

"Yes! Master!"


The fourteen contracted beasts all excitedly communicated with each other.

Zhao Yin ignored them and walked under the chestnut tree.

He took out the golden star crystal.

[Golden Star Crystal: Top-level extraordinary medium, randomly open extraordinary rules]

If it is really as guessed, the medium means a key, then what exactly is the opening of extraordinary rules?

The information read said "open", not "obtain".

Why not directly obtain?

Zhao Yin felt that there must be unknown risks in it.

The word "rules" is not simple at first glance!

After hesitating, Zhao Yin put away the golden star crystal again.

At this time, all his mutant beasts were in the outside world, and the pseudo-mutant beasts were also evolving, which would take more than ten hours to complete.

Zhao Yin felt very insecure.

He planned to wait until all the contracted beasts reached the peak and all guarded around him before opening the golden star crystal.

Zhao Yin simply left the life space.


At this time, it was already night.

Jiang Shan stood in front of the huge tomb and blew a bull horn, and the sad syllables echoed in the dilapidated camp.

Around the camp, there were many soul-calling flags, all made by Jiang Shan and Lu Ling during this period.

"Aren't you having a feast? What are you doing here without cooking?" Zhao Yin frowned immediately.

"Zhao Yin, I'm hungry!"

When Song Xiaodao saw Zhao Yin appear, he immediately came over with grievance.

She rubbed her belly.

Ning Yue's eyes were also a little resentful.

The six contracted beasts looked at Zhao Yin eagerly, without telepathy, but their expressions were all begging for food.

"They said they were going to treat us to a feast, but what do they mean by not cooking?" Zhao Yin was a little angry.

"Zhao Yin, Chief Lu and Chief Jiang are very sad, let them be!" Ning Yue pulled Zhao Yin's sleeve.

As if she was afraid that he would be angry about this.

Zhao Yin was not going to argue about such a small matter.

He summoned two female slaves and Wang Xiaolei, and ordered: "Take out some of the food prepared earlier, let us fill our stomachs first."

Zhou Lili immediately moved out a wooden table and put a sumptuous meal on it.

Then took out six large pots filled with hot broth and sent them to the six mutant beasts.

Zhao Yin casually threw a large piece of raw meat to the corpse demon: "My dear grandson."


The corpse demon took it excitedly and immediately went to the side to bite it.

He was hungry too!

Zhao Yin then took Song Xiaodao, Ning Yue, and Wang Xiaolei to the table to prepare for dinner.

But at this moment, the whimpering of the horns suddenly stopped.

Zhao Yin looked back and saw Jiang Shan and Lu Ling walking over.

"Zhao Zuzong, are you going to eat?" Jiang Shan shouted from a distance.

Zhao Yin's face darkened and he was immediately furious.

Ning Yue pulled his sleeve again: "Zhao Yin."

Zhao Yin calmed down and asked coldly: "Are you done?"

As the two approached, Lu Ling saw that Zhao Yin's face was not right and said hurriedly.

"I'm sorry, Brother Zhao, there are only two of us and we really can't spare anyone to cook. I thought you would come to the banquet tomorrow."

Zhao Yin was stunned, as if he hadn't made it clear at the time.

Now thinking about it, he shouldn't have stayed here to attend some ghost funeral, which was so sad and not lively at all.

"Two leaders, you haven't eaten yet, why don't you sit down and eat together?" Ning Yue stood up and asked politely.

Jiang Shan's face suddenly showed joy, and he pulled Lu Ling to sit opposite Zhao Yin.

Wang Xiaolei, who was sitting there, was startled and quickly sat on Song Xiaodao's side.

"Thank you, Master Zhao. We are not eating for nothing. This is our meal money." Jiang Shan took out ten C-level corpse crystals.

They were all obtained by Lu Ling in the forbidden area before.

The two had not eaten or drunk for several days and nights. If they were not evolvers, they would have collapsed long ago.

Jiang Shan knew how good Zhao Yin's food was.

So when he saw him setting up the table, he immediately brought Lu Ling to eat.

"Brother Zhao, this is the mutant beast meat you gave me before."

Lu Ling also took out the vulture meat.

Zhao Yin raised his hand to put away the corpse crystals and vulture meat, and his face looked better.

Now, Zhao Yin is used to drinking some wine when eating.

Jiang Shan is here, so he can't be too stingy.

"Drink some?" Zhao Yin took out a bottle of corn wine and asked.

"Thank you, Master Zhao!" Jiang Shan smiled.

This time, he seized the opportunity and was not polite to Zhao Yin at all.

Zhao Yin knew this was a shameless person and took out a few wine glasses.

After filling up the wine, he also placed a glass in front of Lu Ling.

The six of them started eating and drinking together. The two sisters Zhou Lili walked to the distance and set up a small wooden table, took out some food and started eating.

"Zongzong Zhao, which camp are you from?" Jiang Shan suddenly asked.

At this time, he would no longer think that Zhao Yin and others were really wanderers.

Zhao Yin is able to command so many terrifying mutant beasts, so he is probably an SSS-level superpower!

With his strength, if he creates a force, it will definitely be extremely powerful!

In Jiangshan's concept, with such strength, wouldn't it be foolish not to seek kingship and hegemony in the apocalypse?

Zhao Yin shook his head: "We don't have a camp."

Jiang Shan was stunned: "There is no camp?"

"No." Zhao Yin shook his head.

Soon, Jiang Shan understood something and suddenly realized: "That place before... was a space where living bodies could exist?"

Zhao Yin narrowed his eyes. He had brought Jiangshan into the life space before because he had no choice but to stay in the forbidden area.

I just felt soft-hearted and didn't kill him to silence him.

"I'm sorry, Ancestor Zhao, I have no other intentions...!"

Jiang Shan's face turned pale instantly.

He then realized that he had drunk too much.

How dare you even ask about such a thing!

If he pretends not to know, Zhao Yin may not be planning to kill him.

Wealth and silk are attractive to people. With a treasure of that level, how could Zhao Yin easily leak the news?

What's more, this is the end of the world where people eat people without spitting out their bones!

Lu Ling said quickly: "Brother Zhao, don't worry, we promise you with our lives that we will never reveal a word."

Zhao Yin squinted at Lu Ling and the two of them.

After a long while, the killing intent in the air slowly dissipated.

"I don't want to hear any news about this matter." Zhao Yin said coldly.

The warning in these words is very serious.

As long as they are not too stupid and don't want to die, they will not tell anyone.

In fact, the main reason why Zhao Yin did not silence him was the character of Jiang Shan and Lu Ling.

There will be very few people like them in the last days.

Just like an old cripple, if one dies, one is missing.

"Zhao Zong, if you give me a hundred courages, I won't dare to say nonsense!" Jiang Shan almost cried.

Sure enough, drinking makes things worse!

Zhao Yin didn't speak again, put a chopstick of food into his mouth, then picked up the wine glass, as if nothing had happened.

"drink wine."


Jiang Shan wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, picked up the wine glass tremblingly, and drank it all in one gulp.

Lu Ling also breathed a sigh of relief.

Next, the atmosphere slowly became relaxed again.

Ning Yue and Lu Ling also had a topic to talk about. They were both students in the university. They were similar in age and had a lot to talk about.

Jiang Shan was drunk, his face flushed, and he kept eating the food on the table.

While pouring wine into his mouth, he felt like a starving ghost.

Zhao Yin knew that he just wanted to block his mouth to avoid making drunken gaffes again.

But in the end, Jiang Shan was still drunk.

He patted Zhao Yin on the shoulder: "Brother Zhao, you know, don't look at me, I can't do it now. I used to be a company commander in the military region, and after I changed my job, I was also a criminal police captain!"

Zhao Yin slowly turned his head and looked at the big hand on his shoulder.

There is still blood left in Jiangshan's nails from the morning.

Jiang Shan said with a big tongue: "Brother Zhao, do you know how prosperous I was before the end of the world? I have a pair of twin daughters, both of whom are as beautiful as flowers. All young people like you want to call me when they see me. father in law!"

"My wife was in a car accident and her lower body was paralyzed, but I took good care of her. She is my first wife. If I don't treat her well, who will treat her well?"

"But everyone doesn't know that I have another lover, her name is Xiaohua, she is only twenty-seven years old. We often have sex together... Her skin..."

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